Always fucking does this. I'm so tired of them. I'm done with them. I had no hope for them vs LOUD, and now they lose to BOOM, who played the first half so badly.
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Registered: | August 25, 2022 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 5:02 PM |
Posts: | 4219 |
Always fucking does this. I'm so tired of them. I'm done with them. I had no hope for them vs LOUD, and now they lose to BOOM, who played the first half so badly.
Luck-based reasons are why I suggested the other day to introduce substitution systems.
If ZETA loses this then I'm done. Sorry to say this APAC, Boom is terrible. If ZETA loses this, I'm gone.
We are all APAC. Riot matchmaking is weird.
Even when it comes to plot, manhwas are a hit or miss. Like Solo Leveling, the most popular manhwa but not a good plot. What they need is more time to develop.
Solo Leveling but it's not that good. I suggest Sweet Home, Bastard and The Horizon. Sadly, it's all downhill from there. There might be some other horror thriller (they are really good at that) out there.
Sad but true, not many manhwas (except for 18+ ones) have waifus in them. We have to stick to manga to get out fill of those.
Messi is one of the most humble players and he never gets angry until someone provokes him, which is why almost everyone likes him. Everyone except arrogant idiots like Mbappe. Need this guy out of PSG and it will finally be a team with good synergy.
I don't think. After Solo Leveling and Tower of God it might be the 3rd most popular but the gap between it and Solo Leveling (despite being very similar and better than Solo Leveling) is too much. Lots of people don't know about ORV
Look at him shouldering Messi like he's even on the same level as his legacy
Nobody disagrees. Nobody ever said Mbappe is better. He is just wants all eyes on him just like Neymar, which is why he is pissed all the time when ball isn't at his feet. I liked the moment he bumped into Messi on purpose and the next day Ramos mocks him by bumping into him. He has no respects for legends and disrespectful just like his teammate Griezmann.
Found the clip. W Ramos
No mention of the current best storytelling manhwa? Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. Main character is not too overpowered but very smart, and has a lot of cool moments. Side characters are interesting and matter to the story. Villains have good backstories. Overall, 9.5/10.
If warmed up, they should continue playing. I'm talking about OT situation or maybe a player having a bad day situation. Like in Football, the benched players watch the game because they could be subbed at any time. In this game you could also do that. Coming in OT with fresh mental, energy and a clear mind to execute strategies is a very big saviour.
If warmed up, they should continue playing. I'm talking about OT situation or maybe a player having a bad day situation. Like in Football, the benched players watch the game because they could be subbed at any time. In this game you could also do that. Coming in OT with fresh mental, energy and a clear mind to execute strategies is a very big saviour.
Communication and chemistry, they can work on it before tournament. Like another person said, EDG has 3 substitutions. I think other teams could do the same. Sometimes, player might just be having a bad day, so a sub mid-game could save the team.
Yes thank you, this is what I wanted to convey.
What does that mean?
Could it be a good idea or bad? I personally think it might be interesting like that. Have 3 substitutions and a bench full of players. This will give more players a chance and reduce exhaustion from going OT. Normally after OT game becomes a battle of mental and sometimes it feels sluggish. If substitution existed then the game could possibly maintain that early game energy? It will also reduce whiffs and the game will be more skill-based. Just my personal opinion. Thoughts?
What do you mean? PRX and DRX are still in this.
You may say that but last PRX and EDG game made everyone's trust a little shaky, now one of them will be eliminated. Meanwhile, BOOM and Xerxia aren't looking that good. And ZETA plays LOUD next, as much as I love ZETA and want them to win so much, I've seen LOUD play and they are really good. While all this is happening, DRX 2-0 Furia and then goes on to 2-0 100T. It is normal to hype them up a bit.
If ZETA doesn't make it out, I know which team I will be supporting
No one said anything about PRX. They are not as consistent as DRX in this match. DRX actually looks like they are in the form to win it all, PRX, not so much.
I was about to make my first thread saying exactly this. They are SO CLEAN. 2-0 2-0 WHAT???
Your team hasn't seen a live crowd in years but ok
Will is the one who needs to wake up. Derrek played fine. Sometimes, they were aim diffed, it's not 100t fault or Derrek's fault.
What do you mean hate? Have you looked at your team? They didn't even win LCQ bro. Make up any excuses you want. This is not hate. Maybe if Sentinels fans properly took criticism and didn't think every criticism is hate, everyone would've liked sentinels fans.
Nothing like a SEN fan and hanging onto past glory.
Last DRX vs Zeta was a huge throw. They are no longer the same team from then. That's what I am saying. They are looking way too good right now, could potentially beat the current best two teams FPX and Leviatan.
Impressive, very nice. Now let's see you find the bomb in six seconds in a clutch situation.
Everyone on DRX played well, not sure why anyone should shit on anyone
Literally the best game with 2nd place going to PRX vs EDG. Literally made me sweat every OT. How the fuck DRX got so good? They are looking insane, especially Mako.
Jokes aside, I think SA fans are really chill against APAC for some reason. This is why whoever wins the next match vs LOUD, I will support them and Leviatan. They are great teams.
No. Why will it stop? Region war is fun. It's in football and other sports. Why not in esports as well? Region war = more popularity.
It's not cringe. It's just that american users of vlr do not have the sufficient vocabulary. One of the few words they know is "cringe".
Exactly. Wtf is wrong with everyone in this thread? Watching that video actually made me think Brazil might be fun. This is a huge win for esports scene in BR that fans are so dedicated. One can only dream about something similar. Vlr users are no life pathetic losers who haven't had melanin on their skin for ages, this is why everything to them is pogpepega cringe or something. Don't listen to them, I think it's really cool.
Pearl is very unpredictable so I have zero guesses. LOUD can do this, no overheat let's go
If anyone else did this thread I would think it's a reverse jinx attempt, but this vct fan guy is an asshole in general
You want nerf? Alright, time to take his last trip away
If Yay chamber ults, don't take any peeks at all unless another op is in team.
No. Loud is playing very well, their gameplay is so smooth, and the Aspas person is so good, I have confidence they can do it. No need to be all down, a little bit hyping is ok.
I need you people in the next ZETA game, I need support
Reverse jinx successful, make another thread.