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Registered: February 19, 2023
Last post: May 19, 2023 at 5:28 PM
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I honestly don't know anymore, I thought LOUD first, then I thought "no they worse", i think NRG isn't there, then I look DRX now, and I am not sure about them either.
I wait for the rest like Fnatic or NAVI idk.
EDIT: Also forgot Liquid

posted about 2 years ago

This team looking better than I thought honestly.

posted about 2 years ago

And also I feel like NAVI MIGHT got rid of Ardis and signed cNed for a reason. Today Ardis was carrying the game at the beginning, then on overtime he got kinda tired I guess, and underperformed when it matter the most (last couple of rounds) - so I am not super sure about Ardis either. I think most solid one was def crashies, and I don't know how farther you can go with only him.

EDIT: Also talon looking good??!

posted about 2 years ago

Well it doesn't add anything to the point I tried to make. I said if i knew it right, and EVEN IF I DIDN'T, from NRG, Ardis and crashies performed well, but I don't think they were that great as a team, just OK.
And I did know LOUD replaced two, but I don't agree that LOUD was slightly worse, they were worse. Just my opinion though.
But ur saying more or less the same thing I say.

posted about 2 years ago

I have the opinion that DRX could be better, or even NAVI/Fnatic could try. Maybe unpopular opinion, dunno.
NRG is just Ardis and crashies, so I don't think they are as good as ppl put them to be.

posted about 2 years ago

I meant, NRG replaced everyone except crashies (if i know it right), so NRG is just a different team now, and I thought its just "OK team". Replaced ardis from FPX and crashies, thats kind of it.
LOUD didn't replace everyone, but still struggled a lot against this NRG, so I tried to comment on that.

posted about 2 years ago

like said, we haven't seen half of the teams. AND i honestly think NRG is just OK and LOUD looks worse than last year, so idk about that.

posted about 2 years ago

I honeslty still think Loud look much worse than last year, everyone thought they would win this tournament but don't think so. NRG is just "replaced" Ardis and crashies.

posted about 2 years ago
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