Flag: Slovakia
Registered: April 15, 2024
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 9:45 AM
Posts: 605
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ange1 is boostio father

posted 1 month ago

aside from LOUD who else is good in this region?

sen only gets mickey mouse wins
nrg is a shit team with shit strats and only stomps weaker teams or loud when they're not in form
100t will never make another international lan
c9 has vanity KEKW

maybe kru has some potential
notice how the only true good teams are not from the US (maybe sen if you want to be very generous with the term "good")

probably the only region that is worse than this one is china, the games are so boring

posted 1 month ago



posted 1 month ago

who should replace him instead?

imo someone like shao is good

posted 1 month ago

why is no one putting shao on this list? bro is literally one of the cleanest omens itw

posted 1 month ago

dont use my own hashtag against me bro


posted 1 month ago


alltho the whole "crazyguy drama" thing is probably made up by the org to have an excuse to bench them, so i still feel like they should go back to the ascention team

posted 1 month ago

smartest americas fan

posted 1 month ago

i told you dogs that bleed would smash your shitty ass team, and you laughed at me. even though y0y is still washed, zest might be on a redemption arc. legija is actually the GOAT coach of pacific, only termi and alecks are better than him.

cry is free, bleed will go to champs.

posted 1 month ago

??? they are not mutually exclusive

th runs kayo gekko sage kj viper

sage is just good on icebox keep crying

posted 1 month ago

youre actually braindead

sage comps have the highest winrate on the map

at this point you gotta be trolling us

posted 1 month ago

Hey there, TheAceGamer30,

Alright, listen the fuck up, you pathetic excuse for a forum dweller. It's high time someone called you out on your bullshit. You've been stirring the fucking pot on this forum like it's your goddamn birthright, but let me tell you something: you're nothing but a sad, sorry little bitch desperately clinging to whatever shreds of relevance you think you have.

Between your split personalities, your nauseating obsession with Sentinels, and your delusional rants about TenZ and Zekken being the fucking messiahs of Valorant, it's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. And let me tell you, mate, the stench is enough to make a skunk gag.

But here's the fucking truth: your antics aren't just annoying, they're downright fucking toxic. You think you're some kind of fucking legend, but in reality, you're just a piss-poor excuse for a human being who gets off on pissing people off.

So, here's the goddamn deal: either clean up your act and start acting like a decent fucking human being, or prepare to face the motherfucking consequences. Because if you keep up this bullshit, you'll find yourself banned faster than you can say "suck my dick".

Consider this your final fucking warning, mate. The forum deserves better than your sorry excuse for entertainment. It's time to grow the fuck up and start acting like a responsible adult, or piss off and find another fucking playground to pollute with your bullshit.




posted 1 month ago

fitinho did the best 1v4 in the history of valorant, almost an ace too

so stfu bot

posted 1 month ago

are you iron?

complains about odin is a low rank bot thing to do XDDD

posted 1 month ago

bleed wins

This team just needs time and to drop y0y

bring back egoist and crazyguy and you'll see we qualify for champs

posted 1 month ago

while it's true that liquid is not a competitive team and giantx will be bottom feeder, i remind you that we have 6 teams in contention for the title of shanghai next masters:


so before you call this region "bad" or "one team", i advise you use your brain to think a little bit more.

although i don't expect much from a dfm flair.



posted 1 month ago


imagine losing while 10-1 up on a defensive sided map, botzo and botppi are washed as fuck

posted 1 month ago

so if ginny weasly is asuna then tenz and asuma are dating... interesting

posted 1 month ago

wtf is blud talking about

living rent free in your head that you feel the need to reply under my posts like the braindead dog you are?

posted 1 month ago

you fucked that dog

W brimstan

posted 1 month ago

choď do piče

posted 1 month ago

thank you!

posted 1 month ago


also: does anyone know when the temporal restriction to posting is over? im sick of waiting 5 minutes between every post

posted 1 month ago

add the #VLRGRIND or else its fraudulent

posted 1 month ago

real humanity here showing

i will pray for you

posted 1 month ago

add the #VLRGRIND or else it's fraudulent

posted 1 month ago

Because you're a dog

posted 1 month ago

Looks like Average_NA_Fan has found their hero, but let's hope their taste in agents is better than their taste in forum troublemakers.

posted 1 month ago

Hey there, TheAceGamer30,

Alright, listen the fuck up, you pathetic excuse for a forum dweller. It's high time someone called you out on your bullshit. You've been stirring the fucking pot on this forum like it's your goddamn birthright, but let me tell you something: you're nothing but a sad, sorry little bitch desperately clinging to whatever shreds of relevance you think you have.

