Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 18, 2022
Last post: August 17, 2023 at 8:22 AM
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Jelly eh a melhor jogadora do cenário inclusivo.

Porém existe alguém que pode pará-la...
bstrdd? NÃO
daiki? NÃO
bizerra? NÃO

LET é o nome da fera, ela eh a única q consegue separar Jelly da vitória. UMA MÁQUINA, UM BESTA ENJAULADA COM ÓDIO.

posted about a year ago

Essa mizzy vai dar oq falar hoje, pena q qdo ela olha pro lado, ela só encontra bagres...

posted about a year ago

Carried by Vini JR!

posted about a year ago

Isso, eu confundi, escrevi misto pensando em inclusivo msm

posted about a year ago

Acho q já passou da hora de assumirmos q a Jelly eh a melhor jogadora do cenário misto...

posted about a year ago

Os planetas estão se alinhando pra bizinha sair dessa bomba e ir pra LOUD, podia levar a sayuri junto...

posted about a year ago

MIBR 2-1

drn e nat foram injustiçadas.

posted about a year ago

Mas isso eh o melhor a se fazer msm amigo! vc entendeu tudo

posted about a year ago

Pancc no(BR Justice...), but ntk was convicted and arrested for 2 years

posted about a year ago

W slots, acho que só a não classificação pro mundial faria a porra do jean perceber q só vão ser relevantes no cenário feminino se kikarem a impostora da >LET<

posted about a year ago

NTK is a woman beater and PANCC is a harasser, The Union shames Brazil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont write any more articles about them, btw even if they qualify for an international championship, they wont be able to play bc they cant get a visa bc they ar criminals...

posted about a year ago

Finalmente decidiram aposentar o fzkk, jogador q morreu em 2020...

pleets, donsa e murizzz são outros q estão precisando ir de arrasta pra cima!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

PANCC E NTK!!!!!!!!!!!


posted about a year ago

Torcendo pra The Union, pancc e ntk são a carinha do Brasil... n tem representantes melhores!

posted about a year ago

Nunca tivemos bons iniciadores aqui tirando sacy e cauanzin...

posted about a year ago

Acho q gtn e pollo encaixam como uma luva nesse time

posted about a year ago

reddit >

posted about a year ago


Supernova The King of Valorant clears u clown.

posted about a year ago

Its not bc of the current roster, but bc of the relevance of the org, of course they would have to change the roster...

posted about a year ago

Sad but one team region ¯_(ツ)_/¯

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

Aqua, já pode dar o furo da bizinha na LOUD!

posted about a year ago

Insane how horrible is tier 2 NA, LATAM will clears ascension

posted about a year ago

Better than PRX.

posted about a year ago

dude thinks he's cute or what
speak normally you fucking bitch
but this guy showed his true face today, bad personality revealed

posted about a year ago

B4rtin eh roroso, me lembra o ablej

posted about a year ago

Pollo é talvez o jogador mais underrated desse tier 2 br, ele é mto mais talentoso que heat e mwzera por exemplo, deveria estar nas franquias juntamente com o xand.

posted about a year ago

2-0 RED

gtn > anos luzes > xenon

posted about a year ago

GE and PRX on top

posted about a year ago

Me too

posted about a year ago

o Aqua me falou q a LOUD está sondando ela e estão quase fechando... a Let vai de ralo.

posted about a year ago

Never, pancada and marved clears both

posted about a year ago

Well... its hard to win Champions, but Aspas was also a ranked demon and smurfed in tier 2... If this guy join a good and structured team, I think its possible... Ive seen some clips of him and he looks insane

posted about a year ago

I already liked him

posted about a year ago

This guy is some kind of russian Aspas??

posted about a year ago

LOL, just remind u that Less and pANcada exist.

posted about a year ago

Hmmm I undestand!! something VERY similar happens here in brazil, many players put "zera" after their name, bc of a brazilian CS player called Coldzera, Mwzera is an example...
Here its very common to put the name in the diminutive too, thats why several BR names end with "zin" like the cauanzin of LOUD.

Thanks for explaining, I thought it might have some more meaning, but the S at the end is really cool

posted about a year ago

Why do many Thai players use a capital S at the end of their nick?
like garnetS, JitboyS, CigaretteS, etc.

Are they some kind of KennyS fans?

posted about a year ago

SEN 2-0 FURIA ez, tenz clears memewzera

posted about a year ago

W team!!!!!!

Unfortunately this team doesnt go forward bc of a player...
>LET< is her name, she simply has no level to play in tier 1, there are rumors here in brazil that she only has a spot on the team bc she knows some TayWhoWho's dark secrets......

Look at her stats in the last 2 finals she played:

Basically 30 FD in each matches, how is this possible?

posted about a year ago

Is this Something some kind of Russian Aspas? He is insane...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Stop promoting his live u dumbs?

posted about a year ago

Its genius tbh, bc the fault would go to those who were credited!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Average FURIA fan 👎

posted about a year ago
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