Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 13, 2022
Last post: December 2, 2024 at 4:06 AM
Posts: 5669
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Yeah yeah we all know americans are horrible at geography, no need to remind anyone

posted about a year ago

Overhyped beats overrated
Will >>>>> Cryo

posted about a year ago

And his raze is absolute dogshit
So is his every other duelist except Jett
Will was and still is a better pick over Cryo

posted about a year ago

-assdiss + Will
-cryo +Will

posted about a year ago

Yeah consistently great at being mono chamber

posted about a year ago

Saadhak runi and k1Ngg are our last hopes

posted about a year ago

Sorry I'm busy touching grass can't watch the game
Hope the crowd is good

posted about a year ago

Last chance for swerl and signed
Honestly they threw that match against bilibili :/
At least we get to see d3ffo against top teams

posted about a year ago

No they don't
Clean 2-0 for furia

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying they should had gotten yay instead
I'm saying he isn't even fit to replace yay

posted about a year ago

Why did NRG even pick him up?
They didn't need a duelist, they already have Victor + yay was just playing chamber not even any duelists

posted about a year ago

e só existe voce de brasileiro? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
literalmente todo mundo odeia eles por causa daquele jogo da chaos no cs

posted about a year ago

Please for the love of god RNG, win this
I want them and Gank to qualify

posted about a year ago

They will
And they'll probably add some fake stuff on top of it too
That's loud fans for you (none of them are in this site thank god)

posted about a year ago

Is it possible that Yay joins? (If he hasn't made franchising already that is)

posted about a year ago

First vanity being toxic to FRTTT
Now Leaf being rude to Dgzin?
C9 is a plague

posted about a year ago

Flair check

posted about a year ago

Alguma notícia dele?

posted about a year ago

They removed a bad igl and added a superstar
Furia is 3000x better off without nzr

posted about a year ago

there's only 2 Brazilians stupid enough to agree with this thread and both of them are here

posted about a year ago

Saadhak - Turned Loud (and p much all of Brazil because of the influence) into an actual contender at international events
Seangares - Somehow turned 100T into a good team (until he left)

posted about a year ago
  1. LOUD
  2. FURIA
  3. Leviatán
  4. MIBR
  5. CLOUD9 (would be kru if they didnt drop xand)
  6. Sentinels
posted about a year ago

sean left, simple
Also cryo is the most overrated player in existence

posted about a year ago

It's not that she's bad
It's just that she is bad compared to what she used to be

posted about a year ago

I miss prime raze

posted about a year ago

Loud fans (specifically the ones that are -18 and most likely don't even watch Valorant) are making up fake shit just to hate on Sacy 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

-dephh +valyn/johnqt
Best improvement they can do

posted about a year ago

Blud spawned with a downvote 💀

posted about a year ago

Can't believe he held ethos hostage so NRG would give him the win 😭😭😭
Source: random mibr fan on twitter + bzka retweeted a post about cs 2

posted about a year ago

Chegou nos 1000 postos começou a perceber os efeitos de longo prazo do vlr.gg

posted about a year ago

Já era pra Sentinels ter dropado o Sykko no momento que eles não conseguiram pegar a line inteira da Xset, pegaram o pior jogador deles de longe...
Imagina um mundo onde o Ayrin entrou na Sentinels ao invés do Dephh

posted about a year ago

Valyn no lugar dele ja iria automaticamente levar eles pra Tokyo

posted about a year ago

Roster lock existe amigão

posted about a year ago

Agora que já foi confirmado que o Sacy não quer ser IGL, eu queria saber a opinião de vocês sobre o IGL do Dephh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro is shooting zekken corpse for no reason kkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

cope harder

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that round was IMPOSSIBLE to win
Marved only won because TuyZ disconnected, blud literally peeked TuyZ with his knife out, stop day dreaming

posted about a year ago

you praying for TenZ suffering?

posted about a year ago

it wont get replayed lol
they'll just give the point to loud

posted about a year ago

marved saw tuyz before being low hp but sure

posted about a year ago

por que ela deu info falsa pra xset kkkkkkkkkkk
é incomparavel com um round que é IMPOSSIVEL de ser ganho
nem se botasse o prime nieSoW ali ele ganhava

posted about a year ago

shit will be worst than the VK incident

posted about a year ago

dar replay em um round com 10 segundos faltando, ta drogado?

posted about a year ago

ah yes, 1-1 is worse than -7 for sureeeeee buddy

posted about a year ago

TenZ is not coming back lil bro

posted about a year ago

Do you even read what you're saying?
Sacy and pANcada's roles were reversed literally because of TenZ and zekken existing, and surely you don't think TenZ is better than zekken, still confused?

posted about a year ago
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