Sad to se sharks losing, but cool that Koreas can be competitive. Hope that sharks do well in lower and VKS shows why they are the 1 seed
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | November 20, 2020 |
Last post: | October 8, 2022 at 5:07 PM |
Posts: | 158 |
Sad to se sharks losing, but cool that Koreas can be competitive. Hope that sharks do well in lower and VKS shows why they are the 1 seed
I mean V1 wouldnt take a map of nuturn
Sharks is a really good team in heaven and Nuturn proved be very superior on bind, lets see this 3 map
You only see stats, teddy is a friend of the GL guys and can fit much better with the team than drago and vixen, and I don’t know if you know, but the teams mood influences a lot
Yeah, maybe, but sova isnt that strong in this meta as he is used to be
Scrims are scrims, matches are somenthing else
They were a top 2 team last year, but they caught covid and couldnt play first strike, in masters 1 a player couldnt play and they played with a substitute,but they lost, after that they got worse
i dont believe so, i think that we could hit 200k easily, NA first strike final was like 100k or more
Im very sad with this, but i think that Krain still in the team. Everyone from vorax are great players, any team that pick them will be great
I dont know why chase left ex-B4, they were doing good and prob a org would hire the players, like Squad5 that never splited because they trust each other. Regardless, i was hoping to see murizz replacing Fzkk
This team never managed to reach its full potential because they are so unlucky, sadge :(
The thing is that they all good players, but atm gtn fits better in the team
Astralis never need it a s1mple or a zywoo to win,VKS have sacy like astralis had device
you dont change a team that is winning
Vorax will not split atm, maybe if they go bad in the next tournament
Its just because in BR people are very agressive
For better teams to emerge orgs need to invest in longterm projects, if there isnt money to do that many orgs will not invest and it will hurt new talents to emerge and tier 2 teams to become tier 1. There isnt big orgs in Brazil like Furia that can just get a team of superstars
It is profitable only for the top teams bro, and that isnt a good sign. HL isnt a bad team, they GH are by far the best among the top teams and they managed to get top 4 in the challengers final. Sharks have FX as coach
Prob you are being downvoted because we all see you in almost EVERY post related to brazil trying to underestimate brazilians teams. At the moment val scene is doing relative good for one year, but the future depends on some variables
Pain disband, BD disband, B4 disband, Imperial disband..
Thats so sad man, we will never be able to see the famous VS original roster
You prob dont know anything about the BR scene, just shut up
I am not talking about a competitive level, I am talking about money, 3 great orgs disbanded this month, since they dont see the team fast improving and at the same time dont earning money, only a elitist group will manage to survive. And im not talking about FS format, im talking that they managed to fit their tournament and let other tournaments happen
V1 2-0
No idea how this is gonna be
I dont think it was favored, we just get lucky. Stop the shit talk
To be honest im more afraid of sick than tenz
This riot system is hurting tier 2 teams in brazil, these VCTs took up almost half of the entire year and basically if you are not among the best you cannot maintain yourself. Last year with the ignition series and the FS were better, if it becomes like LoL with an elitist closed system it will be garbage
I see this type of question all the time and every time i answer it seems that people dont make the slightest effort to try to research the reason and it is not that difficult
every post of brazilian teams youre crying in the comments, are you ok brother?
Gaabx played with 4 different agents, kinda insane that he is trying to do that
They really need, if dont they will be behind the other regions, but i think that they will
You got this KRU !
Qck and Xand have some ego yes, but isnt that bad as many people say, you know haters..
This 3 map will be insane
How do you know "not now"? HL have been working for a LONG time, putting a lot of dedication and work then you say "Not now" and losing to "easy team" as if you were underestimating all the work they have been putting in. Also I watch val since beta with the twitch rivals, that doesnt mean anything.