they are both still better than DRX
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Registered: | June 19, 2023 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 12:18 PM |
Posts: | 4424 |
hard work and theyve been together a long time
made perfect roster moves signing all the right players
its more competitive now and g2 core have been together so long, made the right moves and worked hard, not surprised they are so good
not win but EDG could easily make a massive run seeing as they have so much momentum
fpx saved strats all season too so theyll be a good watch
couple years off winning though
jonahP would kill any sen player in a fight
'lev icebox is free map for them' LOOOOOL
g2 team of real men like valyn leaf jonahp, unlike twink tenz zekken jqt
been good for time bro guys are just realising now
do ardiis
i agree dude 2022 champs was peak valorant
im just saying copenhagen was the most competitive masters
lol what it factually was the most competitive, DRX PRX LOUD OPTIC all at copenhagen and FPX came out on top
fpx played less chamber than most teams too ardiis was playing loads of initiator
less pressure on LEV = just player diffing KRU
when the pressure was on vs FUT they crumbled
BUT new coach and c0m way better now ofc, lev was rly insane vs kru ur right
yes? masters winning team in the games most competitive era?
have been watching ange1 since like 2017
fut and drx equal number of trophies
best player of all time aspas being diffed by icy on gekko? seen enough
FPX saved strats all season it looked like they werent trying at all i expect them to be good at champs
Vitality too high for me i dont think they can carry their performance over to champs, would swap them with FUT who are more proven internationally
and then swap fut and TH
most underrated player in the history of the game
yes i thought runner was really good in that game
Kicks is shit though im sorry
THs heavy hitters werent good in that game at all either
idk but any other team than G2 i would clown them for it
in valyn and joshrt we trust
tell those other guys to put their masters trophy on the table
vitalitys pickups were literally terrible though runner was a huge flop until he switched to sentinel where he was average at best
kicks is abysmal
the core of cender sayf and trexx carried them so hard and they were all tier 1
primmie buyout is gonna be massive, hes talons main man and prx are a tiny org compared to talon
mindfreak been playing with f0rsaken since early 2018
first match
lot of upsets i think this champs
icl if u can name all these guys off the top of your head you need to spend less time here
nobody talks about the g2 players as individuals too much bc as a team they are just insane
leaf is defo a top 5 senti for me
i dont change mine to the latest winning team every week
i dont like tex at all never have but wow he is in the form of his career atm, undeniably insane
coaching staff changes are only real ones possible, like analyst or assistant
they cant afford big players like Primmie that could be an upgrade
mindfreak and f0rsaken will never split up
less is toxic pos who throws tantrums when he doesnt get his way
tex clears
edg and g2 are in insane form atm
FPX saved strats all season for champs
use brain bro