Não kkkkk vc é só o típico brasileiro esquisito que acha que o mundo tá contra você
Relaxa mano, com certeza esses times péssimos aí não chegam nem perto de uma final do NA ou EMEA, nem em 1000 anos
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | April 13, 2023 at 9:25 PM |
Posts: | 8691 |
Não kkkkk vc é só o típico brasileiro esquisito que acha que o mundo tá contra você
Relaxa mano, com certeza esses times péssimos aí não chegam nem perto de uma final do NA ou EMEA, nem em 1000 anos
Tate isnt a bad person, but trying to make himself look good just because he spends a little of his money to help people when he said absolute braindead shit unironically is cringe as fuck and making a "final video" and saying later hes gonna have his redemption arc is even more cringe 💀💀💀💀 Lil bro think hes the main protagonist of a movie
Xdll is average
Dimasick isnt consistent
Others are insane thon
Literally the easiest valorantle till now lol
Just ignore them lol this site is full of braindead 0 iq kids who cant even read
I love aspas, less and pancada
But sacy nowdays is just so fucking cocky. Dude after the top 2 in masters is acting like he is a perfect human being, atleast, on ranked everytime he does something wrong/whiffs he says hes "unlucky" or whatever, when that happens to other people he calls them "horrible" or start talking a bit in chat, he wasnt like that ;(
And saadhak i dont watch him (mainly because of language diff, cant understand anything he says) but all clips of him i see seems forced for content, and he tries to be funny so hard it becomes cringe at some point, but i like him most of the times
Some other players i dont like are:
Zombs, aleko, bcj, Shazam, dapr, steel, wardell, zekken, dasnerth, xand and i think thats it
Bruh i love yay but people dont see that he loves to bait to get kills and everytime he goes against others duelists/chambers at his level he gets shit on?
Both goats but prime messi would destroy anyone
Liquid almost won Champions 2021 with everyone playing DOGSHIT except scream and now they think liquid cant win at their best lul
wtf so nats is leaving the main team? literally they just needed to wait some time to a good org pick them up and get a new player or not even that
manhua is literally fucking dogshit lmao wdym??
manhwa goated tho
cote is getting kinda decent
Nah its the best map
Probably the best map for first picks/peeking with only aim
And its easy as fuck to read flanks, u just need to be good 👍
the thing is, mel is not even close to being good to basically any good tier2 player + offer from geng is not a flex, they dont even have a male team anymore lol
and i didnt even know this happened, the dude literally dropped +20 on every match with basically 200adr brotherman
but it was a joke, dont get hurt mister
impossible! i- i thought women were as good as men! stop spreading fake news! why would her boyfriend play for her!!!???
sentinel: suygetsu/nats
controller: mindfreak/pancada
duelist: scream/aspas
initiator: leo/sheydos
flex: sayf/idk
this tournament doenst even feel like a 50000$ tourney, literally free wins for gg
Aspas is the best jett and reyna
Kayo keznit
Sage suygetsu
Chamber yay
Omen is marved
Astra is mindfreak
Brimstone is pancada
"washed" 13-8ing everyone while with a new player lul
anime easily destroys if done produced well but most of animes nowdays are all with dogshit animations, terrible pacing, generic ass histories so yeah rl better
i love liquid but they really didnt deserve it man :9
1 bad day = no qualification
the "guy" is literally living a harem irl what the fuck
yeah i hope so, imagine being pro and being worse than someone who plays the game once a week :skull:
dude is a literally 5 year old LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
gotta be the most cringe comments ive ever seen from a pro in vlr
yeah "making up" stats when aspas literally shitted on him in every stat in the finals while losing all 3 games lol
ure literally a walking joke
oh and also diffed the shit out of him in their latest match too
in the last masters and vct
4 times basically the same stats
and 3 times better stats
while playing smokes and yay playing the most broken agent, im not lying lmao. stop acting stupid
yeah lol acting like liquid almost didnt win champions 2021 with everyone playing badly except scream (like always in international events)
liquid the most underrated team in champions apparently
marved has been a little more consistent and putting the same/better numbers most of the times while playing smokes
too many good anime so favorites that comes first in my head
lol no they could lose to optic again but lose to those 2 dogshit teams, hell no
top -300 radiant in EU is the best easily
overall, apac
wow! youre actually super smart!
jett, reyna, raze, chamber, phoenix, yoru
everyone has a roster but they can have an even better roster so why not
Bruh didnt you literally say franchise is gonna destroy valorant because trash orgs are in it lol
Tbh i think some other big org is gonna buy them because ghost roster can easily put a fight against 100t, optic etc
Tier 2 orgs dont have infinite money bro