Flag: Vietnam
Registered: December 27, 2023
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 3:30 AM
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aspas drops 80 and loses because cUm gets shot dillydallying in mid

posted 5 months ago

I have this flair to root against Bleed but unironically jemkin solo clears all of TS

posted 5 months ago

Ok this has to be bait

This would just make the players want to kill themselves

posted 5 months ago

As much as I like G2 and I really wanna see them cook with icy I cannot see them making Shanghai over Loud

posted 5 months ago

please don't do him like that

posted 5 months ago

Jawgemo: best raze itw

how dare you disrespect glorious jinggg like that

posted 5 months ago

My Guard goat back on initiator

We are so back

posted 5 months ago

I mean icy did just move over from what was basically T3 to a franchise league, I think it's best we just give him more time and let him figure out his spot on the team

posted 5 months ago

we then proceeded to lose the next four rounds lmao

posted 5 months ago

i was playing a swiftplay with my friend, he (friend not agent) threw one of the blob things and shortied 3 people

posted 5 months ago

kicked crazyguy

posted 5 months ago

+Akame (assuming REJECT doesn't win Ascension)

boys what we thinking

posted 5 months ago

it wasn't even a top-tier Pacific team at that

y0y barely went positive and mfs declared the return of their king

posted 5 months ago

his ass is NOT Demon1 😭

posted 5 months ago

c9 won because c0m flanks don't work

nrg won because loud were 80% stuck in Ireland for days and got curbstomped on map 2

posted 5 months ago

Explain first part in Valorant terms I haven't touched the game since 6th grade

posted 5 months ago

oh mb the way that was worded I thought gtn also touched kids

posted 5 months ago

what did gtn do i dont follow brazil

posted 5 months ago

god I hope so

posted 5 months ago

what does "the bear will definitely get hit" mean

posted 5 months ago

no, y0y is governor's bitch and will get 2-0'ed

posted 5 months ago

your ass is NOT JoeDaBozo 😭 can't even do the face

posted 5 months ago

i legitimately could not root for a single team because these mfs just be hitting the wildest shots in existence

posted 5 months ago

I mean the majority of their players were stuck in Europe days before the match

When I flew to Vietnam I'd get hella jetlag for a week

posted 5 months ago

nah the 180 from the iceman pullin up to getting domed the next round is insane

posted 5 months ago

Nah there's a clear difference between d1 hating and just being a dickhead

posted 5 months ago

bro thinks he's AverageJonas with the shockdart kills πŸ’€

posted 5 months ago

i mean at least Demon1 can play more than 2 agents

posted 5 months ago

we done with 2020 as well

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

can we get rid of Ssnakey as well

posted 5 months ago

Is it worth watching him lose?

posted 5 months ago

alternative idea get yoshiii out of the sinking ship that's now scarz

posted 5 months ago

unkick crazyguy then

posted 5 months ago

Me personally i like the purple variant but red is also nice

posted 5 months ago

pretty alright

posted 5 months ago

ik this is gonna sound cringe because he's Japanese and all but bro legit has anime protag energy

posted 5 months ago

Jinggg comes back
Bleed loses every single series (includes DFM first win)
Susanto derbys

posted 5 months ago

If Fnatic loses this match because they still choose to run the exact same strats I will be viewing the team with the same amount of contempt as I do Bleed

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago


edit: mom the communists are downvoting me

posted 5 months ago

Subtract Mistic and TL's avg BMI would halve

posted 5 months ago

this is like the third 4v2 loss from tl holy

posted 5 months ago

yeah get Zest off Bleed plz thx

posted 5 months ago
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