100T is fun af to watch. but their fun factor is getting ruining by these GOLD2 babies. can yall just do me a favor and 3-0 these mfs real quick thanks.
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Registered: | August 8, 2023 |
Last post: | February 8, 2025 at 5:46 PM |
Posts: | 122 |
100T is fun af to watch. but their fun factor is getting ruining by these GOLD2 babies. can yall just do me a favor and 3-0 these mfs real quick thanks.
brotha g2 are just boring as all hell to watch. id rather watch 2023 kc vs 2023 dfm. then maybe ill get some real entertainment.
alr, point im tryna make is...
do u think old optic would win in this day and age. lets say they all magically got back together now. would they win split 2 americas or whatever region and then easily win champs? no.
now fnatic has the same ROSTER but diff head coach. does that matter. prob not. they r ouuta form and its obvious. I'm not saying that 2023 form fnc will shit on every team in existence but ur takes make no sense jesus man
thank you brotha ive been saying this to ppl all day lmfao. hard to get some logic into their thick skulls.
what part of leo is sick and they cant comm isn't in proper English you bum.
alr lets compare.
optc 2022: 2nd place challengers split 1, 1st reykjavik, 1st place chall split 2, 3rd copenhagen, 2nd champs.
fnc 2023: 1st lock in, 2nd emea, 1st tokyo, 4th champs
are the accomplishments the same level of difficulty? fnc is in franchising and its a whole new year with whole new teams and players? but that doesn't invalidate optc's accomplishments... I'm just saying ur tryna point out one flaw.
also every1 knows that loud threw away their chances to take out fnc with them. boostio said in a post match interview after winning against PRX IN THE GRAND FINALE that FNC are (now were) the best team and that they would beaten them and won. only reason they didn't is b/c loud hate losing and hold grudges. watch matches more recent than 2024 please and thank you :)
ive been saying this all day and its nothing but hate crimes and constant verbal abuse LMFAO.
me when: g2 are boring to watch. this americas final blows. teams r good but I cant watch.
diehard fans: stfu kys cringe fa***t die die die die
yeah who said they were a bad team? no one is calling them shit, unless maybe you are?
listen to the post-match interview next time. chronicle said that they were talking very quietly and doing little comms b/c leo has an illness and cant handle a lot of stuff going on very well atm. also he hard carried and didn't comm AT ALL.
fix ur attention span and maybe u wont talk out of ur ass the next time bud
idk how any of yall can call this boring. you've got all the turkies aiming like freaks. if this isn't entertaining idk what is...
FNC fan speaking truth is insane surely. esp after fns got retired by bili bili right? crashies and victor tried to salvage their careers with lil ol buddy marved, and through they were 5 head by bringing in demon1 and ethan right? just saying 😊
phd icl, but i said preteen and you completely missed out on that. also if you were old enough to have any sort of PhD, you wouldn't be calling anyone a schizo 💀
be better and be more mature thanks for reading bud. ima be the bigger person and step away. 😊
if u talking about icy, thats too far. i thought he looked like sid from ice age. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
why do we give immature preteens privilege 💀💀💀💀💀
brotha did u even watch the match. th played like pussies and fnc put them in their place. dw ASPAS and friends r gonna get put in their place in shanghai.
did a OXYGEN flair just call another team boring? gl winning ascension bud. MXS has u guys on a leash all year dw. BARK BARK
dw KC got shit on outta the park. 2023 KC SOLO 2024 KC LMFAO have fun in BERLIN BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH EVERYBODY LAUGH
FNC getting closer to 2023 form. they reverse sweep SMOKED TH and leo has a shitty illness. they weren't coming almost all game or just had quiet comms. -> chronicle said this at the end of the EMEA stream in an interview after the win.
if FNC get back to form and maybe get even better, we might just smoke all of yall. TBD.
first of all, let me start out by saying: NO MF OFFENSE TO ANY G2 FANS. YOUR TEAM IS GOOD. just a quick psa...
