chamber abusers cry
Flag: | Turkey |
Registered: | September 17, 2021 |
Last post: | January 17, 2023 at 5:24 PM |
Posts: | 1045 |
FUT won't do any of this because they're too busy enjoying the money and embarrassing us
i give you the interaction you want i hope you are happy now
and we have 100% win rate against international teams
I'm not talking about the peeking advantage, I'm just saying that high ping is a disadvantage in general. For example, if two people facing each other shoot at the same time, the one with the lowest ping always wins.
I don't know how many idiots are defending this argument but if this is an advantage europeans can increase their ping (but we can't lower it even if we wanted to)
parla has the world's best crosshair placement player
There is no team on earth as stupidly managed as BBL. If they had an iota of brains, they would have kicked Aslan long ago.
mrfalin is the shittiest igl ever, that's all i know
6 kişilik kadroların çalışmadığını 2 yıldır biliyoruz. FUT eğer net bir yedek oyuncu olmadan herkesi oynatmaya çalışırsa sıvazlar. Sonra her zamanki gibi bahaneler bahaneler...
I remember a player called nats but we didn't see him this year so shit list
No Gambit No Acend = No EMEA Domination
I don't understand what you mean when you say "Kurd", but know that more than 20 million Kurds live in Turkey and we founded this country together.
Cannibal Holocaust
You need to watch this movie especially while eating
Anladım bende isveçli adam zyppan ı nasıl bilmez aq diyodum
"i forget his country"
Just look at your own flag
don't forget to plug your brain next time you post
You say APAC is better than EMEA and now you're making this statement, you're contradicting yourself.
If something like that happened, I would feel sorry for that person because history doesn't write those who lost their camera.
boiled rhino balls are my favorite
If you go to Bursa, you can see the first photo taken with a kebab in history.
I don't think they are happy to keep him. He hasn't been performing well lately and he would have been the 6th player if he had stayed.
no, there is only one reason for it: poaching.
some teams have had bad experiences with this issue before