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Last post: September 19, 2024 at 2:51 AM
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What if I have a flair to hate on another team

posted 4 months ago

VCJ Split 2 Advance Stage: SCARZ vs Crest Gaming Zst

SZ Brief Information: Being the runner-ups of last year's Ascension tournament, there was a lot of hype behind this team, even as some of their star players left for other opportunities. However, it's safe to say they did NOT live up to those expectations in Split 1. They ended the split with a 2-5 record, which understandably warranted a rebuild for this split. SCARZ decided to get two more imports, with Tixx from the Oceania region, and Yotaa coming all the way from the French league. Both of these players looked the best on their respective former teams, so it will be exciting to see them play. Hopefully we can see this team make a huge comeback to qualify for Ascension once more.

CGZ Brief Information: After choking to the worst team in Split 1 in open qualifiers, Crest Gaming Zst is back to take on Split 2. CGZ is a very strong team that has a solid pool of proven talents. However, they garnered a lot of attention for their two cracked prodigies, HYUNMIN and DH. These two top fragged in every Premier stage match and in pretty dominant fashion. They managed to make it out of Group B, which was definitely the scarier of the two groups. Their only loss was against FAV Gaming in the finals, who admittedly also deserved to be in Split 2, but it was a very close game and they got their revenge in the grand finals.

SZ Players to Watch: Tixx and Yotaa are making their debut in the Japanese league. Based off their old performances, I think they will put up a good fight should they qualify.

CGZ Players to Watch: Definitely HYUNMIN and DH for sure. These two are cracked in their own ways; HYUNMIN is an insane duelist and DH flexed on three different roles in the Premier stage. I know someone here is very excited to watch them play.

Prediction: Since I haven't seen much of SCARZ's new players, I'm going to say Crest takes this 2-0. However, if Tixx and Yotaa prove to be insane, I would say the lead would go down to 2-1.

posted 4 months ago

VCJ Split 2 Advance Stage: IGZIST vs RIDDLE ORDER

IGZ Brief Information: Had a life game against Crest Gaming Zst in Split 1 open qualifiers and then proceeded to be the worst team in that split. None of their games looked particularly close and the players looked super inconsistent. I think it has to be a coaching issue from last year since GangPin and Thiefy looked good after they left the team. With HaReeee rumored to join NORTHEPTION, we might see a similar trend. However, I don't even think that 1 hour in a room with no police interference is going to save this team.

RIDDLE Brief Information: The other streamer org, RIDDLE is known for being owned by Vodka. They have some exciting pickups for the 2024 season, picking up the remainder of ZETA DIVISION's Academy roster, the Korean Jett Seoldam, and former VCJ winner JoxJo who was signed for this split. In Split 1 open qualifiers, they lost to Murash Gaming in the grand finals. However, RIDDLE looks to be in way better form going into the advance stage.

IGZ Players to Watch: idk maybe Kobra? He usually gets positive scorelines in the Split 1 matches. The rest seem to be on a sinking ship tho.

RIDDLE Players to Watch: This team has a lot of clouted signings going into this split, especially Seoldam and JoxJo. However, I'm going to look out for Aace. One look at his Twitter clips and you'll see a plethora of the guy just hitting the wildest shots imaginable. Yatsuka is also a strong player, being the top-rated player from the Premier stage.

Prediction: RIDDLE 2-0 ez

posted 4 months ago

KRU already first seed, LEV needs to win to get first seed

posted 4 months ago

G2 doesn't even have to win a map they just need 14 rounds

posted 4 months ago

mfs when scan initiators use their scan abilities to get kills

like lmao just shoot the dart

posted 4 months ago

I think TEC can pull out the win for playoffs, NOVA hasn't looked the best even with Swerl

posted 4 months ago

Its not like they changed anything

That's the problem

posted 4 months ago

If this was posted a few weeks ago I would've said get Yoshiii off of SCARZ but we'll just see how Tixx and Yotaa play out the second split first

posted 4 months ago

tbf the way omen's played is so fundamentally different from the other controllers (outside of maybe clove) that there isn't really a viable way to nerf him

posted 4 months ago

Damn group B is NOT friendly, both of these teams should be in split 2

posted 4 months ago

They qualified by beating out shitter teams they could've aim diffed anyway; when faced off against actual teams they fall apart from all the antistratting

