TL have clear calling issues or something isn’t meshing because they only win if Sayf and friends are feeling it. NAVI went out in groups in embarrassing fashion and once again feels like a calling issue as the players should be playing much better. FUT are ok they still lost to the worst DRX we’ve probably ever seen, and as far as the other two go you with changes they have potential but until then it isn’t the case. As of right now imo NAVI are the only team that could bounce back and actually break out in Champs (if calling improves from ANGE1 and he gets his head out of his ass) along with the fact that some teams refuse to adapt to metas and think they’ll do fine. As of right now EMEA as a whole doesn’t look the best
TLDR: EMEA have IGL/Coach issues, and refuse to adapt to metas.