LOL he prob sarcastic
Flag: | Singapore |
Registered: | July 4, 2023 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 5:43 AM |
Posts: | 554 |
wait where u get this from is there a source?
to be fair i actually wanted chichoo to win the mvp he been sleep on
tbf china still under asia so 2nd trophy for asia RAHHH
shut the fuck up fake fan you are the main reason people is hating on the prx fandom
kinda feel bad for th fans getting prx treatment (this is not a hate towards th fans)
yikes a toxic sen fan spotted
gonna be honest with u even edg coach praise prx because prx scrim with them a day before edg beats sen
call me a glazer but i am watching prx rounds
hard to face it but i agree
knew u still love prx some where in ur heart
hardest cope i heard. way more harder then any prx cope
i can name some a few that ruining the image of prx fandom
srs cant believe this fake ass prx fan not supporting edg when prx help edg to beat sen
omg butter dog ur back with prx im so happy to see u with the flair again
if you think about it every tournament is a micky mouse
bro u might be the biggest prx fan i ever seen constantly seeing you bringing up prx even it not related them ππ
plus u used to be a prx flair why change flair
idk man pacific looks quite bad this champs only left drx man
who is that i have nvr heard of him b4 can you send a link to his profile i wannne see what he comment
thanks you for opening ur eyes man b0lkyl0tt0c0 has been runining prx reputation fanbas
dam did spirit fell off after tour where they won?
gonna say this i dont hate jing im just criticising his agents pool and sometimes his gameplay that all
i know he a kind guy outside the game
i need to know which team is currently dominating iem cologne 2024 plus is team spirit in the tour dont rlly keep up for cs esport
(im a navi and team spirit fan for cs)
gonna be honest with you prx wont be making a roaster change anytime soon. if they dont do it they got to force jing learn a new agent/role
forsakken is ok on some ini plus forsakken can flex on other role
bro dont diss our team like this diss b0lkyl0tt0c0 ππ