Flag: United States
Registered: August 2, 2020
Last post: December 6, 2021 at 7:31 PM
Posts: 122
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bro it not over yet just get over it and lose the superiority complex it's fucking gross.

edit: did I get downvoted do you guys actual think your naturally better wtf like no troll shit.

posted about 3 years ago

Been with this team for a while and I now for a fact That the day they finally get a coach is the day they fall off

posted about 3 years ago

ayo are you guys actually mad cause of two days ago like just get over it, also why did you guys hype up Team Liquid to an annoying degree only for us to find out that they run no sova on every map except for ascent and think astra is bad.
and now your saying other teams do better from eu
which ones and why Tl should be there even though their first seed in EU
I just an NA dude whos been on this site for a year and want to know what I was missing?

posted about 3 years ago

kids like this guy gonna make tenz get a bigger fanbase

posted about 3 years ago

i cant tell if your trolling bro you down horrible

posted about 3 years ago

they lost in two ots are you good bro that just means Nurtun better than TL

posted about 3 years ago

deadass revolutionary war all over again had em in the first half not gonna lie good job V1 cinderella story to be the best.

posted about 3 years ago

okay bro would you rather get tackled by Sam Burgess or Ray Lewis

posted about 3 years ago

look at this loyalist

posted about 3 years ago

look he doesn't even play the sport and he gets a ego boost.

posted about 3 years ago

bro who cares so seriously about this topic if the information has noting to do with your day by day life who cares.

posted about 3 years ago

that pretty cool dude but it pains me to tell you that I really don't care

posted about 3 years ago

okay bro but deadass who the fuck cares if they don't recognizes the flag that country probably boring no oil, no communism to stop who cares give me the California flag has more then double of the land and population of croatia and czech republic combined. you EU guys should learn about the time Texas solos Mexico that whoop Spain behind. and remember this even if one of your counties suddenly get a volocaino and everyone get Pompeii to hell you still be less relevant than Florida

posted about 3 years ago

find it very hard to believe for TL to lose to these both teams

posted about 3 years ago

people saying fn already sen just win in my opinon no matter who but thats based

posted about 3 years ago

he's fighting back instead of accepting stopping his career which is a understandalbe response but the thing is i dont know if hes smart enough to refute the evidence and the less given time he has it's still over for him

posted about 3 years ago

i couldn't breath yesterday and the situation is setting in for me but still want sen to win because dapr is boy

posted about 3 years ago

when i found out the news it was heartbreaking and familiar because of Sinatraa dick-ish behaver seeing he did this in the past is saddening but expected.

posted about 3 years ago

Wtf happens to asuna bruh has the ability slow start and the five turns are over.

posted about 3 years ago

i want nrg to beat a big team but no way there gonna beat 100z I mean 100t

posted about 3 years ago

a yoo deadass watch them do worse

posted about 3 years ago

this is literally the most incel shit I've ever read.

posted about 3 years ago

dying truly doesn't matter at long as you have impact in the round

posted about 3 years ago

if any team in this tournament that actually has a chance to beat tsm it probably V1 but tsm should win unless every one is off for some reason

posted about 3 years ago

Sen had a bad day obviously but they were never gonna come back from envy who sent them to lower bracket. But people out here saying there trash weirdchamp

posted about 3 years ago

Food woke up today and choose violence

posted about 3 years ago

what does this mean revenge by imt or upset by sen it's not an upset when the heavy favorite beats a team. if it's the other way around sen already had their revenge

posted about 3 years ago

Texas an S tier state bruh that why majority of good players live there

posted about 3 years ago

bro this guy like his own comment

posted about 3 years ago

Wardell gonna pull a tenz "I'm just worry about me" jk pls don't take seriously

posted about 3 years ago

Unlucky tsm but amazing performance by wardell gotta give him credit

posted about 3 years ago

lard you can't be this dense man plus they were never gonna win first stike because they haven't trained prior two weeks of the event (rip zams dad)but they still tried there best without being at there best. plus you gotta be trolling if you think the white claws thing is real like only braindead tsm and 100t fans (no offenses to actual competent 100t and tsm fans) believe in that shit. but if you believe that a light weight like dapr drink white claws before a game and still makes it to top 4 of the event sheeeeee, you gotta be braindead yourself.

posted about 3 years ago

bro every great team HAS THERE FANS MAKE EXCUSES like in jbl 100t fans say there loss was a fluke or that they weren't trying, so it's not just sen. the players of sen will always try at 100% and say they did to put respect in the other teams name.

posted about 3 years ago

my b guys his real name is big dick nick

posted about 3 years ago

yo fat Lard when did you become a sen hater all of a sudden like bro because only three of the five are from csgo and the main guy everybody looks at is the one not from csgo. like bro everybody makes excuses for every big teams loss remember when tsm lost to against sen earlier in 2020 in the showing that put sen on the map like people shat on them for dig match too people made excuse that they weren't even trying like when 100t got fucked in the last two tourn they still a top 3 team just unlucky but others say it was fluke and others say their loss was a fluke. and too say a tourn doesn't even matter spits in the face of teams that tried there fucking best to win and the tourn for money bro wtf i'm disappointed in you bro with your four star account.

posted about 3 years ago

bro dapr is the most entertain player ever and an amazing shot on that as well and zombs is not even that bad in fact he not even bad at all like yeah he just get's scapegoated mostly for sentinels throws.

posted about 3 years ago

do the sentinels need a coach they need good planning to end their matchs like their like the settle seahawks they always find a way to throw the game and make it competitive.

posted about 3 years ago

valorant's version of the Seahawks

posted about 3 years ago

bleghfarec i know you and i trust you what are the tier 1 and tier 2 teams like i don't think envy is a tier 2 team

posted about 3 years ago

bruh it's not that he's a troll in fact that doesn't matter raka made a bet that lg wouldn't get to 10 against Sen, and lg won the match so he made an ass of himself and he said he was capping backing out on his bet like a pussy until he got banned. that's not being a troll that's being a clown, the fact that he made alt accounts is so pathetic tho

posted about 3 years ago

you know sick really is slept on like he is a true superstar that should be seen as one

posted about 3 years ago

in day's past Sen sinatraa said on his stream that immortals are the toughest team to battle against beacause they always get pushed then again that was like 7 months ago so...

posted about 3 years ago

when a man has no comeback and has to resort to finding a punctuation error, (that isn't even that major like correcting the word should to should have like bro seriously) you know he's down terrible

posted about 3 years ago
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