Whats the point of talking about whos the best when fnatic gambit and specially liquid all choked and were being carried by their best player in the finals lol.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | April 13, 2023 at 9:25 PM |
Posts: | 8691 |
Whats the point of talking about whos the best when fnatic gambit and specially liquid all choked and were being carried by their best player in the finals lol.
Trash ass player, why is he even in the team yet?
So your saying that they had120k viewers on Navi vs liquid? I really dont believe that, but even if this is true, like i said Navi is more famous so they Will have more viewers, doenst mean that cis fans doenst love their teams equally, Dumbass.
Also neither do na or BR region support their teams equally. Br in cs literally talks shit about BR teams like 00nation, mibr and etc.. and na i dont even know why you talked about them when they dont even have teams kekw.
I hope your baiting or Ur Just this dumb? Cis fans supports gambit and Navi, you think they only support Navi because you see more people talking about them which these people arent even russian. Also Navi only gets more viewers because they are more known worldwide and has s1mple which is famous worldwide as fuck too. + im not a gambit fanboy dumbass, i literally changed the flair to support them on Champions, Ive had liquid flair since the start of my account
Do you even watch or knows something about CS? Gambit players are literay 1 Million times famous than nats
Theyre not small lol they just dont go out there making english or even threads or tweets in general saying how they love the team, players or whatever, also your logic that cis fans only likes Navi or simple is braindead... In every region has some team and player from that team that they prefer.
Edit: Go watch russian streams or matches in a russian Channel and you Will easily see people showing their love
Hate gratuito? onde? Só tô dizendo que você se acha um gênio da vida porque faz threads sobre times brs que na minha opinião são boas, e você recebe bastante atenção por isso.
Mas em questão de qualquer outra coisa nesse site tu tenta parecer inteligente como tu fez ali no original post, com uma analogia completamente sem lógica, e também eu sei que você faz long threads faz tempo, tanto que eu nem citei no meu comentário sobre o tempo que vc faz threads mas ok lol.
O cara fez umas threads sobre os players do Brasil e agora tá achando que é o Albert Einstein pqp
Honestly love the effort u made in this. But most of your choices is braindead. Marved in the list? Over sacy, nukkye? Starxo being in the list when in entire 2021 he only shined in the Champions? Scream not top 5? Redgar? Crashies above all this people? and much more
Honestly its embarassing how overrated they are, never did anything special. Got shit on by multiple teams, never even got 3rd place in these events. Yet theres some copium user like you that says they were unlucky. Lmfao.
Bro why do you try so hard to sound smart 💀 you probably made the most braindead comparison Ive ever seen
All of your logic is literally easy af to debate but since u always say such bullshit and for some reason people love u, u can say whatever irdc
Maybe because you can block these messages 💀 also It was on zeek and not on entire acend
Lmfao no the fuck they didnt Berlin was literally months Ago and they still proved they are a good team
But youre right at saying its their fault for not having a good mental, but theyre still better teams overall
Ur comparing totally different cases. Vk had bad mentality because IF they didnt use the Cam they probably would be in the semis rn and would won against the 2 best team in the world. Vks had bad mentality because they literally Lost a 12-something lead ALSO against the best team in the world. X10 has good mentality and they still had a good game against a team they already knew they wouldnt win. Its obvious who was more destroyed in mentality. Also they played different maps, if they played bind and Haven against envy in the First match the history could be different
Tenz, insane aim, everytng else os trash, also doenst top frag or have impact at all when his team needs him.
Ur braindead lol, aleksandar has one of the best aims, also being an insane reyna. If he enters a good team he probably would be top fragging with the Monsters like derke and etc
They arent, envy Just had a bad tourney
Vk and vks were way better and almost won against eu teams that are levels above sea teams and na teams they Just had bad mental, Br players are known for that, if a rematch happens in the Future and Sea/na wins u can say im wrong lol
What kinda logic is this? So sentinels deserve to win everything because they have good mentality? Rofl
Honorable mention for them too Just forgot
Its not biased. Its facts. Unfortunate that the people on this website on this time are super trash users with the worst takes like this cned best player and others fake flagging
Yes because they both had their mental destroyed... Read what i wrote First. If they win against them again in the future with everything being normal u can say everything you want lmfao
I literally put the reason why they are sbove the teams, Ur Just salty lol
Honorable mentions: Sentinels(i hate to admit but It isnt fair if i dont, even if tenz had a really bad tournemant and dogshit zombs not having even 10 kills, its crazy how they took a map of everyone they played against, and It just shows how good their mental is and this tournament showed that shazam is easily the best player. Even if i kinda dont like him because hes annoying and kinda toxic im happy to see people acknowledging his skill and not putting tenz on top just bcuz hes tenz.)
Honorable mention 2. Crazy racoon (i know alot of people clown them for being the worst team, but its crazy how much they evolved. By getting 13-1 13-1 against gambit to being decent and almost winning icebox which in time was gambit best map in the world and against vks also being decent, i feel like they have potential, maybe if they switchs players or work at their aim since they get diffed ALOT. They could beat some of the teams above.)
Thats all im tired af. Sorry for any incorrect english, im writing this on the Phone so it auto corrrects alot to portuguese so sometimes some words are wrong.
Comment down below your opinion on this list. And what you would change, Ty.
Asuna and tenz are on the same level of being dumb asf
But why Ur so pressed lul
???? Cned has been match mvp on basically all maps
Cned literally carried the entire team for months. Stfu
Imagine creating a New account just to be toxic against a region lmfao loser
Eh eu realmente n vou acreditar nisso meu manokkkk, principalmente pelas merdas q tu fala aq.
U right, the only person that actually played today was scream and everyone else was looking like they were sleeping. Also liquid has the worst map picks ever.
I feel that if they didnt underperform so much they could won by 2-1 by a close match on split and finish it in ascent.
Ur probably gonna waste it on valorant skins and still be silver lmfao
Nvm. But that was a team diff lol
Haha good joke 1.15 kd losing to nivera
Trash list
Go next ez
Idk anymore
If acend has the aim like they had today they probably gonna win kinda easily.
Místic really inconsistent, should get a better player and use him as a 6 Man