Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | July 30, 2021 |
Last post: | April 13, 2023 at 9:25 PM |
Posts: | 8691 |
Nukkye eating cocaine for lunch
Just saying the truth, scream daddy is gonna destroy
Leigo eh o caralho trembolona, tira as bola deles da tua boca aí, qualquer um que tem olhos sabe que a keyd comparado a liberty, nip, furia, loud estão ruins e se continuar assim vão ficar pra trás se não se estabelecerem logo
You act like keyd isnt trash rn, ingaming def have a chance
If liquid doenst play like a bunch of retards
Athlete is acting so hard bro 💀
If whz learns english he would literally dominate in emea or na
Whz is way but way but way better than life
Saya top 3 jetts in na rn?
"?? All of them played mediocre against optic except for Neptune, and somewhat derrek. Neptune hard carried rise that series." Which is no true, are you done now?
Yes ik dumbass, but im talking about rise vs sen, stop living in the past. Everyone knows neptune had the best match against optic but his team didnt play medíocre, they player normally and when needed they stepped up, hard to understand that brainlet.
No the fuck he didnt 💀 if youre talking about sen vs rise neptune literally threw many and many rounds by overpeeking and etc, and supamen was actually braindead dying everytime looking at the wall or some shit or he was missing every single bullet
No they didnt, maybe stop looking only at numbers and actually watch the game genius, rise literally lost because of neptune and supamen when these 2 are supposed to be the the best of the team
you guys know the situation the russian orgs/players are in bcz of the conflict , and the west sanctions are looking likely to stay for long so im suggesting this :
-there is a golden oppurtinuty for orgs to snatch some insane players especially gambit players
-its either sign 1 or 2 (which is unlikely bcz the gambits players dont think they will disband and they have best chemistry) or sign entire roster
-i hope russian players go that road bcz if they stay out of compitition just for few months it will affect them badly and they will find themselves lacking behind
Rise is just super inconsistent, if their players player like they did against optic they would win easily
Just a bad day, hes literally much better than someone who died to a frenzy with a phantom luuul
posted 8 seconds ago
Literally any player would hit that jesus
Rise literally lost because of neptune, he was throwing hard and his teammates were saving everytime, if he keep being this inconsistent theyre not gonna do well in the future
Literally, this happens everytime tenz doenst do well 💀
Can neptune stop throwing for 1 second?? Holy fuck shanks is literally carrying this hard
You're not wrong at all, i dont know what happened to acend, they were playing like dogwater, on cned, its super rare to see him playing bad like this when hes considered by many people the most consistent player, and gambit i still think it was a fluke by fpx, the players were super inconsistent like nats and deffo, which is really surprising.
Streams + the orgs he has been playing in since csgo are one of the richest in brazil and also are humble (unlike X10), i actually dont understand how these orgs think xand is a good player but whatever
Yes he has a son a wife and is 27 years old and is just cocky as zombs sometimes, im pretty sure he never won anything besides the brazil Challengers when all teams were so shit
Yes but imo i think guild, fpx, liquid, acend etc are still better