Flag: | Turkey |
Registered: | July 16, 2021 |
Last post: | March 8, 2025 at 4:24 PM |
Posts: | 3192 |
BBL was the better turkish team today
Its good that they lost cause now they won’t play this comp on icebox again hopefully
Some of these comps are not it
Watching both him and Alfa in the turkish league I can confidently say Elite was a better player overall in the turkish league as a sentinel but its fair for people to call Alfa the best in emea since he has much more achievements
Because M8 play the weirdest comps which threw bbl off guard since they had no info on their comps and this team also has a lot of rookies so there is a adjustment period
6 out of the 10 rounds Heretics won were from pistol and bonus
If their plan don’t work they can’t do anything
Why can’t they win their own map picks
Ruxic %100 best turkish smoker even including franchised ones and sociablee as well cause he is really good igl with the ability carry games
Mostly pay attention to the turkish league tho so idk much about other leagues talents
Qw1 is washed lmao izzy ip0tt xeus sociablee all much better than him in tr he is one of the bottom jetts in terms of stats
Sociablee cause he can play dualist at very high level and igl as well
He got destroyed by Fut on troll comps
Too early to say M8 are ass they are looking so clueless
BBL was the most clouted org in emea but I think they fell off now
There is nothing to be proud of with this barca team bottling a 4-2 lead at home is insane
Bu yılki emea takımları rezalet Türkiye t2 oyuncu alan tek takım Heretics şuan Emea nın en iyi takımların biri bence artık Emea takımları Türkiyeden çok daha fazla oyuncu almaya başlayacklar çünkü bu yıl getirilen oyuncuların çoğu yeterli değil maalesef ve bence Türkiye şuan en fazla talent ın olduğu yer Emea daki
Adam zaten igl çok önemli değil yaşı ange1 de 35 takımların çok önemsiyeceğini sanmıyorum
Eskisi kadar takip etmiyorum tr yide niye kaybetsin en iyi tr takımı değil mi FF?
I don’t include those two in my top 5 sorry if I made it look like that I don’t even think Turko and Qw1 would make top 10
No I mean top 5 turkish players as in all Turkish players Ruxic is the best smoke player to ever come out of Turkey and Sociablee farms in t2 while being a igl even Alfajer had these two in his dream turkish team
I kinda exaggerated it but I don’t think the east league got good quality players
They have Sociablee and Ruxic who I would consider in my top 5 turkish players alongside experienced t1 players like qw1 and turko (although qw1 fell off)
Even if they don’t win ascension I see at least sociablee and ruxic in franchising next year if FF let go of them
Ok Kiles has improved his game but its the Spanish league so idk how good he actually is
Every player on that roster except cNed fell of miserably they went from being the best to barely surviving in t2 it actually needs to be studied
Do you think the guy looks like he could serve in the military
I think it was sliggy but a analyst said the exact opposite of what you said about Pacific running much more default comps compared to last year
Don’t act like a match between any Apac team that isn’t in the top 3 is more brain inducing than any emea match
Same number of trophies as China
Should Navi have kept cNed instead of Ardiis
Fut is one of the only teams that can run weird comps like that and get away with it
Pretty sure that lotus comp was a one off just for KC from how the FUT coach described it but we will see
Probably most emea teams did as well I just heard they were really good in scrims
Why do teams like BBL do so good in scrims but when it comes to actual matches they can’t replicate the same level of success on stage
They still would have put most of their prep on FUT since it is the first team they were gonna face and there was no way KC could have prepped for their breeze and lotus comps because especially lotus looked like a one off
I didn’t watch kick off though they were from looking at results
Didn’t they make it to playoffs in kick in which means they were in the top 5 of the tournament
Completely fell apart in a month and now the biggest joke in VCT
The reason that group was easy is because the third place apac team was in overall Emea was better than Apac last year as a region and not looking at individual teams but this year I think Apac has taken over Emea even tho Apac is yet to win a trophy to cement themselves
If we are looking at that technically Fut smoked both DRX and Gen.G in the offseason
Thats kinda cause FUT was in a easy group
that FUT team had a weak link of Mojj and a very inconsistent dualist of Qw1
Thats cause Apac had 2 good teams and the rest were shit do you even read Apacs third place team T1 got smoked by a weaker Fut that still had mojj and qw1 and during that time Fut was not even top 3 emea arguably not even in the top 4
So if your third place team can’t even take a map from a team most considered top 4-5 Emea both times they played that means your region was shit apart from Prx and Drx who were obviously title contenders