Flag: Albania
Registered: August 30, 2021
Last post: April 16, 2024 at 9:19 AM
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why would anyone be jealous of this

posted about 2 years ago

why do you think 100t would play better in a high pressure situation like this

posted about 2 years ago

good comeback

posted about 2 years ago

i dont care about it either i just predicted this wasn't gonna be close to the major like a lot of people said it would,its still a good crowd tho

posted about 2 years ago

yeah that could be hype compared to this

posted about 2 years ago

bro the crowd at the major were cheering louder for some non brazilian teams than this crowd for brazilians lol,and they dont even chant loud or sing

posted about 2 years ago

reminder that there were a lot people saying this crowd could be as hype as the major and was gonna be crazy lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

they were chanting that every single round at the major when the opposing team had 1 alive

posted about 2 years ago

how are so many people having koi top fucking 7&8 because of 1 bo3 lmfao,they could have literally 2-0'd nrg if a couple rounds went differently

posted about 2 years ago

the top 3 is clear but everyone else can just fluke and have good games and shit ones,koi and giants are still 4&5,kcorp and vita probably 6&7,and heretics &turkey bottom 3,but heretics is just so hit and miss they can beat a lot of top teams if they play good but overall they are so inconsistent

posted about 2 years ago

in what sense are vit,kcorp and giants better than koi

posted about 2 years ago

riot valorant to is so incompetent

posted about 2 years ago

lmao hes weird for that i tought he was a chill guy i guess farming impressions just runs in the NA blood

posted about 2 years ago

yeah they are really down to their last leg rn,idk man this is really scary for emea i think everyone set their expectations really high for a single elimination event with like a month of pracc,i wonder what the orgs will do if their roster doesnt do well here... they might just drop the whole roster tbh

posted about 2 years ago

its popular as a casual game but no one besides NA is interested in the esports side

posted about 2 years ago

neither one, the funny part is u probably have more british or french heritage than me

posted about 2 years ago

NA when they realize the 2 countries they clown the most (britain&france) quite literally made them together lol

posted about 2 years ago

they have nowhere near the experience yet

posted about 2 years ago

i mean he did beat teams that scrim everyday for a year with a team that was formed weeks ago,valorant is way easier mechanically thats why players like fns can still hang in tier 1,who said lazy players can make it to tier 1 wtf i just said the game is easier ofc you still have to work hard to be at the top because otherwise you get outworked like in all competitive things?

posted about 2 years ago

i mean if you cant even compete in tier 2 NA cs and ur lazy and at the end of ur career what makes you think they could do it in valorant

posted about 2 years ago

yeah if i think about it like a true radiant it actually becomes quite clear that it is indeed his igling thats carrying liquid rn,thankfully we have a cs expert here who claims to understand what makes liquid a good team but probably has 5h on the game and peaked at siler 4

posted about 2 years ago

they could get any tier 2 eu igl and he would do the job just as good,also "doing well" lmao everyone literally wanted to kick him for the first 6 months he was there then they got a little boost from osee and yekindar and now u think hes "doing well" lmao

posted about 2 years ago

and how are they doing with the actual good teams?,why do you act like stewie was like a decent cs player or something do you not know how fucking horrible he was when he retired

posted about 2 years ago

oh they aren't?,i think you should do a re check

posted about 2 years ago

maybe because nitr0 has played cs for like 10 years competitively and is igling,idk wtf ur trying to say with that valorant player point but he is and has been extremely washed in cs and couldn't even call when he first joined, yet in valorant he was being rated a top controller and a good fragger

posted about 2 years ago

valorant is easier than cs gunplay wise

posted about 2 years ago

what does that have to do with the fact that cs players are still dominating

posted about 2 years ago

yeah expect that twistzz is actually good lol,also the game being alive in many regions has nothing to do with competitveness,and most of the pros who switched played when NA cs was still alive and did nothing special in lans

posted about 2 years ago

you do know like 90% of NA tier 2 top teams are ex cs semi pros lmaoooo

posted about 2 years ago

because they were shit to begin with and had no future in cs,most of the players who switched would have done it anyways no matter how alive their scene was

posted about 2 years ago

lmao what is this cope,yeah bro all the shit cs rejects are tier 1 because "its easier for talent to get recognized in valorant" hahhahahahah,valorant shooting is so fucking easy compared to cs anyone with experience and a decent aim can reach tier 1

posted about 2 years ago

6 people upvoted this and thought it was a clever point btw tells a lot about this server,i swear everytime a EMEA team loses people just start lying acting like "lmao emea fans really said-" no they didnt lmao,nobody in the history of this site and even in the future will never claim tl is "our 6th best team anyway" wtf are you talking lol

posted about 2 years ago

no one is hyping teams like heretics or kc so idk what teams ur talking about, koi yes because they actually have a decent roster but sadly they dont have the experience against a core like optic

posted about 2 years ago

staying true to the american tradition of owning people,gotta respect it

posted about 2 years ago

that literally means nothing,but i dont think it will be easy,eg is underrated tbh

posted about 2 years ago

yeah i literally never said anything about trash talk being unacceptable just in this situation,theres a difference in trash talking as banter and genuinely talking shit about someone

posted about 2 years ago

how did emea remain the same

posted about 2 years ago

what? What the fuck is the point of trash talking when you have won you literally look like a clown talking when you already took ur opponent down or are u so insecure you need kick people who are already down to boost ur own ego,the main reason most people trash talk is to annoy their opponents when they game is going on to fuck with their mental or before the game, if its a "integral part of esports" then ig esports is just a big joke

posted about 2 years ago

i dont have a problem with that i just said shit talking alone after you already won is just very cringe
banter and trolling is fun but just shit talking for no reason is the most corny shit ever,you just come of as arrogant and immature

posted about 2 years ago

shit talking alone after a won game is fucking cringe

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

absolutely but you are just extremely corny doing that and its really cringe especially if its just 1 sided

posted about 2 years ago

i have to admit NA is with out a doubt a tier 1 title contender region in gas lighting

posted about 2 years ago

yay himself said he was toxic before too,and ofc he has to play that saint persona either way for his brand since he is so big

posted about 2 years ago

idk why you would watch a lower level and scuffed version of a already existing game when the original itself already has a way more thriving scene,its basically just a worse version of pc esports on every level so idk why,i understand if you play the game urself,u dont have a pc or its big in ur country,cant think of any other reason i would watch it

posted about 2 years ago

no disrespect but why do people watch mobile esports

posted about 2 years ago

yeah no shit they do now

posted about 2 years ago

i wonder why he hasnt then

posted about 2 years ago

lets do a deal i can go to the worst neighborhood in my country on a friday night and you do the same then lets see whos country is the real shithole

posted about 2 years ago
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