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Registered: October 7, 2020
Last post: February 9, 2025 at 2:49 PM
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this guy is one of the reason why Zeta always loses despite having number advantages lmao. He literally can't trade after baiting his teammates lol

posted about a year ago

pls bro just put in skrossi

posted about a year ago

feels like a huge mental issue. They just look so inconsistent.

posted about a year ago

lowkey i hope so

posted about a year ago

Surely they put in skrossi right?

posted about a year ago

disband build around sugarzero or something

posted about a year ago

no its just zeta is bad lmao . All they do is force B

posted about a year ago

GE isn't playing well, Zeta just playing incredibly bad. They threw 2 rounds already from overpeeking lol

posted about a year ago

idk like blow up the roster at this point and build around someone. This team peek at that one master event and been down since.

posted about a year ago

nah he's real bro just speaking facts

posted about a year ago

lol bro this looks like tier 3 gameplay wtf is this.

posted about a year ago

i really want them to win just frustrated at this point. Feels like they haven't improve actually going backwards.

posted about a year ago

they look like they just started playing valorant 3 weeks ago. Idk why this team is so inconsistent.

posted about a year ago

something has to change for this team. They cannot get even top 5 at this point. They just look so flat atm.

posted about a year ago

bro they're forcing sites like its rank plays WTF . Why is igl trolling.

posted about a year ago

who is it? They looking even worse as the weeks go on wtf.

posted about a year ago

faker still training in korea. Don't worry he will come around season 3 of valorant.

posted about a year ago

bro at this point he might get bench and not play wtf

posted about a year ago

Surely GE beats Zeta with Skrossi right? If not worrying trend...

posted about a year ago

why are you again talking like the fact pros have to learn to adapt means the skill ceiling is high - This question alone means you're retarded lmao.

"easier mechanics exactly means lower skill ceiling because there is less to master" this is what you said
Bro you were arguing why low mechanics = low skill ceiling the entire time. Just get off the site man you're too braindead to watch this game at a high level. You don't understand how adapting and mastering utility with your teammate is a skill itself just keep thinking mechanics is all there is. Literally the definition of a rank brain player.

posted about a year ago

again you are mixing rank plays with mastering the game at a pro level. fk you're just retarded man. Get some help with you low iq.

posted about a year ago

how is there less to master when there's an increasing numbers of playstyle and agent. When you were a pro the game came out you didn't have to deal with fade, skye, yoru, neon, harbor, chamber. Literally Chamber created a meta that pros had to adapt around. Like I say you're actually a dumbass cause everyone has to learn and keep up with meta and agents in this game to stay on top. It easy to get into and shoot but when your rank teammates play an even remotely semi pro team they'll get hard own with utility. I repeat you don't understand what skill ceiling is , its more than mechanics.
In rank plays no one bother to play like a team or how the game is intended. That's why it all comes down to people running around and shooting.

posted about a year ago

... you legit said skill ceiling of the game is low when the original commenter is talking about pro play skill ceiling (literally what this site is for). Please don't try to change the topic to something else. You just sound dumb as fk right now. Easier mechanics doesn't mean lower skill ceiling, pros have to learn a lot of agents and adapt to new agents use to counter their playstyle = high skill ceiling. You have room temperature iq and take braindead takes of anyone that doesn't play or understand the game at a fundamental level.

posted about a year ago

Yes and you scrim 0 hours a day dumbass and talking about skill ceiling in rank lmao so dumb.

posted about a year ago

bro you act like teams comboing utility on top of knowing timing and perfect executes then also the other team playing at that level is easy to counter. In a game like valorant where simple mistakes like misplaced flash or walls will leave gap in your defense the other team can exploit.
Like i say you have room temperature IQ to not see how hard it is and how it will only get harder with more agent release. Just cause you dominate rank with braindead teammate who doesn't run full strat doesn't mean its easy. Pro is nothing like that. You're just choosing to be ignorant that that point.

posted about a year ago

your iq is like room temperature to have takes like that lol. You have to relearn the game every 3 months on top of what you already know.

posted about a year ago

i see you're just a dumb troll lmao. Nothing complex about tactical side. its easy to get into harder to master that's the point.

posted about a year ago

bro you're dumb lol game is more than shooting. Put any cs player that haven't play valorant in and they get owned by utility. Just cause its easy to get into doesn't mean its easy to master. Rank play is just that shooting but the level between rank and pros is so hugely different. The fact that is more than shooting means that its so much harder to remain at the top and the ceiling gets higher every update. Look at the one tricks in this game they get exposed real quick.

The fact dasnerth can be top of radiant means the game is more than just shooting, need insanely high indivdual game sense and iq to play like that. If its so easy why he the only one that can do that with judge at radiant.

posted about a year ago

so you admit skill ceiling hasn't been reach yet? so you agree with me. How is skill ceiling low when this game gets so many new agents and maps?

posted about a year ago

you don't get it lol no one reached any skill ceiling in this game yet. team still inconcsistent af with some teams having legit players that shouldn't be in tier 1 back then ppl calling teams like SEN best in the game. Sure but that was for their time, the level of competition was so bad back then. In 5 years level will get even higher and ppl look back to now saying how bad the level was. Its like League of legends before SKT dominated.

posted about a year ago

i mean that's what happens when you were playing college valorant and put against the top 3 team in the world lol. It takes time for him to adjust to timing at tier 1 level.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I think C9 will be top 5 honestly.

posted about a year ago

yay and cryo really fell after chamber. Theyr'e good players but like you take away chamber they look more uncomrfortable on jett compared to top duelists on jett.

posted about a year ago

good potential ngl.

posted about a year ago

actually goat for that lol

posted about a year ago

They'll get a lot better . team has potential.

posted about a year ago

damn s1mple really just log into valorant and go afk lol

posted about a year ago

yay needs a team built around him. C9 has like a lot of duelist players already and not enough good support players.

posted about a year ago

nothing wrong with that lol game was lost already

posted about a year ago

bro check this guy PC PLS

posted about a year ago

pog playing valo

posted about a year ago

lmao its something else bro

posted about a year ago

loud figured out they gave c9 too much space last map. They're playing more aggressive now.

posted about a year ago

there's so many more talents in valorant that would replace most of these tier 1 pros in a year or two.

posted about a year ago

yeah leaf xeppa and zellsis are natural duelist players they always needed two really good support players. That's why before this the best iteration of cloud9 was unironically with xeta on sova

posted about a year ago

leaf jett actually better than yay LOL

posted about a year ago

I mean its kinda true but more so they needed dedicated support players like jakee and runi. Support players literally make or break a team in valorant cause utility has to be perfect.

posted about a year ago

that's why esports is going down so much. These orgs when esports was going up and a bubble was giving out insane contract to players especially in NA. NA players became lazy cause of it too. It wasn't sustainable long term.

posted about a year ago

I mean i don't like how ppl call players tier 3 when its a relatively new esports. There's players that have a lot of unrefined talents that could perform very well with good coach and staff. MCE literally made the guard with 4 unknown players ... + saya from OW

posted about a year ago
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