Congrats to loud
Flag: | Austria |
Registered: | March 31, 2023 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 2:59 PM |
Posts: | 422 |
Cs is very alive Dont know what ur talking about
Pacific is 0-8 vs trophies since the start of valorant
Thats a crazy stat to think about
Drx can sell their trophy too when they choke in... wait nvm lol
Neither is assific,did u forget that t1 just got destroyed by turkish all aim no brainers
Country: Hong Kong
Registered: August 8, 2023
Last post: August 8, 2023 at 1:15 AM
Posts: 4
If ur above asc apac is a Farm server
1.3k posts in under a month,Peak joblessness🤣
"Comes on vlr" .
1,3k posts a month
Yeah lets stop lying
People are really hyping up scrims
"will change my pickems because a team was losing by 5 rounds in scrims" fucking dumbasses lmfaooo
I mean he wasnt bad by any means when he tried pro val,i think he just doesnt have the motivation to play seriously anymore
"Barely won any trophies" lmao
Also the current eu pros are total no names compared to those who switched in NA,NA cant even win with 90% of their cs pros switching,valorant esports is not popular in the majority of Europe nobody gives a fuck about esports expect a couple of countries
Gameplay wise its purely a preference
Im pretty sure most fps pros no matter what game they commited in have played cs
U think PRIME astralis is struggling 16-13 against a team with 2 players who even had a cs career lmfao,obviously the best team in valorant would win against the team who have barely even touched the game
Yeah but its kinda embarassing how eu has 3 more trophies and more succesful teams than our region with way less commitment,we had to bring every dementia xs player we had and make valorant pir flagship game just to barelu rival eu who is winning more with some no name kids and the least interest in val :(
No problem,but as a honest NA fan i have to admit our flaws too,our region is way too cocky for only having 2 trophies,sometimes we na fans dont remember how desperately our region wants succeed in valorant after the years of humiliation in cs, all of our best players abandoned cs to finally find success in val, all the fps players in our region are focused on valorant since all of our other esports are dead ,we have the most high level cs immigrants,most financial support,most clout and we are still outclassed by british tiktoker and a middle aged ukrainian plumber despite all our efforts winning just seems to be our kyrponite as a region😞
No,na being shit was never a popular opinion anywhere,but now u wanna talk when NA finally has more than 1 good team,no one said xset or tgrd especially would be bad
Coming from the Region that was Dick riding the fuck out of optic for a year because ur 2nd best achievement outisde optic was xset reachings top 5-6 in 1 event
I mean the mechanics are just objectively harder