is it? i'm so out of touch, i thought warnet has been purged to hell.
masih ada ya ternyata.
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Registered: | August 19, 2023 |
Last post: | March 15, 2025 at 3:14 PM |
Posts: | 4217 |
is it? i'm so out of touch, i thought warnet has been purged to hell.
masih ada ya ternyata.
screwface -14 is wild
EX-E is such a good acronym
i think it's because the val community is small and the players aren't really dedicated to be competitive enough.
just like csgo.
depends on your criteria of a "rising star", is it someone who played for T2 team and then going to T1 or completely unknown player?
iZu and jemkin could be the main rising stars, blazek1ng, egoist and xccurate are dark horses for the title too.
true, man is not even proven YET.
realistically yeah. bleed got more money than boom so they can make an international roster.
i bet my ass if they get into regional league they will keep their current roster and not getting any upgrade by benching/firing old guy severine.
ngl the bottom kinda too pretentious.
everything else was good.
this roster can go very good, or very bad. there's no in between.
their best player is not even benkai, their best player is probably blazek1ng based on how he performed on 2 LANs (reg vcl+ascension)
Benkai didn't even performed well, not since copenhagen
Ja and EJAY are decent. pacific becomes a clout league fr
that's xccurate bro. he's not even visible on the comms UI on the left.
more clout translates to more viewership which means more fans and money come in.
i think it's a win-win situation, and most of these players aren't bad.
hope this one is actually a giga banger not like last year.
bruh berserx fell off harder than my mom dropped me as a baby.
doma can't even carry indian t2
i don't doubt benkai, blazeking and russ because they have massive brainedge but LF and the other one is still mystery
nah indo doesn't even care that much about GE on other platform excluding the indo player. yeah they meme botssi, but aren't we all?
shiro ain't going nowhere bro, just like famouz and kush with alter ego.
still doubt RRQ. until proven, i'd say top 6 will be the highest.
wait... i know that it's not monyet but actually someone else i just can't pinpoint the IGN...
yg bener bang.
ngapain ambil qw1 kalo duelist apac tier 2 melimpah.
kayanya ewok mah ngangguk" aja apa yg di acc manajemen.
we could've seen RRQ Monyet last year
good AWPer, translated very well to valorant, but he was inconsistent a bit back when he was still a CSGO pro.
i think t1 will be using english as a main language next year no?
i know that xeta izu and saya can speak english. of course xccurate is willing to learn korean.
both benkai and blazeking is flex. benkai init senti and blaze init smoke.
they don't need smoke no more. they need a good duelist.
honestly, i fking agree. at least rossi can do flashy frag shooty shoot.
Russ is the actual walking orb.
Invy is their best player no way they are releasing him.
i bet my ass the entire bonkers roster is better than russ.
there are still unknown move from DFM and zeta and gen g.
the crown of the worst move is still far away.
so lightningfast will be a sub? because they are for sure not going to bench Russ or the other new players
he was -20 against optic and kru last year. Sayf and Leo carried his ass so many time.
they are taking the PRX style to the next level. if 5 brains is better than 1 brain, why not get 5 IGL
that's what i'm saying, why not sign a very good duelist to carry the team. they are doing the opposite of what they were doing last year.
Benkai is decent, Blazek1ng is decent, the rumored is also decent, but why Russ? they can just go for cracked T2 APAC player like Kr1stal or exy or LEW even, why Russ?
arguable. i think some of them can play in any T2 team. but yeah, for T1 team i don't think so.
this is true, big for egg diablo.
you said worst btw. RRQ won at least 4 games of their league plays.
DFM with anthem? GE with AYRIN? heck even TS got 2-0'd by them.
say that again with stats backed up.
"blocking goodbye"
man wasn't even replying shit and their mental just go boom wtf
scratch that then, if fl1p IGL was dogshit, Anthem was worse than dirt.
also ayrin was a decent fragger on xset, but became shit when he joined GE.
if fl1p IGLing is headless chickens nonsense, what do you call Anthem and AYRIN then?
legend arceus and gen 9 are pretty good tho.