Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: July 26, 2022
Last post: July 29, 2024 at 10:39 PM
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the issue here is that each team can have 6 players and there are only 5 teams. 30 players. half of last year, HALF. right now the only spots left are SEN and EG and there are so many talented players out there. T2 Ascension is not good enough, only one team moves up. franchising just minimizes the talent pool that could lead to success.

posted about a year ago

i dont see them dropping TenZ after spending a lot on him

posted about a year ago

fair point, he cant flash, blind, or really do anything that would allow him to trade his teammates in a duel. his role is support on taking or defending site and playing post plant, and its not easy to frag with this role.

posted about a year ago

its common for support to die as FB and have low stats. yes, his aim is not on the same level as others but tbh, that is not a hard fix. we already saw improvement with his aim from M3 to champs, and now he has an entire off season to work on it. he is absolutely a legendary igl and the aim will probably catch up to that soon.

posted about a year ago

average 50 IQ vlr user

posted about a year ago

hope all 3 teams ive got to root for make it far, rooting for all the NRG boys too, their team chem was unmatched and they actually had great mechanics and strats last i saw in lcq.

posted about a year ago

you saying FNS’ igling is bad bc his aim is bad? how about this, Chet is one of the greatest coaches in VALORANT and he is diamond. that tell you something?

posted about a year ago

guess OPTC really must be the best team in the world… 4v5’d their way to 3 GFs!

posted about a year ago

LOUD splits and franchising is officially the stupidest thing to ever happen to valorant.

posted about a year ago

common SaltyMcNulty W

posted about a year ago

i think it will be SEN since jawgemo plays his role at EG well.

posted about a year ago

if we kept the 12 team format, no jobs would be lost. but everything revolves around money so cant help you out brother.

posted about a year ago

flair checks out. bro has a game or two where he cant frag and the world is over. you tryna say OPTC 4v5’d their way to 4 top 3s at international LANs?

posted about a year ago

who plays sova?? Xeppaa and Zellsis play skye, kayo, etc.. they need an actual initiator who isnt flex.

posted about a year ago

bros megamind

posted about a year ago

he will def need a lot of improvement as a smokes player since thats a pretty big role change from flex to support.

posted about a year ago

yeah, its horrible only 30 players get a chance at success in NA compared to the 60+ from last year. teams that have taken YEARS to get to where they are now are broken up for money. yes, each individual goes to a team, but all of the efforts they have put in from the past are basically lost. great rosters are torn apart and its gonna happen every 4 years. yeah there are some good things but not sure they outweigh the negatives. original T2s are also gonna be pushed down even further than they already were too so idk man.

posted about a year ago

s0m out next?

posted about a year ago

hazed F/A

posted about a year ago

FNS?? he wont be.

posted about a year ago

tex f/a, hazed will be as well.

posted about a year ago

ah gotcha. why wouldnt they stay on LOUD though??

posted about a year ago

trent or bcj would be better, who will play sova?? 2 flex doesnt make sense.

posted about a year ago

3/5 players must be from NA.. why wouldnt they stay on LOUD

posted about a year ago

agreed, i thought zellsis was flex and wouldnt that clash with Xeppaa?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dicey is franchised so hes got to be either EG or NRG, potentially could be with NRG since he is close with the OPTC core

posted about a year ago

EG, highly doubt SEN because of past issues (chemistry wont be too great)

posted about a year ago

victor and jawgemo both skilled flex, highly doubt they will be willing to switch roles.. that also takes a lot of time to get used to, i highly doubt this will happen.

posted about a year ago

JAWGEMO is actually somewhat impressive, the rest though are your average T1 players. there probably will be lots of changes with the roster.

posted about a year ago

they dont have many fans, they are just a very rich org with good relations.

posted about a year ago

yo george, i, personally would not take that.

posted about a year ago

EG mayb

posted about a year ago

Crashies, performs well when it matters and gets a ton of impact. can play well online and on LAN. trent isnt too far behind though.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its a skill issue brotha, no bots.

posted about a year ago

massive brain

posted about a year ago

bro thinks hes george geddes 💀

posted about a year ago

he proved a lot of doubters wrong on LAN and it was truly impressive. this guys has got a bright future, wishing him the best of luck.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

agent bans are gonna be too overpowered imo, also the name change is pretty fire mr 100T_bdog

posted about a year ago

not 6th man? didnt see that coming.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i mean.. expect the unexpected yeah?

posted about a year ago

would actually work out very well

posted about a year ago

roles dont add up no?

posted about a year ago

its not 100% guaranteed if that makes you feel any better

posted about a year ago

bro still has this copy + pasted, the dedication is real

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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