Flag: Pakistan
Registered: July 18, 2022
Last post: September 18, 2022 at 7:58 PM
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they are great ngl. One thing I gotta say tho that them playing in their individual rooms might be good for them.

This team is NOT bad by any angle. IMO If they play as they do at home they will be top contenders.

posted about a year ago

Damn replace sean gares right fucking now

posted about a year ago

bruh this trashtalk is sooo baddd.

u just literally added pause before natic. and crazy thing is its not even something started with f so it could be fnatic. wtffff I'm dumbfounded

posted about a year ago

nah common XSET W

posted about a year ago

Your point? That's even worse cuz real janitors get paid. They(vlr mods) do it with their own will and ur being rude like that.

Janitors are needed in the world and are appreciated. At least by me...

posted about a year ago

The first thing is to literally not care. When you see a toxic post u should be like "I don't give a fuck". Easier said than done cuz some stuff also do be annoying me but it's gotta be like that on forums like these dude xD. Also, u can have fun with it with a little trash talk strictly about the user as I did above.

posted about a year ago

gg wp

posted about a year ago

100T didn't show up. GGs unlucky really

posted about a year ago

Certified American moment

posted about a year ago

i know right

posted about a year ago

not cool

posted about a year ago

mf whole vocabulary is these 2 sentences.

Vct_fan mom: why are your grades bad?
Vct_fan replies: stay mad kid 💀

posted about a year ago

ignore it bruv. Actually, have fun with it instead

posted about a year ago

No he speaks American like the other thread said

posted about a year ago

whole Fnatic team comms in Turkish, don't you know?

posted about a year ago

If my grandmother had wheels she could have been a bike

posted about a year ago

This might be the worst bait ever. Literally makes 0 sense. I can't even entertain u I got nothing to say

posted about a year ago

yep. I got nothing against those two, they are great but I don't why some of the matches they just don't feel too good

posted about a year ago

I actually agree. It's their LAN debut hope people cut them some slack. But I do think if they start off strong they actually could do it.

posted about a year ago

yea idk about that mate

posted about a year ago

one of these jinxes will not be jinxes and will actually work. you're playing a risky game here lad

posted about a year ago

Thats why you don't use social media after a tough loss like that. Dogshit people putting you down after you're already down

posted about a year ago

don't care hoping for a banger match and not one sided

posted about a year ago

don't worry I'm allergic to grass also welcome back

posted about a year ago

100Ts LAN debut so I highly doubt they will win. But if they do decent I can see em slowly picking it up and finish top 3 or maybe even qualify for playoffs. Let's see what happens

posted about a year ago

damn you got em then

posted about a year ago

ah yes, Gambit the infamous Korean team

posted about a year ago

wow I wish I would have put bleach in my eyes before seeing trash talk like this

posted about a year ago

It's good for DRX mental to put up a fight regardless

posted about a year ago

AND same thing with optic btw.

Also, come onnnn it's the first map only

posted about a year ago

congrats 🥇🥇🥇

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

You were right. This is definitely a flop by DRX. Btw this same thing happened when they played OPTIC on Ascent last time. IDK why these guys don't ever adapt

posted about a year ago

Alpha Male behavior. You wouldn't get it

posted about a year ago

All part of their plan I guess. Gotta have a banger pistol. If they win this pistol they are very back in. 9-3 curse initiated

posted about a year ago

cuz Stax hasn't got any banter with furia yet. Stop being a child

posted about a year ago

BCJ chicken coming in clutch. Haven't stax learnt anything from him

posted about a year ago

I hope you get more periods

posted about a year ago

Ascent is literally so defender-sided that even if DRX get 3 they can bring it back easily. All depends on how the team looks after the sides are switched. Maps not over

posted about a year ago

Come on you have to wonder that after losing because of broken mental again and again Drx must have worked on their mental. If they haven't then it's a lost cause

posted about a year ago

best of 3 for a reason but they do be lookin shaky

posted about a year ago

its OK stax bro its NOT your fault

posted about a year ago

Yep best of three for a reason. But they definitely look shaky rn. Gotta keep that mental up

posted about a year ago

ngl LATAM pretty underrated region

posted about a year ago

one of the comedians of all time right here

posted about a year ago

yep, I want an entertaining match nothing else

posted about a year ago

Start with Skye. The flashes will help you to rank up a few times. Learn the timings of the flashes of others like Kayo as well. I have been playing Sova from the start and I feel like everyone initiator is so good for people who are good with util. I can't play duelist because my aim is nice but it's not enough to be a proper entry. I can trade and get a lot of info and stuff tho.

Also, being an initiator DEMANDS comms. So speak in the mic.

posted about a year ago

Onur legend. I love how passionate you are. On a mission to prove the world wrong and everyone who has ever doubted you. Never change

posted about a year ago

All about how they look. I think they can pull it off if they play how they did in LCQ finals but will be close regardless. FNC is more favoured tho...

posted about a year ago
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