coughing baby vs coughing baby
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Registered: | August 19, 2023 |
Last post: | March 14, 2025 at 11:48 AM |
Posts: | 4214 |
coughing baby vs coughing baby
BOOM will not be winning split 2 no more.
kalo kalah ama dis sih mesti dipertanyakan yak lilo n friends
woody ini sih prodigy ya. lawan tim gede pede amat ni orang.
if the "fans" didn't implode and cummed all over them they wouldve been chilling all day.
they do take criticism btw. what they don't take is these fans wanted to harm them.
the memes and trolling are okay, the death threats are not.
also GE had the same scenario with RRQ. if riot used their brain a lil bit they would've chosen ONIC G or BOOM esports since they are THE indonesian valo team. alas, they chose clout numbers than competency.
kalo itu logic yg lu pake tahun ini harusnya gak ada masuk rookie dari indo samsek, cuma karna taun lalu ada kasus fl1p jg nyenggol rasis.
nyatanya ada tuh xccurate sama blazek1ng masuk. monyet transfer ke prx.
eeyore god mode lecrapaud 2-1
lha ya kalo karirnya ancur dia yang masalah dong bukan lu? kalo karna gitu aja karir dia ancur ya so be it.
i don't really care about the team's performance whatsoever. i care about the well being of the players and the staffs. though i do want sp0n and b0gt0me to be replaced, i don't bear any malice to them. i hate GE fans for that reason.
tapi good commentnya nge eclipse bad commentnya. rasionya banyakan yang positif daripada yg negatif.
gak apple to apple kalo lu mau komparasi monyet sama blazek1ng.
ya jelas ke trigger lah. gw kalo ada di posisi dia, temen" gw kena death threats gw sama jg ikut kaya dia.
gak ada asap kalo gak ada api. kasusnya monyet jg gak separah itu btw. cuma segelintir orang di vlr yang pengen dia cabut. most of the xwitter residence wanted him to "stay strong" and didn't have the balls to say shit.
contoh aja kaya filipino member RRQ taun lalu, sama aja kan gak well received sama fans indo. tp fans indo tetep bisa dukung tuh mereka, bahkan gak ada yg ngasih death threats walaupun mereka lagi off day, malah dibikin meme. kenapa fans fans GE ini gak bisa ngelakuin hal yang sama?
you might on to something
even with last year's roster you know that is a tall order to do.
i agree with u in this one.
death threats never should be used for criticism otherwise it's just death threats.
learn to the describe the problem to them and if they never change, just don't support them.
Kush is much, much better than current Estrella also...
what can they do to fix things they messed up? which player should they release and should they get another, probably, local talent?
get OCE or even another SEA team on the league.
would love to see the OG bonkers, AE, NAOS, or Fancy getting the bag.
tbf the current GE players would perform much better NOT in GE and NOT in the same team.
for example Benkai would perform better playing in Bleed replacing Retla, russ playing in GX replacing hoody, blazek1ng playing in DFM replacing neth.
this is basically player getting hate because of bad decision from management.
they could've done a better job rebuilding the roster if they took their time and use their brain.
if they can win all their games against GE, TS and Bleed they have high chance to get into playoffs.
but i wonder if they will win against TS.
Eraser is just as bad as both spin and bigtime. he also failed in the chinese region bringing some good korean players.
tbh even if they didn't make a post about it and it didn't blew up tenten would still getting kicked.
that's punishing not a fix. just make the activation timer instant and the shield timer down half.
look up the archive. they talked on it before it blew up.
before it was a racism, it's a misunderstanding at core. tenten thought fl1p was being racist and fl1p kinda gaslight him to make the situation worsened. but after the incident, that night also, they both did reconcile and even meteor talked to fl1p.
what m1mosa did was just pouring gasoline to a bush fire.
they were also the ones that fueling into the fl1pz vs tenten drama WHILE both parties have had their apology to each others.
wtf u talking bruh
i can see the VLT roster would win some games. maybe not against the top dog, but they have much more potential because some of them are young.
benkai, russ, and blazek1ng are old. they are past their prime. they would benefit themselves playing in a more structured team.
actually a great sova player, put him playing cypher, still fucking top frag
no help then. let him be braindead and support other team.
Masters 1 PH/SG/ID
Masters 2 UK/France
Champs idk, US atlanta?
don't. just restructure the goddamn coaching staff. get western, ACTUAL, coaching staff with good history, get local players, get 1 aimer import.
that's it.
dismiss all of the player except lf.
they are better be playing in other T1/T2 team than in GE.
they started bold with t3xture AND monyet.
map 1 was a gift from RRQ because they played horribly even though their comps basically a post plant comps.
u were saying
i feel like they can absolutely dumpster zeta any day.
they are kinda better performance wise than zeta.
greatest indonesian team kekw
say that to him bruh why u complaining to their coach