Its coming out after yours:
The art of living in your mum's flat
We need to wait because Im in both bozo
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | March 3, 2022 |
Last post: | December 2, 2024 at 4:59 PM |
Posts: | 21173 |
Its coming out after yours:
The art of living in your mum's flat
We need to wait because Im in both bozo
This is the worst list I have seen in my life ong
a) You have Boaster who is absolutely awful and only in pro play because EMEA has no personality and need him to carry the brand of its entire VCT
b) You have NO PLAYERS from the 1st seed of the best region in the world, who just beat the reigning best team in the world in a bo5
Cryo > Chonicle
Zekken > whoever the fuck you put there
AYRIN > aspas
Historically and currently Boaster is an NA diamond 3 player
he better, hes gotta build his brand in preparation for his streaming career once his whole roster gets dropped for an abysmal international performance (getting booted before winning a single map)
Is yay gonna be there
Delete this post, its so wrong its giving me a headache
lol what FPX is hot garbage, theres no beast on that team let alone shao
baitied by your own delusion, all you get from me is expert analysis
Next time you should stop replying at babysasuke too colonizer
EMEA and JP are the minor region teams at Copenhagen lmfao
probably for the best, game is no fun once you get matched with the sweats
Wanna play LoL with me? Im hardstuck silver ADC main
They cant reliably fill their VCT bracket, how the hell are they gonna fill 30 VRLs
losers Q is real, as is smurf Q and low kill Q
Most likely ass shaking and TSM ridicule followed by an early bow out of international competition
if i had to assume from his history
Its the 8th one this month
People are mad because I'm not baiting, they're just so brainwashed that they refuse to listen to my takes
M3 and Champions were actually fluke wins by EMEA for cringe, low skill strats that only worked because the overall game meta was still developing, just like the first Iceland was lowkey a fluke because better aimers won
EMEA is weak and delusional fans refuse to look at the evidence
Where are VODs for East Asia?
Least ridiculous masters take ngl
You guys fucking ruined it actually braindead stop replying
Im not watching that BUT
BMW is the best car manufacturer in the world
delusional bot team for dropping Xeta I hope they never win another game in T1
You guys fucking ruined it actually braindead stop replying
idgaf about SEN since Sinatraa got benched frfr
dw brother, they are overhyped garbage
they dont need your jinx to disappoint their fans at another LAN
He's trolling, he knows Guild is the weakest team at Masters
Doesnt matter, FaZe wins in the end regardless
Guild will get our of groups directly to a plane back to SHITMEA cope harder
FaZe would clear Lnatic Guilld and FPX, NA should have 3 slots
prepare to be ratiod on all of your delusional takes bud
Lnatic not winning a series and going home as exposed flukes from SHITMEA
Maybe PRX will be there, idt DRX will
holy shit, you literally just posted the only way that bracket cannot go
good work
PRX: Chads
checks out
at least his bum will be comfortable + hes the best initiator in M2