when you're double duelist usually there is a refragger and a entry
something is a refragger (job is to be spaced perfectly behind entry and trade)
jinggg is an entry (job is to take first space)
taking a duel mid isn't a entry, any agent can wide swing mid lol
demon1 wouldn't pick chamber in ANY meta unless there was another player on raze jett or neon, so it's not a duelist
theres a CS term for Pivot, thats what chamber is. Pivot is just someone that is installed in an angle with flashes or utility and sits there, because chamber doesnt have a dash smoke or raze nade bot and satchel, you can watch optic use utility to setup yays angles and he stays there until the kill is found.
edit: also yoru is played almost exclusively as a initiator or second entry because his TP is pretty readable, not saying yoru can't entry but the way top teams use him is as initiator in a double duelist comp usually