Flag: Canada
Registered: February 16, 2023
Last post: February 20, 2023 at 11:14 PM
Posts: 65
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posted about a year ago

With their huge presence in Val they still support the game despite Riot only giving them 1 slot.

If I had to watch these dogwater EU teams knowing my region only got 1 slot I would be very upset.

Hopefully India can overthrow the Eurocentric Riot regime similar to how they overthrew the Colonial British.

I think SK Rossi can be similar to Ghandi in that respect, help India secure more slots by beating dogwater EU teams.

posted about a year ago

Why EU so poor at Val?

Despite having the biggest playerbase, infrastructure, best internet, they still lose to Bronzillians and NA in thie game.

I think it has mostly to do with Culture. In a creative, fast and free flowing game like Val you need a playerbase that has characteristics of 'Freedom' and 'Passion' and 'Creativity'.

But when you think of 'EU esports player' you think of some monotone, boring pimply dude from scandanavian village who lacks the these qualities. Just an observation no hate.

Instead these qualities are easily apparent in American and Bronzillian populations Not EU. No hate just an observation.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Camera just showed Bronzilian fan in loud jersey holding Giants sign.

These guys scared of NRG so they cheer for giants cringe af.

posted about a year ago

Lets be honest, no one cars about these noob teams.

In our hearts and minds the tournament only begins once SEN plays their first game

Something feels off right now. Admit it. Thats because no SEN yet. This is a shadow of a tournament; players, coaches, fans, casters are just going through the motions until we see TenZ on stage.

posted about a year ago


In my 25 years of life in north america I have never seen a scuffed table like this.

Bronzil table.

posted about a year ago

Will there ever be a major in India?

If even a place like brazil can get a major maybe there is hope for india.

posted about a year ago

Lets go GE!

posted about a year ago
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