Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 26, 2023
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 2:45 PM
Posts: 1503
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''Não é questão de esforço mano, BRASIL joga de forma diferente e pensa de forma diferente tlg''

Ai vem a Loud se esforça e ganha o mundo... no fim era realmente esforço

posted about a year ago

Todas as minas jogam ranked, pegam radiant elas conseguem performar melhor que isso.

Ninguém tá pedindo uma performance a nível tier 1, só o básico pra ganhar de gente que não treina

posted about a year ago

NENHUM time em atividade que tem investimento para bootcamp, CT, apartamento, oportunidade de jogar em mundial. JAMAIS deveria perder para um time de caster que não treinar, nem se fosse 5 ex pro.

O que a Liquid treina em uma semana o OSKV não faz em 6 meses. Se elas estão com o básico tão ruim é demitir essa staff inteiro e contratar outra

posted about a year ago

Bom, se pegarmos o histórico da Liquid no Brasil, eles não priorizam contratar a melhor staff. No rainbowsix a Liquid tem 2 dos melhores players do mundo, Lendas do game. IGL ganhador de major e contrataram um coach iniciante ex player que nunca ganhou nada na vida. Enquanto isso o Brasil exporta coach para Europa.

Se o coach do valorant for nesse nível realmente fica difícil evoluir

posted about a year ago

Imagina ser um time que treina 10 horas por dia, faz bootcamp na europa, vai pra mundial. E não consegue ganhar de OSKARAVELHO que nem treina

posted about a year ago

Master is just a qualifier for champions

posted about a year ago

Mas em defesa ao manito, não tinha tempo talvez seja o motivo

Por mais que ele tenha todos os conceitos, colocar em prática, deixar natural é diferente e já tava tendo que ensinar o tuyz, praticar todos os mapas em um meta que não conhecia, camp sem lower etc

Espero que pro futuro ele perceba isso e tenha o tempo para colocar em prática

posted about a year ago

Verdade, confundi, mas com cauanzin talvez fosse ainda melhor, imagina que loco uma raze que não fica botton frag todos os mapas

posted about a year ago

Ele chegou a fazer smoke na vks por algum tempo e segundo ele e o Sacy ''ensinaram o pancada'' a jogar de smoke

Com certeza ele sabe

posted about a year ago

4/19 na split porra, melhor pegar uma fade que consegue ganhar espaço com skill (comp da fnatic)

posted about a year ago

Saadhak tem mira bambu, o forte dele são plays inteligentes, inesperadas. de Raze é uma tristeza completa.

Eu sei que ele quer manter a estrutura que tinha antes mas é muito mais jogo ele ir de smoke e deixar o tuyz de raze, cadê o ''Todo mundo jogo com o que for preciso'' que ele tanto fala ?

posted about a year ago


2 years era at least

posted about a year ago

Loud fans threw hate on Sacy for leaving, rigged the 2022 best player voting (brazil) by spamming votes for cauanzin when clearly he was not better that year = Loud loses in map 5 because cauanzin couldn't handle the pressure and threw many rounds by himself.

Loud fans made fun of FNS for his performance at champions = Saadhak played just as bad.

Karma is a bitch.

posted about a year ago

Told ya, cauanzin threw map 5 like he was playing for NIP with a bunch of trash players

posted about a year ago

Game is over, what do you expect ?

posted about a year ago

Tier 3 valorant dog

posted about a year ago

Loud can't win without Sacy and Pancada, Sacy was the one who kept Aspas and Less in check so they wouldn't feel the pressure and he is the goat top fragger on champions. Pancada doesn't miss.

Aspas is alredy choking, Saadhak is lost gg ez Fnatic

posted about a year ago

He said it was of his dreams to play for a big NA/EU ORG since when he was playing League of Legends

btw: he had the chance to play for fnatic in 2021 but choose to stay in brazil and created Loud's roaster

posted about a year ago

Less on twitter: ''This was particularly one of my hardest games to perform, I spent the night throwing up and took saline during the entire pre game
I'm on my way to the hospital to get better and I'd like to thank you all for your support 💚''

Aspas on postgame interview said he woke up with arm pain, loud's physiotherapist helped him but after map 3 he started to feel again

posted about a year ago

Lil bro so traumatized by how shit brazil was (and kinda still is, one team region) and forgot about everything before 2021

posted about a year ago

But saadhak ain't a cracked aim player so doesn't work

He is a smart player

posted about a year ago

The dumb brazilians actually play for furia

posted about a year ago

Loud was never a "super team." That was a narrative started by Gringo's casters
Loud had two stars (Sacy and Saadhak).
2 young platers who didn't even compete in Tier 1 (less, Aspas)
and Pancada, who had previous experience with other fps titles but was not competing in the top three br 

A Super team would consist of getting MWZERA/Heat, NZR (who were the best at time) Loud was a bet

posted about a year ago
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