Not playing for a good regional placement is the dumbest shit I've ever heard, if you play well regionally you get better playoff chances. This isn't 2023, they don't have a free Masters ticket anymore

posted 4 months ago

Elmapuddy changes one agent from last year's team comps and decides that's enough meta innovation for the entire year

posted 4 months ago

Team with RX in their acronym wins

posted 4 months ago

generally they go by map diff first then round diff

posted 4 months ago

Bruh that map 1 had TenTen get more kills than the other team combined

posted 4 months ago

egg diabl0/11

posted 4 months ago

On one hand anyone escaping IGZIST is a good move

On the other I don't see that working at all

Also where do people usually find Japanese scrimbux?

posted 4 months ago

The world if leagues allowed 2 import slots

posted 4 months ago

Lmao just shoot the trip bozo

posted 4 months ago

I saw tgrd 13-0 100t once and just followed their initiator player (I play initiator)

posted 4 months ago

Wish there was a Turkish stream cause I feel like the casting on that would go so hard

posted 4 months ago


Not adapting to the new meta and its consequences

posted 4 months ago

bro's talking to himself 💀

posted 4 months ago

You could put any map back in I just want Ascent gone

posted 4 months ago

Highly doubt they would have the financial allocations for two T2 LAN tournaments

Second point is valid tho point system sucks

posted 4 months ago

Eliminated teams when they have nothing to lose:

posted 4 months ago

mazin pulled up out of the pit looking at the corner and died with both flashes

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Win against Bleed next month then I'll consider it

posted 4 months ago

holy fuck how long is this tech pause

posted 4 months ago

Me personally I would've said cUm lurk assterclass

posted 4 months ago

im a broke mf after getting reaver phantom and i wanna get the battle pass

posted 4 months ago

JayH (DSG player) got banned on matchfixing allegations

Said allegations stemmed from when he was playing in China Ascension for NiP where he betted on himself to win

posted 4 months ago

id be surprised if bro even wants to keep the org running atp

posted 4 months ago

Makes sense, most of the top Japanese challengers teams are either giants in other games or owned by massive streamers so the viewership goes crazy

posted 4 months ago

praying on this outcome for g2

posted 4 months ago

i mean tbf no one really had kru rated that high to begin with

posted 4 months ago

There has been a concerning trend of gaslighting people into thinking that NRG fans were always the annoying ones

posted 4 months ago

no team is entitled to a LAN spot stop crying because a team that isn't your favorite is playing good

posted 4 months ago

Ascent just needs to go i don't care about anything else

posted 4 months ago

True, I just wish at least some of his util got used

As much as I shit on y0y now, 2022 him was just a clip machine, I think his ult ace against LOUD better fits Chamber's methodical playstyle

posted 4 months ago

Insane clip but it was kinda just aim diff

I chose the clips I chose because they beautifully showcased the agent utility which would be fitting for a cinematic

posted 4 months ago

What clips have been in VCT that could be an agent's cinematic clip? Had this thought after Foxy9's ace last night

Jett - Jawgemo ace against NRG
Raze - Nukkye ace against Acend where he dodged a Raze ult with a satchel
Cypher - Foxy9 site lockdown ace against Bleed

Those were the three that immediately come to mind


Viper - nAts lurk against G2
Chamber - yay ult ace against LOUD

posted 4 months ago

That clip just screamed Jett clip. Absolute masterclass

posted 4 months ago

bro tryna start a race war

posted 4 months ago

Out: Ascent

That's literally it

posted 4 months ago
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