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Registered: July 5, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2024 at 3:14 PM
Posts: 481
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This whole moment with the reactions and aftermath and evrything is hilarious

posted about a year ago

what news? Boom qualified what else is needed

posted about a year ago

vanity 3 or 4

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Haven't been able to watch, how has the phoenix done?

posted about a year ago

right i’ll edit that now

posted about a year ago

PRX ban Split
PRX ban Ascent
PRX pick Bind - PRX adv 85/15
FPX pick Icebox - FPX adv 55/45
PRX pick Fracture - PRX adv 70/30
FPX pick Breeze - No idea
Haven - PRX adv 55/45
Anything terribly wrong here?

posted about a year ago

actually comical that marved isnt on this list

posted about a year ago

what a lower bracket run, respect. OpTic will be back for champs

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro r u a fan or just a fake flair-er pipe down 😭😭

posted about a year ago

not shit talk lol just an observation

posted about a year ago

4-1 pistols and they’re getting blown jesus

posted about a year ago

I am scared of facing this guy next match and I'm not even in the server...

posted about a year ago

fpx just lost up8-4 on defense

posted about a year ago

Honestly has there ever been a non-entertaining Split game on LAN? BUT YEAH LETS REMOVE THIS MAP

posted about a year ago

cuz its emea teams

posted about a year ago

PRX coach Alecks said this, does anyone know the context like what happened in game?

posted about a year ago

so happy for PRX lol love watching them and they deserve it

posted about a year ago

Tom/Mitch for FNC/FPX
Pansy/Hypoc for LBF - OpTic/Winner^
Bren/Sideshow for GF - PRX/Winner^

Pretty solid

posted about a year ago

bro Marshawn Lynch DID NOT say that LMFAO

posted about a year ago

bro what is going on these guys are lost rn

posted about a year ago

ur an idiot my point was ppl were saying sleeper crowd but it was nice during those moments dumbass

posted about a year ago

ok im ngl the crowd was kinda dope with those f0rsakeN shots

posted about a year ago

Surely they didn't start the first crowd match with the most sleeper casters NOOOOO

posted about a year ago

Riot love their halves with the faces and the agents LOL

posted about a year ago

So far...
UB R1: 4-0
LB R1: 1-1
UB Semis: 1-1
LB R2: 1-1

OpTic (2) vs Paper Rex (1)
Oh man this is going to be the best match of the tournament so far, I can feel it right now. I hope to everything that d4v41, jingg, f0rsakeN and alecks are fully healthy in 5 days. In front of a crowd, with 2 of the best and most dynamic teams is gonna be so fun to watch. Paper Rex really showed they could run with the best of the best; people are saying Derke played bad that's why FNC lost, but in my mind it's PRX didn't let Derke get comfortable and play his game. That's why I think they will try to do the same against yay, forcing him into unfavorable fights and bringing the battle to him with jingg and f0rsakeN rather than letting yay choose his fights. But, 5 days is a lot for Chet to prepare and antistrat and using this FNC game will be really helpful. I think this match will come down to a lot of midrounding for both teams: resetting after initial duels, pace of play, man advantage rounds. Whichever team can use their stars the most and clutch more will win. Marved vs mindfreak, Jinggg vs Victor, f0rsakeN vs yay, this will be very good. I think OpTic just gets over the finish line, a very close 2-1, but we will see PRX back in the grand finals.

Fnatic (2) vs FPX (1)
Fnatic will continue to reign supreme over FPX in their 100th meeting in the last month. In a game like this, where both teams are very familiar with each other and are comfortable with the playstyles, it will allow the star players to shine. This match will come down to individual performance IMO, whereas FNC games against PRX and LEV and FPX games against DRX were more reliant on cohesive team play because it was a completely new opponent. With that said, I think Derke and Alfajer will have the upper hand over ardiis and shao/suygetsu (whoever plays better and backs up ardiis). I also think that Enzo and Boaster have played extremely will in terms of util, support, and fragging and Mistic has been below average but always has that ability to put up good numbers. On the other hand, Zyppan hasn't impressed me with the potential he has and Ange1 is just there. This match will be close for sure, but I think Fnatic moves into the top 3, 2-1 over FPX.

posted about a year ago

they have a very good chance

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

maybe they could move away from Jett. honestly, the only map that really needs Jett right now is breeze. A lot more teams are running Raze/neon on like Haven, Split, Ascent so they could switch to that because lately their gameplay around Jett doesn't look good at all

posted about a year ago

dear god please not those 2 i will fall asleep during 5 maps of 25-23

posted about a year ago

they should definitely bootcamp in EU. I honestly think their mental will improve with losing MORE and learning how to adapt and that starts in scrims. Look at all the teams with good mental, they all have lost quite a bit in their pasts and come back stronger.

posted about a year ago

definitely Rb off jett move him to Kayo like they did today on Ascent. On Jett he just gets thrown to the wolves with no cohesion that's why his FD and KD are so bad on jett

posted about a year ago

3 spots behind jinggg is pretty respectful for mindfreak imo

posted about a year ago

the thing for me is FNS has played exceedingly well for his standards, but compared to everyone else he is still below them lol. But I think I should move Benkai down

posted about a year ago

they need to put Rb back on Kayo/etc

posted about a year ago

I did this for M1, so I thought it would be fun to do again. Feel free to leave your thoughts and rankings below.
Keep in mind, I'm focusing strictly on gameplay impact rather than IGL, energy, etc and emphasis on how they have played in M2. The tiers of players are below the rankings.

