Nuuh is a legend
I miss him calling aspas a hack just because aspas owned him on rankeds
Flag: | Italy |
Registered: | April 15, 2022 |
Last post: | April 26, 2023 at 11:37 AM |
Posts: | 4557 |
Nuuh is a legend
I miss him calling aspas a hack just because aspas owned him on rankeds
keep coping braindead EMEA fan
Pancada will still lack consistency
for me sinatra is the guy who sings "let it snow" song
so it's not obvious for me cuz I dont even know who ur talking bout
I'm from piedmont (north) the mafia is from south 💀💀
Zeta gigachad team OWNS DRX bots
hijos de Zeta
this is how they're called
which means "sons of zeta" in spanish
this is very used by GIGACHAD latam fans
didn't qual to any international event in 2022
what a bot
women are pretty, my boy
pancada bottomfragged in grand finals, while aspas not only carried but saved their ass in breeze
this aspas 3k literally saved their ass
gigachad user gigachad thread
braindead NA fans mad kekw
lmao always this excuse
what a bunch of clowns
sakka/soccer I don't know what this shit is
some american braindead shit
ignorance is now something to be proud of???
some people are proud of knowing a lot about other cultures
but americans love to say "we don't know nothing about it"
lmao, you guys are proud of being dumb
wtf is this
common capital d colon braindead take
in Loud's 34 matches:
How many times each player MVPED:
Aspas 19
Less 3
Pancada 5
Sacy 3
Saadhak 4
How many times each player had the LOWEST ACS:
Aspas 1
Less 3
Pancada 13
Sacy 8
Saadhak 9
Aspas is still playing for loud..
And Skrossi would never win against messi on a football match
why is he called "the devil" but in spanish?
common sigmamale braindead take
I love this meme
the only feature of english that is superior, is that in english it is possible to merge prepositions with verbs, which you call "phrasal verbs", like: take off, run out, look up
all the rest portuguese is better
if you say in english:
"top 10 melhores jogadoras de valorant" = "top 10 best valorant players"
you never know if I'm talking about girls or men cause english has no genders...
I'm talking about girls, so it actually means "top 10 best valorant female players"
jogador = male player
jogadora = female player
german is one of the most complete indo-european languages
it has 3 genders, romance languages have just 2, english has none
it has grammatical cases (dative, accusative, nominative and genitive)
it has articles (languages like Russian have grammatical cases, but they don't have articles)
it has conjugaction for 3 moods (indicative, subjunctive and imperative), while english doesn't have
it has lots of prepositions you guys can create new verbs merging them with prepositions like wider+sehen, portuguese, french and spanish have just a few prepositions, and we can't merge them with verbs
and there's much more.
alexis so cute - I love her
atheism but I like religions, foremost christianism, islamism and buddhism
the time you spend wanting to be accepted on this forum you should spend reading books
because you're dumb af I bet you don't even what a RNA is
bacteria help digest food to get rid of bacteria infection you have to take antibiotics
no wonder you're so frustrated being dumb like that
you want to take your frustrations out on someone because your life sucks
at least do a smart take before calling someone stupid
"you're not brazilian" is dumb af
can't expect creativity from VLR tho
vro wants upvotes from other braindead users like him
but because he's smart as fuck
this guy just proved it
sad the video is in portuguese
like some peruvian team
ooh theres none
black americans: 46 million
black brazilians: 14 million
racist clown
white brazilians: 90 million
white argentinians: 39 million
every racist is dumb af
falácias não são argumentos
eu não to ignorando nada, já expliquei o que é o asśedio, não sou papagaio nem gosto de apontar q nariz de porco n é tomada
ou vc tá se recusando a entender, ou vc é analfabeto
enfim, boa noite.
IDH da Argentina: 842
IDH do Brasil: 754
PIB per capita da Argentina: 13,000 USD
PIB per capita do Brasil: 8,000 USD
desemprego Brasil: 13%
desemprego Argentina: 6%
taxa de homicidios Brasil: 22 a cada 100 mil habitantes
taxa de homicidios Argentina: 6 a cada 100 mil habitantes
salario minimo Brasil: 240 USD
salario minimo Argentina: 340 USD
Dizer que a argentina é melhor é constatação da realidade, e nao falar mal do Brasil
seu mau-caráter
meu deus cara como vc é mentiroso, cinico e mau-caráter
eu posso ser tóxico, mas eu tenho princÃpios.
o forum é privado sim, pertence a uma empresa privada, frequentá-lo é um privilegio e não um direito
tem que seguir as regras
e aqui assédio é contra as regras
ficar criando tópico para humilhar usuários é contra as regras
cresce moleque, te falta educação doméstica
deve ser ausência paterna
sim, é
não sou teu amigo
não te dei intimidade para isso
nao gosto de ti
ce é burro, chato, vira-latas
quem precisa de terapia é vc, quem sabe larga de ser frustrado e ficar descontando nos outros na internet
gigachad team
stacked af
adveso, prince, shion and artzin
vivo cukyd is scared 💀💀💀
tirei nada de contexto, no topico vc me cita
isso é assédio e perseguição
seu mau-caráter
meu sonho é que vc nem dirigisse a palavra a mim
nao gosto de gente burra, não gosto de interagir com gente burra
me esquece
esse aqui é outro q não larga do meu pau
criou já uns 5 tópicos me assediando
graças a deus ele não me respondeu, e se tivesse o minimo de brio nem direcionaria a palavra a mim
pois é como os portugueses dizem
"se não gosta mete à borda do prato"
english is the shitest language in indo-european branch
a shame!!!
other germanic languages like dutch, swedish, danish also suck
the only superior language in this shit branch is german (deutsche)
imagine speaking a shit language like english as native 💀💀💀
no, in latin it is "vadimus"
vamos is portuguese/spanish
in italian we don't use vamos, we say "andiamo"