alr, is it just me or is G2 the most boring team to watch... everything they do is just slow, and boring, and more boring. don't get me wrong... they're a GREAT TEAM. Trent is arguably one of the best initiators in Americas rn (maybe top 10 itw). Prof. P is just a masterclass. valyn is a really good igl. icy looks good. and leaf is having a good transition off duelist.
yeah my bad man. lets have boostio leave and 100t will crumble again. eg is an AMAZING EXAMPLE. demon1 and ethan getting spat on. c0m had 1 good series and then got hard carried by aspas and kingg. and lets not forget my goat jawgemo. brotha solo diffed the entire sen and nrg roster SINGEHANDEDLY. demon1 said he'll take care of aspas? nah, jawg took care of HIM. and Ethan. and OPTIC CORE. and TENZ. and ZEKKEN. and 2022 world champ initiator. and johnqt rookie year masters winner. and yeah zellsis I guess...
where tf is my boy leo. hes been hard carrying fnc along with alfa and chron
lost to TGRD. only reason hes winning is thanks to cryocells and boostio XAXA
if u want to keep cryo on the list he's no 5. he isn't bad, but he hasn't done anything praise-worthy internationally yet. we'll see in Shanghai...
does anybody know what's up with Leo? Ik he has some kinda health issue but nobody's saying anything else. thanks.
yeah fs. that or prx since they have a lot of fans (mainly from SEA and OCE).
not the g2 banner 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
i have got mononucleosis let me suffer in peace thank you sir blyat
noticing a trend here... (since 2021). when SEN is doing WELL, FNC does SUBPAR. when FNC is doing WELL, SEN does SUBPAR.
2021 - SEN insane first part of the year and beat FNC twice ez. THEN REST OF YEAR... SEN FALL OFF and FNC is okay?
2022 - SEN falls off hard, FNC not to hot but doing ok.
2023 - SEN shitting themselves... FNC shitting on the competition.
2024 - SEN goes nuclear first part of the year. FNC falls off the face of the earth. NOW SEN ARE OUT AND FNC COME BACK.
if this becomes a trend for the whole year; curry for zellsis?
here's your daily dose of attention.
they're not even on the same wavelength. aspas been in the game since 2021/2022. n4rrate's team got relegated in t2.
on a real note, aspas is the most consistent fucker I've ever seen. he just doesn't play bad. a good majority of the time he's at the top of the scoreboard at the end of the series... it's nuts. him or less. prob just androids tbh. only time they play bad is when they need a tune-up 💀💀💀.
yeah but he left EMEA. WONDER WHY 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
FLAIR 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
nah but fr... "braindead saadhak" made it to Madrid without aspas hard carry and got top 4. KC and TH got SMOKED and they SMOKED FNC and NAVI.
in FNC we trust | come back stronger and win (please?).
100% serious. i CANNOT find a single SEN hate thread. i get that there's still the GENG match tomorrow, but still...
minus the fans, what did SEN do to get this much hate? and where do all the haters go AFTER SEN do well?
I like the trash-talk; yk it gives the game a little bit of competition and rivalry, and the fans can participate in it as well... but SEN gets more than the rest, and when they do good all the haters leave and its 100% glaze. like seeing their team play though. very synergized...
"shitnatic" has 2 trophies alone. APAC and CHINA as 2 whole regions have NONE. 0. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
im not saying that what he said is CAP. its true yeah. there's just more variables in the mix than oh they do this we do that ezpz.
i mean lets be real. DRX AINT REAL. they been doing the same shit since 2020...
LOUD aint been the same since losing sacy, pancada, and especially aspas. how bout yall stop letting go of ur good players. who's next to leave... less?
yall realise you're saying this while u can see the map the whole time. the coaches and players cant. its hard to think of all the variables in the moment, and the coaches can only say so much during the timeouts. also, the opposing coach can also talk to the players to potentially counter the info that the enemy coach will give...
why is this so true. they lost to every team at champs last year except for FNC 💀💀💀
but johnqt got all the babes 💀💀💀 I cant LOL
april showers puts FNC back in power
when does victor play?
nah, but seriously: