PRX improved so much since last masters, They really hone their aggression, even their support players step up.
Flag: | China |
Registered: | October 7, 2020 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 12:47 AM |
Posts: | 16810 |
PRX improved so much since last masters, They really hone their aggression, even their support players step up.
currently it doesn't look like that . Mindfreak been a lot better and consistent. This prx looks even better than last master because their support players step up.
yeah literally most cs like map and no gimmicks, feels fun to play. Idk how ppl can like bind or split but hate pearl.
nah davai and mindfreak better. APAC region the top 5 players are all in prx .
I hope riot actually get body guards or something.
I want to see a chinese team win EDG pls
One Chinese team will win Asian LCQ. That be so hype to see them in Champions.
drx and prx need to team up and eliminate EU and NA pls
Everyone is good cept for LSET KEKW
melser hard carry map 2 and brought them to map 3 for them to win xset...
its actually crazy cause zekken and cryo threw that last round before ot for the second map otherwise Xset would have won 2 0
This is all hindsight andies LMAO .Honestly though you can't blame xset blame NA teams for being shit
They deserved it tbh. Like they have sloppy mistakes but still manage to beat xset and push drx. Also xset already in champions too KEKW
yeah clownfiesta valorant is the best form of valorant, prx has hone this style into a deadly blade.
Actually feels like prx game when prx players are drunk KEKW
you should give up cause they gonna bomb out today KEKW
Nah if you support more than 1 team you're a fake fan , you go ride or die for a team... Mods should make it so you can't change flairs for 3 months so we don't have cringe bandwagoners too. Reward the real OG fans not plastic fans!
one key things about these teams... They all have proven S tier IGLs at LAN truly deserved.
Fnatic are pretty much good at everything wheareas the other teams focus on a certain strength , that's what I think he means by all rounder. They don't have much weakness to exploit. Its like if you rank these teams based on certain qualitics fnatic would have good stats on everything, whereas these other teams put more points into certain qualities and based their gameplay around that, but as a result they have weaknesses that other teams can exploit if they can find them.
crowd is important, they just take way too late to announce things.
I feel like at this point bleed should just buy PRX LMAO
bro you're smoking crack if you think csgo has better devs LOL, or more inclusive? WTf is this meme post. CSGO is an EU only game that try to pretend to have global competition. Ever since covid and valorant, NA and BR scene in the mud, cis falling off. RIP GLOBAL ESPORTS
fking announced the tickets so late, you have more global competition in Valorant but its such a hassle to travel right now. Riot really mess up their marketing too legit didn't even know there was a crowd till like a week ago.
tickets were announced so late lmao, so many ppl didn't even know there was a crowd till like a week ago, they announced it a month ago. Its such terrible marketing. You have fans from all over the world , but traveling now is such a hassle with covid.
gen g had good lol teams in 2018-2020 been following the scene for a while, just now i don't think their LoL team is doing well.
this era is literally more than a year ago now. Gen G really just fallen off.
both these teams wouldn't make tier 1 unless they get franchising. T1 with everything they invested and their commitment to staying in NA will pretty much get a spot in NA. They stay in NA because they see its more profitable longterm obviously , but Valorant scene in korea just won't see much growth unless fans actually watch and with orgs that are more known in korea they would (I'm saying this based on both orgs investment in Riot Korean LoL team and LoL is huge in korea). Just look at how stack NA teams are , if it wasn't for franchising there's no way T1 or Gen G would make it to the top 10.
guild wins this
Sigh if only Gen G and T1 go back to korea to save the valorant esports scene.
Its kinda cool to see pros reading this forum
PRX is only team with such a unique aggressive playstyle of course many fans would like them.
See G2 last master KEKW got rekt so hard actually fell off after PRX 2 0
I can easily seeing guild or fpx just flopping tbh.
W JING: : IDK i just shoot them . GIGACHAD
bro SEN fell off sad reality is other than TENz sick and maybe dapr, they can't compete with the top teams anymore too many crack players in NA, also new zoomer talents are coming next year the 13-15 year old farming radiant are gonna replace old players.
Valorant zoomers are slowly gonna rise i'm by end of next year I bet you most of the top teams will have crack zoomers that play valorant as their first game.
Mod need to stop user from creating these threads and stop new accounts LOL