Flag: India
Registered: August 4, 2022
Last post: October 3, 2023 at 5:33 AM
Posts: 1954
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The exam is in January 😭 How is your preparation going on? I mean, mine is good but I have exam anxiety lmao

posted about a year ago

This was already leaked lmao

posted about a year ago

Wait, LGBTQ+ people even believe in God?

posted about a year ago

It would've been better if they posted this pic during pride month but no

posted about a year ago

EMEA still the best region in Valorant so cope harder

posted about a year ago

Damn, all this time I thought it was pronounced as zand πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

Personally, I feel GXR was slightly better than Red Bull when we compare the two LAN tournaments

posted about a year ago

Pearl is a great Yoru map in case you didn't know

posted about a year ago

I guess Yay found his new main. It's GGs for the rest.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  1. At least they got the team names right.
  3. One game at a time meaning the casters were able to commentate on each game and it wasn't that hard to stream.
  4. We could see the players' faces and there were cameras for the stadium and shit.

The only thing Red Bull has that's better than GXR is better mic quality and no delays XD

posted about a year ago

Looking at ESL Clash of Nations as well as Nerd Street Summer tournament (the only ones that are currently being played on the latest patch), there are surprisingly no Chambers at ALL. Every team is opting for KJ or Cypher. Is this end of Chamber?

posted about a year ago

Well, if he is fucking adaptive then WHY HASN'T HE PLAYED ANY OTHER AGENT??

Even when Chamber was not meta on Ascent he was playing Chamber like his life was dependent on it. He literally has so many games on Jett which shows that he was a Jett one trick. You look at his stats and agents and you'll realise that bro can't play ANY other duelist than Jett. Reyna is an exception because let's be real, anyone with an IQ of more than 40 can play Reyna, and moreover she's not meta on the pro scene. You look like a random 10 y/o SkRossi dickrider instead of me. And for your info, I'm fucking 18.

posted about a year ago

So what dude? What's the problem I don't get it lol

posted about a year ago

LMFAO true

posted about a year ago

So what?

posted about a year ago

Chamber is gonna be pretty much out of the pro meta, and Breeze is gone, which was Jett's strongest map. She now only has Ascent and to an extent Haven. What is he gonna play then? It's better if you stop dickriding and get to know the truth about him. Bro cannot play any agent, simple enough.

posted about a year ago

He will still play Chamber cuz he can't play any other agent. Least adaptable player in the world

posted about a year ago

This Nerd Street Summer tournament is being played on patch 5.12 right now, and guess what, barely ANY team that has played so far has played Chamber. And no, I'm not talking about maps like Ascent where we he was already not meta, they're not playing him on HAVEN, FRACTURE, ICEBOX...

I mean, I'm glad Chamber is not broken now, but we can all agree that he should have at least one or two meta maps.

posted about a year ago

No way you put Rawfiul and DM for India πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
Skillz is way more underrated

posted about a year ago

The update hasn't been out for me yet, but I've been watching NA streamers on the most recent patch, and MY GOODNESS there are SO many less Chambers in their games lmfao
People are playing more Cypher than Chamber now

posted about a year ago

You do realise that he used to play Breach, Sova and Sage when he was in ANDBOX...
What makes you think he can't do it again?

posted about a year ago

Imagine calling that sport football when it's 95% of the time not played with the feet XD

posted about a year ago

Although a lot of people disagree with the Sage changes in patch 5.12, I personally think they are good ones. Yes, I agree that they nerfed the self-heal a little too much. Maybe they could've changed it to 40 or something. But when you look at it, Sage is more of a supportive character in the game, and I'm surprised she even HAS a self-heal in the first place. They buffed the ally heal to literally full health, so win-win I guess.

The wall nerfs aren't THAT bad. Like let's be real, whenever we see a Sage wall go up we shoot it instantly anyways. So increasing the fortify time by 0.3 seconds won't do much.

posted about a year ago

5'11, 74 kg

posted about a year ago

Yeah I agree with you. Breeze had such a stale meta and it was so boring to watch. Split at least has more agents being played on it.

posted about a year ago

The fact that people are replying with,"oHoOo AmAZiNg aNiMaTiOn"

Bro they plagarised all that stuff, they didn't make it themselves XD

posted about a year ago

Most sane EU fan

posted about a year ago

Of course. Fuck him

posted about a year ago

He'll still use Chamber only. Pepega awp crutch

posted about a year ago

Goodbye Vincent Fabron, you will never be missed. :)

posted about a year ago

Whoever actually made it through NNN is an actual chad ngl. Y'all have my respect 🀝

posted about a year ago

Soccer 🀑
It's called FOOTBALL smh
Why do y'all Americans want everything to be named different? Inches instead of centimetres, yards instead of metres, miles instead of kilometres... Now ruining the name of a game that's being played world wide

posted about a year ago

No way you think TenZ is still the best

posted about a year ago

Wang Jing Jie (this ones obvious)

posted about a year ago

I swear, people at this point support Argentina only because of Messi. Otherwise this team is absolutely doo doo

posted about a year ago

So what? What is the problem if he's a fan of Tate?

posted about a year ago

-307 downvotes LMAO

posted about a year ago

For real! Also the production was just bad for Day 1. Day 2 and Day 3 went really well without any long af delays in between. The production could've been better but it wasn't TERRIBLE as a whole.

posted about a year ago

Bro keloqz is fucking insane, and Mixwell's aim is top notch. Can't forget about Zeek and his firepower. So much talent on this team

posted about a year ago

Says the Iron 1 hardstuck

posted about a year ago

Ofc cuz they're an EMEA team. EMEA teams are literally the best in the world. Their discipline and strats are unmatched.

posted about a year ago

Nah PRX are just fucking bad. Idiots can't even play defense and think that playing troll af comps is gonna work in their favour. They need some serious help and a reality check, that pro play is a serious environment and not child's play.

posted about a year ago

True. The #2 curse is too strong, unfortunately :(
Also, they were trolling real hard against GE so them winning 7 rounds is pretty much the result of PRX not playing seriously. I mean, if any team runs Phoenix and Reyna on Haven then you should be knowing by now...
If they were playing seriously like how they were against BOOM then I'm pretty sure it would've been a 13-4 win or 13-3

posted about a year ago

Moreover they're playing solo Astra on Bind. Yes, solo Astra, on freaking BIND. Even when Viper-Astra was meta, solo Astra was never played lmfao
If they had played Brimstone or something then they would've done better

posted about a year ago

What a game. Just UNBELIEVABLE. Imagine if this was in a Tier 1 event like Masters or Champions... Crazy scenes. That 24th round was just, I don't have words to say

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro they literally panned the camera towards the audience how can you say that it's fake XD

posted about a year ago

Flipzjder and tehbotol leaving doesn't help their cause either

posted about a year ago

Moreover they were at the arena since 12 PM so they had that problem as well. I'm pretty sure they would've slept at the hotel and come to the arena if they got to know that they were gonna play late at night.

posted about a year ago
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