Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 1, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2023 at 1:55 PM
Posts: 351
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a decent amount of posts and upvotes = more stars, a lot of posts and 0 stars = disgusting baiter

posted about a year ago

the team basically had 2 igls so sykko didn't have to do shit + cryo chamber abuser, bcj is decent and zekken is maybe the only person that was on that team that is legitimately a top tier player

posted about a year ago

cauanzin is better than sacy tbh, but pancada would smurf with LOUD fr

posted about a year ago

solid, everyone on the team is decent but they lack the starpower to actually win against good teams

posted about a year ago
  1. Loud
  2. Furia
  3. Leviatan
  4. Mibr
  5. The Union
  6. Kru
  7. Keyd Stars
  8. 00nation
  9. Fusion
  10. NRG
posted about a year ago

Critiquei muito o homem, graças a Deus ele ta calando minha boca pprt

posted about a year ago

Todos os camps de CS são terceirizados basicamente kkkkkkkkkk, é outro mundo, n adianta comparar com algo que a Riot faz sozinha, e no fim do dia se tu for olhar as visualizações desses mesmos campeonatos quando não tem um time/jogador famoso´é quase o mesmo do Challengers BR, quiça menos. Pega qlqr camp tier 2 q n é transmitido pelo Gaules, e mesmo um tier 1 que passa no canal de um dos parceiros dele e tal, a diferença é brutal tlgd.

posted about a year ago

Pô irmão, n acho que tenha uma unidade de jogo q faça algo tipo que tu ta falando pra campeonato tier 2, isso aí é basicamente um campeonato feito só pra formar jogador mesmo, e vez ou outra subir um timezinho pra franquia como premiação tlgd, e obvio que a audiência vai ser baixa, todos os times e jogadores relevantes tão fora do bgl kkkkkkkkkkkkkk, inclusive imagino que a Riot já esperava isso.

posted about a year ago

nah, even if you win 10x eventually an upset will happen, and you're going to lose everything

posted about a year ago

i give my opnions on shat i know, if they come out and say bcj wasnt confortable then i'll take it back, but for now i think she just made a dumb decision

posted about a year ago

she benched maybe the best player on the team to put a newcomer, she has to be blamed for this lol

posted about a year ago

the kyedae situation

posted about a year ago

gaabx, bro used to be the next big thing alongside Aspas and Heat

posted about a year ago

kru atleast have keznit, everyone on EG is bad af

posted about a year ago

Who will be the in the last place at the end of the season? i'm putting my money on EG

posted about a year ago

he's literally fluent in english, and he was the second caller on LOUD everyone knows that

posted about a year ago

this guy is pretty good, the rest of EG is trash tho

posted about a year ago

look at the role changes lol

posted about a year ago

no one is watching this game lil bro

posted about a year ago

solid, way too much post malone tho

posted about a year ago

nah tenz played well against 100T and was decent in lock in, dephh is the main problem, followed by syyko

posted about a year ago

must be people who liked XSET or sum like that, the only explanation i can think of

posted about a year ago

if Marved can do the igling i would put him on the team without hesitation lol, he's miles better than dephh mechanically

posted about a year ago

don't think that putting a guy that (i think) has never been an igl in his life would solve the problem, and tbh i don't know exactly how the transfer window work in the franchises but if possible i would just try to hire a new igl on a good tier 2 team

posted about a year ago

i agree with that, but when the players in questions are superstars in their roles i don't really see the benefit of doing this

posted about a year ago

Was kinda obviously just seeing the games but after pancada's interview it became even more clear lol

posted about a year ago

the difference is that crashies has FNS as his igl, dephh is a below average player both mechanically and strategically wise lol

posted about a year ago

he's probably the best player in americas rn, hopefully he will stay in that level

posted about a year ago

zekken is the only one of them who's actually good

posted about a year ago

yeah you're right, they also copied the glock model lol, that FAMAS in the pictures was also created by valve fr

posted about a year ago

you realize that the CS models are copies of the REAL WEAPONS, right?

posted about a year ago

fr, i remember when valve created the AK-47

posted about a year ago

noyn is just a casual like us but he has a big platform cause of his leaks lol, george Leddes is bad for an actual journalist tho

posted about a year ago

they will never drop tenz lol, hes the reason the team is popular

posted about a year ago

os caras kickaram o jogador mais skillado do time pra manter 4 bagres KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

is the standard NA thing to do, they dominate the few first tournaments of a new game then start to fall off after other regions start to care about it

posted about a year ago

we found one of the 3 the guard fans in this forum, amazing

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nah bro this series is insane

posted about a year ago

not even god can explain how murizz is playing in the franchises, bro would be mid even in challengers

posted about a year ago

i get the role flex and everything, but the team is struggling like a mf, they should just play safe and keep the players in their comfort picks

posted about a year ago

rgl and jzz are pretty good tbf, but murizzz and frz are straight up trash, tier 2 players without a doubt

posted about a year ago

his aim is obviously bad, but he's getting diffed even in the strats, so fckng trash

posted about a year ago

a longo prazo esse bgl de trocar as funções provavelmente vai dar bom, mas pqp, mt estranho ver isso

posted about a year ago

I'm actually dumb, i somewhat switched the agents names in my head, you're right

posted about a year ago

he was literally a mono raze before going pro, his raze is cracked

posted about a year ago

me deixaram de xereca pprt, posso nem dar um overrectiznho mais

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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