  1. OpTic yay
  2. OpTic Marved
  3. FNC Derke
  4. FPX ardiis
  5. PRX f0rsakeN
  6. PRX Jinggg
  7. FNC Alfajer
  8. FPX Suygetsu
  9. PRX mindfreak
  10. FPX Shao
  11. OpTic crashies
  12. FNC Enzo
  13. OpTic Victor
  14. FNC Boaster
  15. PRX d4v41
  16. FPX Zyppan
  17. FNC Mistic
  18. OpTic FNS
  19. PRX Benkai
  20. FPX Ange1

S: yay, marved, Derke, ardiis, f0rsakeN, Jinggg
A+: Alfajer, Suygetsu
A: mindfreak, shao, crashies
B/B+: Enzo, Victor, Boaster
C+: d4v41, Zyppan
C: Mistic, Benkai, FNS, Ange1

posted about a year ago

Oh my god that defuse is gonna haunt leviatan…what an OT

posted about a year ago

I know casters have been getting a lot of shit in val, especially compared to cs but i’ve been thinking that the eu casters are pretty good. tom/mitch and pansy/hypoc actualy deliver pretty good hype and commentary imo. balla and doug r a little boring + biased tho. let’s see if with a crowd it might amplify the hype

posted about a year ago

So far for my predictions...
First Round: 4-0
UB semis and LB 1st round: 2-2

OpTic (2) vs Paper Rex (1)
Oh man this is going to be the best match of the tournament so far, I can feel it right now. I hope to everything that d4v41, jingg, f0rsakeN and alecks are fully healthy in 5 days. In front of a crowd, with 2 of the best and most dynamic teams is gonna be so fun to watch. Paper Rex really showed they could run with the best of the best; people are saying Derke played bad that's why FNC lost, but in my mind it's PRX didn't let Derke get comfortable and play his game. That's why I think they will try to do the same against yay, forcing him into unfavorable fights and bringing the battle to him with jingg and f0rsakeN rather than letting yay choose his fights. But, 5 days is a lot for Chet to prepare and antistrat and using this FNC game will be really helpful. I think this match will come down to a lot of midrounding for both teams: resetting after initial duels, pace of play, man advantage rounds. Whichever team can use their stars the most and clutch more will win. Marved vs mindfreak, Jinggg vs Victor, f0rsakeN vs yay, this will be very good. I think OpTic just gets over the finish line, a very close 2-1, but we will see PRX back in the grand finals.

DRX (2) vs FPX (1)
Today's match was incredibly unlucky for DRX honestly, losing thrifties after coming all the way back. Plus BuZz really underperformed on Bind. I think DRX are really fired up right now and will be well prepared for round 2 vs FPX. I wonder if Breeze will get through, with both of the teams looking horrible on the map in their matches. Both teams have quite a bit of pressure on their shoulders, top 6 is not enough for either of them. Both of these teams are also good in the clutch, so I think a lot will come down to initial fights and who can find early advantages. I want to see Rb's space-making get capitalized on and if DRX plays clean and doesn't allow FPX back into rounds like Guild did, DRX will come out on top. I am still yet to see Ange1 come online, which is a concern. The big thing is to see if FPX can break through MaKo's first line of defense onto site. I think Zest and MaKo hit a new limit and DRX wins this 2-1, with 2 close maps and 1 decisive victory. Hot take: Rb goes big.

Fnatic (2) vs Leviatan (0)
Leviatan are definitely a good team, and fun to watch too. However, I think they're like a budget PRX with their playstyle, and Fnatic just played the real deal. They will definitely be prepared for LEV. I also think FNC will be able to punish LEV's over-aggressiveness and take the advantage. However, Leviatan should be planning to force the issue like PRX did, and not let FNC get comfortable. But in a game like this, I think it comes down to firepower and the usage of it. FNC wasn't able to perform individually today, so they lost. I don't think that happens again. Boaster will call really well and put his team (and himself) in the best positions to frag, and he, Enzo and Derke will go huge. I'm giving this one to Fnatic 2-0.

posted about a year ago

yea its a great rivalry i think both teams know it too

posted about a year ago

great way to finish that series off after back to back 13-4s. OpTic screaming after winning and DRX screaming and pissed off after losing just shows how emotional of a game that was. Amazing map to watch, I hope DRX beats FPX

posted about a year ago

hes hilarious

posted about a year ago

dude its 13-4, 9-1, on paper this was a good matchup but explain how this has been a good game?

posted about a year ago

Victor looks way more comfortable on duelist/entry (jett/raze/neon) rather than support flex (kayo/skye) which he has mostly been playing this last year. Interesting

posted about a year ago

what a boring series after the prx fnatic one

posted about a year ago

I agree, but d4v41 said he had a fever so that's a big impact. He clearly isn't playing as well as vs guild either

posted about a year ago

The lack of a playstyle like this back home is just too much for them to be able to adapt, IMO. If they win, PRX will be 3-0 vs EMEA

posted about a year ago

Absolutely insane boosts in performance from last masters. love to see it

posted about a year ago
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