Flag: Japan
Registered: February 26, 2023
Last post: April 9, 2023 at 5:21 AM
Posts: 142
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Peak TenZ won a trophy and qualified for the next one meanwhile Keloqz peak was 4 matches on berlin

posted about a year ago

And a quick reminder yay is teamless while the “low players” are on a team

posted about a year ago

I never mentioned TenZ and oxy I only asked if aspas was better than yay last year but I guess you can’t answer that

posted about a year ago

You literally said that winning is more important than performance and I gave you an example is it that hard to answer? “Different thing” how so?

posted about a year ago

Ok then aspas was better than yay last year because he won against him even though yay had better performance right?

posted about a year ago

I couldn’t even write a story for asuna he didn’t do anything significant in his career

posted about a year ago

If anyone saw this thread before watching the match he would’ve thought that oxy carried G2 so hard while in reality oxy was the lowest rated player in this match and was getting carried with 1 kill on attack and trust me if TenZ had the same performance as zekken and dephh in lock/in the hate on him would’ve been unbearable but he was the best player on the team.

posted about a year ago

If we’re talking about entry and creating space (which is jett’s job) then yay isn’t number 2 because his jett is too passive imo and that’s why chamber is better for him because chamber anchors sites and too passive.

posted about a year ago

Can’t wait to see yay pla.. oh nvm

posted about a year ago

Didn’t EG steal demon1 because he played well against them in a scrim?

posted about a year ago

Scrim results don’t matter because teams try new things (strats and comps) but if a player starts clicking heads and out aiming other players then you know that this player is good. Very simple.

posted about a year ago

His point is that scrim results don’t matter but you can tell a good player from a bad player (positioning, aim, discipline, etc.)

posted about a year ago

TenZ friends are mostly plat and diamond with a silver player and they still couldn’t beat them so they need huge improvement.

posted about a year ago

If it was lock/in then how on earth is eg, 100T, mibr and kru higher than SEN?

posted about a year ago

Is this a prediction or are you basing this on the lock/in results?

posted about a year ago

they need to improve if they want to go far. They lost against TenZ and his friends (mostly plats and diamonds and a silver player) so until they improve I don’t see them making it out of qualifiers

posted about a year ago

Stick to leaking scrims tier lists aren’t made for you

posted about a year ago

SEN taking a break this week because zekken is moving to LA

posted about a year ago

of course he is

posted about a year ago

What does TenZ have to do with kicking kanpeki? Sentinels gave sykko the power to rebuild the team and he brought zekken and depph. I guess you really live up to your name.

posted about a year ago

Prime TenZ won masters without dropping a map

Oxy lost 26-8 against turtle troop while going negative

posted about a year ago

I think he misunderstood the tweet

posted about a year ago

How is that a drama when he’s complementing the team?!

posted about a year ago

Not in a particular order (because the season just started):

1- TenZ
2- yay
3- Cryo
4- ardiis
All these four proved themselves in the franchise league against the top teams.

5- jawgemo/Tex/koalanoob (none of these proved themselves against top teams, but Tex and koalanoob are currently the best duelists in tier 2, and jawgemo played well against both heretics and talon

posted about a year ago

People who put oxy and will over TenZ and ardiis are either delusional G2 fans or never watched the NA scene.

posted about a year ago

SEN is still the most clouted team in the world and that would only change if TenZ leaves SEN

posted about a year ago

Says the clown9 fan

posted about a year ago

SEN was horrible in 2022 and ShahZaM was still on the team

posted about a year ago

“Stop trashing me” when I’m literally quoting you, anyways I thought you had a solid reason for calling marved a bot and calling fns nothing but it appears that you know nothing so I will end it here

posted about a year ago

Don’t play the victim after getting exposed. If you can’t handle discussions then don’t bother responding.

posted about a year ago

Aren’t you the one who said “Marved is a bot carried by yay. He's nothing without yay”? And now saying fns is nothing, seems like you’re a blind yay lover who think that yay carried optic alone

posted about a year ago

You liking him doesn’t concern me but discrediting him after winning a masters and almost winning champions and almost beating loud at lock/in who almost won the event is crazy to me.

posted about a year ago

Don’t let your love for yay blind you. Even loud fans who consider fns as their team’s rival respect and appreciate him

posted about a year ago

With fns yay was the best player on the roster but without fns he was decent but definitely wasn’t the best it was between xeppa and leaf which shows how valuable fns is

posted about a year ago

Look how good NRG looked with fns and compare it with c9 performance with yay and you will know how valuable fns is

posted about a year ago

Leave the man alone man he’s having fun with his friends. Ardiis streams for 2-3 hrs s0m and fns stream almost everyday for min 4hrs zekken is streaming rn but TenZ didn’t stream for almost a whole month and people somehow complain

posted about a year ago

No they won’t throw away their map pool just because 2 new players joined, you can even see fnatic banning pearl and picking haven which is nothing new. Pearl is still their worst map and haven is still their best map alongside fracture and also the chemistry between boaster, derke, alfajer and mini is still there which helped them so much. SEN vs FNC would’ve been a closer game if Dephh and zekken played like they usually do. All teams who made it far in lock/in were the teams who kept their cores, while all new teams got eliminated early that’s how important the core is.

posted about a year ago

The core and the coaching staff are the same from 2021

posted about a year ago

Cned played worst than TenZ vs FNC

posted about a year ago

Kyedae mentioned that SEN are helping him 24/7

posted about a year ago

Unfortunately I couldn’t care less about what you think a valid opinion is.

posted about a year ago

“Please shut up” sorry my bad I forgot that the only valid opinion is yours

posted about a year ago

The face of VALORANT means the most popular VALORANT player so he isn’t wrong he is the most popular player

posted about a year ago

I’d prefer loud fans over shownu. Shownu made a whole thread saying that he will be insufferable if fnatic wins so I’m good thank you

posted about a year ago

If fnatic wins 3-0 then Sentinels can potentially be one of the best teams, especially when they took 13 rounds while zekken was having a very rough day. The only issue is dephh but let’s see what he’s cooking for the americas league ( I hope TenZ plays if not then I think they won’t qualify for masters)

posted about a year ago

No SEN = no TenZ, no TenZ = no party

posted about a year ago

If fnc win how is NRG better than loud?

posted about a year ago

Fns mentioned that he was planning on getting yay but his price was the same as victor and crashies combined so he chose victor and crashies. It is indeed very sad I really would’ve hoped to see optic again; however, ardiis and s0m are doing good for now

posted about a year ago

“If you find a meme story cringe” surely the meme story isn’t you right?

posted about a year ago
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