Between your split personalities, your nauseating obsession with Sentinels, and your delusional rants about TenZ and Zekken being the fucking messiahs of Valorant, it's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. And let me tell you, mate, the stench is enough to make a skunk gag.

But here's the fucking truth: your antics aren't just annoying, they're downright fucking toxic. You think you're some kind of fucking legend, but in reality, you're just a piss-poor excuse for a human being who gets off on pissing people off.

So, here's the goddamn deal: either clean up your act and start acting like a decent fucking human being, or prepare to face the motherfucking consequences. Because if you keep up this bullshit, you'll find yourself banned faster than you can say "suck my dick".

Consider this your final fucking warning, mate. The forum deserves better than your sorry excuse for entertainment. It's time to grow the fuck up and start acting like a responsible adult, or piss off and find another fucking playground to pollute with your bullshit.




posted 1 month ago

add TheAceGamer30, AsunaYukki, unknowntrash

and for the based list add me and iOnlyHave1Zumi

posted 1 month ago

hahaha talking about alts, its obvious your the one upfragging your own posts with your other 5 alts

Youre braindead and a fucking dog

chronicle has more achievements than you will ever have, learn chinese buddy!


posted 1 month ago

flair LOL

fazeclan supporter

and chronicle owns you anyways

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

charles neddington

are you stupid? nrg flair confirms this fact

posted 1 month ago

sen fans and bad takes

bonus points if there's a british flag attached to the username

posted 1 month ago

navi flair talking shit about eu?

wtf are you on about blud, friendly fire as fuck

posted 1 month ago

also get ratioed buddy, L + british + cry about it

posted 1 month ago

who tf is that?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

it's a movement of free thinkers within the vlr community

sick of the same, "x is washed, y is goated" narratives

posted 1 month ago

i will make a list with all the teams and reasons:
-sentinels: they have the 2 mickey mouse trophies and are super overrated, annoying fanbase and cringe players like zelsis on the team, the fanbase is awful
-nrg: ego team, everyone there thinks they are the best in the world and yet only ethan and demon1 have legitimate titles (Optic win in reykjavik does not count, most teams were weaker than they should have been with subs so mickey mouse tournament) also annoying fans like cartiuxy and asunayukki
-c9: shitty org, praying on their downfall so vanity can finally retire and they can build around oxy who is the only decent player on the team
-furia: mwzera (do i have to say anything else? i love my brazilian bros but this guy is washed as hell, support mibr or loud instead)

for emea there's no teams to hate since we're the most wholesome and drama free region, i would reccoment you support navi though, join the NAVI NATION RAHH

-team secret: nepotism in an org, they should drop their players and build around jremy the only good player on that team. not even the pinoy nationalistic dogs are excited for their team anymore
-global esports: me when im in a "being awful at valorant" competition and my oponent is GE

china honestly just pray for edg downfall so the region is interesting, support wolves #WOLVESWIN

any questions? i'll be free to answer :)

amedy out o7


posted 1 month ago

kekw that game has nothing against bleed 3-0 scarz at ascension or navi 0-3 fnc at lock in, thats the peak valorant (or any match from masters copenhagen)


posted 1 month ago

people on this forum are braindead... that map was easily top 3 icebox games in the history of valorant, almost fnc vs loud levels of brilliance

its the racism that people have internalized against our chinese brothers that makes these single braincell organisms downvote you this much

fully agree with you trikecycle, spring has sprung and aluba is alubing all over them



posted 1 month ago

kirya is mega based, stfu

and if he is a femboy then honestly kinda W, might smash


posted 1 month ago

cant be from a nonexistent country


posted 1 month ago

Country: United States
Registered: February 19, 2024
Last post: April 17, 2024 at 6:59 PM
Posts: 1

welcome to the most braindead forum on the internet, have a seat


posted 1 month ago

why am i getting downvoted?

2 days in this forum and people already have a mantra against me, probably xenophobia

i will stay strong


posted 1 month ago
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