Flag: Poland
Registered: January 29, 2023
Last post: April 19, 2024 at 4:13 PM
Posts: 4085
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I think by SA he meant South America

posted about a year ago

Now GE and RRQ please win

posted about a year ago

If Liquid is top 3, im worried about EMEA

posted about a year ago

smartest BR fan

posted about a year ago

exit valorant
start airport speedrun

posted about a year ago

I just want GE and RRQ to win now
idc abt them losing in round 2 but SHITMEA < PACIFIC at all costs must happen!!!

posted about a year ago

fnatic is trash
navi EU's last hope

posted about a year ago

fnatic last hope for EU

posted about a year ago

😹😹😹😹😹😹 EU SUPERTEAM 😹😹😹😹😹😹

posted about a year ago

Watch MWZERA's gameplay.
Best Raze in the world.

posted about a year ago

W take by archetype

posted about a year ago

that hit hard.

posted about a year ago

finally a real question

posted about a year ago

ur not korean

posted about a year ago

Reported for Inappropriate Content
its too much now.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

thanks evvve!

posted about a year ago

bro I have 0 VP right now if I had a connection with a Rioter THE FIRST THING ID ASK THEM TO DO is to fill that shit up 😈

posted about a year ago

I did not play valorant since a month and I queued with my friends today and when we got into a match, round 3 we realized that I have the Riot Gun Buddy. I don't know how the fuck I received it. Now all my friends are saying that im in relation with a Rioter but I'm actually not. They all are not talking to me and said they'll talk to me only when I arrange buddies for them too 😟

posted about a year ago

#GEFIGHTING t3xture and skrossi own fraudMEA

posted about a year ago

Idk much about br scene but trembolona is a legend

posted about a year ago

Daily sk-

posted about a year ago

see for yourself the number of downvotes you have in this thread, you'll know who's dumb here
get some braincells fr

posted about a year ago

is portugese spoken in India too? How can I provide clips of places where portugese isn't spoken.
i can literally count ur braincells using one hand

When the enemy team is in a huge disadvantage "Uh! Vai Morrer!", which means "Uh! (You are) going to die!" is a common chant here in Brazil to create a scary atmosphere for someone, it is very common to hear it in street fights here...

posted about a year ago

this is such a dumb thread i see some weak hearted people keep making. Sad

if the players don't have any problem then who are you to judge the chanters? and you went ahead and generalized all of brazil with "is this normal in brazil"
I'm guessing you are hearing this chant for the first time and got tilted, this happens in literally every sport kid

posted about a year ago

is the site slow for everyone? 💀

posted about a year ago

CIS carries BOTnatic lmfaooooo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i wish this was the grand finals :( these guys never disappoint

posted about a year ago

not yet Chunkio

posted about a year ago

level: 268
rank: gold 2
started playing: when icebox was released

posted about a year ago

wtf lmao it is so fucked up if its true
why not the regional HQ handle it when they know the country better
Rito L

posted about a year ago

I once saw the livestream of their owner and one of their management said in response to someone asking them to change their logo "its not easy to rebrand, do u even have a company? give us 1 million dollars and we will change the logo to your choice."

terrible management

posted about a year ago

good taste

posted about a year ago

can anyone recommend me some nice hip hop/rap or energetic songs so that I don't remember my painful past and feel empowered and pumped

posted about a year ago

i just apologised for the really bad things i said abt her family. i have anger issues and i dont want her to hold on for the rest of her life that I was such a shit person whereas in reality i believe im not.

posted about a year ago

one of the best messages i've read all day <3

posted about a year ago

im reading everything brother, thanks a lot and stay healthy

posted about a year ago

Thanks to everyone in this thread.
You all have genuinely given me such valuable energy through your messages that I desire nothing but to be a better individual from now on.
I'll try my best to keep her out of my mind and delete all our memories... the messages, pictures and everything.
I'll read the messages in this thread everyday till I'm completely over her and a better person.

Love you all.

posted about a year ago

Actually I got to know that she started talking to that guy a month earlier and they started s*xting and that's fucked up that I got cheated on.
And I broke up with her because she was really immature and fought very often for silly little things, but I realised that I overreacted and said sorry to her but she doesn't want to come back because she found someone better. Yeah i forgot to add additional context.

posted about a year ago

Hi everyone,

I broke up with my girlfriend a few days ago on 13th of Feb, this was going to be the first Valentine's Day for me where I was actually going to do real stuff. But unfortunately, my luck proved to be the worst. I broke up after 11 months of relationship with this girl who's been my classmate for long. I KNOW that is the LAST place where I should be talking about this because most of you have remained single and find relationships cringy, but I couldn't help myself finding new ways to vent my thoughts into the community I've got. So I'd actually love to hear your experiences so I feel like I'm not alone going through all of this and maybe I get an advice or two on how to deal with the breakup.

The worst thing about the breakup is that my exams are just around the corner and I have no motivation to study or do anything at all. I haven't eaten anything since the last 2 days I'm just surviving on water. Yes I tried eating but trust me it didn't work. Today, as I was walking through the hallway in the school being totally depressed, I saw her kissing the guy I always feared that she would cheat me for and I was broken. I had an anxiety attack after watching that scene and felt like I poured my heart and everything to the love of my life and she did me that dirty. When I got home I saw that she uploaded stories with her new boyfriend on Instagram and I instantly unfollowed her and have been crying since 6 hours now. I know I'm a man and should not act like pussies at this time since the society doesn't want men to show feelings to this extent. But I'm actually heartbroken and I can't help myself. My parents are worried a lot and I don't want to tell them that I was in a relationship so I told them that I'm not performing good at school so they are like really worried. I tried playing Valorant or chess, the two things I loved to do in my spare time but that didn't work. I made my profile with her and we played the first match against each other and I started thinking about her and in Valorant I used to play only Jett so I told her one day that she's my Jett and yeah sounds cringe but it is what it is. Also I'm locked in my school for this year that means I can't change my school and in '24 I'll start college so that means for 1 full year I'll see her and her new boyfriend in my class everyday. I think I have the most heartbreaking end to my love story.

Also this website is really active right now because of lock in so I think that I will definitely feel better when experienced people enlighten me with their thoughts. Sorry for venting on vlr too.

posted about a year ago

i wanna know for my science prozect

posted about a year ago

everyone underestimated pacific

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

omgggggggg selugi mah boy is wakey wakeyyyy ahhhhh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is not an airport, no need to announce your arrival

posted about a year ago
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