tbh id put cgrs above him simply due to the fact that patitek has been a pro for much longer and cgrs was mainly a streamer during his time at prx, so reaching 3rd with him is pretty insane in that sense, but patitek is obv better player
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Registered: | February 24, 2024 |
Last post: | February 23, 2025 at 3:32 PM |
Posts: | 436 |
tbh id put cgrs above him simply due to the fact that patitek has been a pro for much longer and cgrs was mainly a streamer during his time at prx, so reaching 3rd with him is pretty insane in that sense, but patitek is obv better player
yeah, paper rex who love to play aggressive. doesnt mean it works against everyone
geng or prx, tbh i wouldnt even mind 100t as a team winning it but my god the na fans on vlr are going to make it so unbearable if they win
its 50-50 tbh, sometimes he plays badly and has a few good hero plays that may or may not end up winning the game, and sometimes he pops off and its almost always a guarenteed win
im a bit confused how it will work cos ive never payed attention to how map picks work. Will 100t have "veto" on map picks since they came from upper? and what does that mean for paper rex?
that would either be an absolute disaster or brilliant idea
and prx clears th and fut. game against g2 was an off day combined with g2 icy haveing a life game
if prx win agaisnt 100t and g2 get another matchup against prx, prx 100% win cos they got the momentum and they fix their mental, easy dub.
but what about G2? if they keep it up through the rest of the year then we might have to start having a conversation
wow really? i dont know about that...
we still talking about this after fnatic just got knocked out?
yeah thats a good point didnt think of that one
if G2 keep up this form for the rest of the year and manage to carry it over into 2025, it might be them if we are comparing them to current real madrid
i want to see it come to london (mainly cos i wanna go see in person, but also cos it would genuinely be a good place to host)
he could try playing agents that he plays in ranked? as far as i know, he plays quite a lot of sova in ranked, so that could be something he could bring to the pro scene. another possibility, perhaps unlikely, he could take over as the jett main instead of something. not very likely this one tho.
maybe jett
id say that with new map coming in, breeze being removed and haven coming back in, he has quite a few viable options
cryo below icy and munchkin is criminal, id put him 2 on this list
i wasnt wrong. he was bad before shanghai. plus its not hate, its called cope
i get what you mean. personally i never hated on monyet but yes, the amount of prx fans that did was crazy
key word: them. of course people will shit on the team, they shouldnt be shitting on one player unless they actually played rubbish
We get that jinggg played not so great especially on bind, but can people please just see this as a team loss? jinggg played decent on the first two maps and all of a sudden he didnt play great on bind and people shitting on him left right and centre. The team didnt play well today and we go next. No need to just slam one guy who did badly on one map. It pisses me off so much seeing people hate on these individuals when they lose, which is not often, and then go completely silent when they dominate domestically or reach top 3 at events. its like they're just waiting in their little caves waiting until prx players slip up and then rampage on about "f0rsaken so overrated you guys really thought he was one of the best flexes in the world" or "j0nggg worst raze ever". g2 won cos they figured prx out, and the prx players didnt play well as a team. End of.
i have hope that they will and hopefully make a run, but g2 read prx so well, im scared that other teams will figure it out soon as well unless we change things up a little bit
he played bad today, doesnt change the fact that he's still best flex itw with chronicle. also this post is going a bit far dont you think?
i think its the fact that there arent any standout players, they are jus a solid team. i think also the fact they just won acension last year, so they arent an established team this year, unlike lev or loud or sentinels, in that sense
just tell me why. hes sho shit but plays good first game of playoffs? g2 werent even that good today only icy, and prx looked so bad
u make me want to kms. istg just go out of masters shanghai now. id rather u bomb out against fnatic than make a small run. go on aimlabs and learn how to shoot. go in the range and practice trading each other and playing as a team. go to a psychologist and fix your mental so you stop throwing
why on earth do we decide to play bad today man? our mental is fucked. icy is having a good game for some fucking reason alttho he sucks. NONE of our players are hitting shots. if our whole plan relies on us winning fights then win the fucking fights please.
saying this as he gets a great trade to win out the game
ur aim defo made it seem like atleast ascendant. nice!
tbh the way prx is prx, there is a slight chance g2 might get away with an upset, but imma come back here tomorrow to laugh in your face
100t>fnatic and th. wtf is this list bro. get b0njyfish and co off this list
its pretty decent. rank?
semen1 an even bigger fraud. keep crying that t0nz and z0kken became washed after winning a mickey mouse
f0rsaken, d4v4i (cos it sounds like divine), mindfreak (cos he freaky 🤤)
apparently riot banned it and he cant use it anymore? if true, riot really are soft af
tarik doesnt even watch properely half the time, reacts with omg whenever something happens, cant even form his own opinions without asking or looking at his chat for approval
fr. especially since 100t look crazy rn, his whole 'villain, big ego' stage personality is really fun
forsaken vandal- jinggg
oni phantom- d4v4i
default op- something
prime spectre- jinggg/d4v4i
reaver knife- something
glitchpop axe- jinggg