Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 18, 2022
Last post: August 18, 2022 at 5:56 PM
Posts: 619
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Nah their fairy tale run will end when they meet FaZe on Saturday

posted about 2 years ago

It 'd be great, Spirit moved its HQ to Serbia recently and its owners are not russia oligarchs

posted about 2 years ago

FalleN >>>>> arT

arT good igl but when his agressive playstyle doesnt work he is a no brainer

posted about 2 years ago

Eu prefiro torcer pra um player especifico ou torcer pra o Brasil em geral do que só um time, porque de todo jeito ele n vai ser pra sempre e vc acaba se tornando torcedor de org

posted about 2 years ago

At first he says "i will move to cs in x month" then he says "i stay" smh

We should just wait and see what happens really.

posted about 2 years ago

Provavelmente tem. Muitos portugueses torcem por exemplo para Imperial e FURIA no CS, no Valorant n seria diferente. Eles n possuem uma cena pra torcer então é justo que torçam pra algum time BR, já qure temos tradicao no fps e falamos o msm idioma

posted about 2 years ago

Who cars about viewership dude, in cs:go you only watch EU and CIS teams being competitive, boring af

Valorant much better at this point. Cs is a dead game in all aspects outside EU/CIS lmao

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

as always an NA team being overhyped and LEC clapping them lmfao. EG will bomb out groups

posted about 2 years ago

This happened due Karmnie Corp is own by Kameto, very popular LoL streamer in France. Open twitch right now and search his name, there are a lot of ppl watching him

posted about 2 years ago

Calling karmine corp "random org" lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

Brazilian and being a joke in csgo in the last 4 yers
Name a bettee duo

I said before in other topic, Americas just should quit CS and migrate to Valorant. CS is an EU/CIS bubble.

posted about 2 years ago

main stream with black screen for more than 5 minutes while it should be playing the game. Valve is a joke. PGL is a joke.

posted about 2 years ago

NA playing cs in 2022 omegalul

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

all NA players should migrate to Valorant right now. Why suffer in a game where there is clearly an EU/CIS bubble when they could be in valorant earning a good salary and being competitive. A random NA guy streaming Valorant is better than a NA csgo pro player nowadays kekw

Not even BR teams will win anything in cs. Outside EU/CIS everyone is a bot.

posted about 2 years ago

NA cs is dead all players from that region should accept this and migrate to Valorant

posted about 2 years ago

But franchising will start next year and Vitality will probably join since it is Riot partner in LEC

posted about 2 years ago

EG in cs should get rid of that dead NA team and buy Outsiders (ex-VP, Jame team) asap

posted about 2 years ago

G2 for sure. rocket league champs, biggest team of r6 history, biggest western team in LoL. g2 only need right now is a major in csgo and will be GOAT org w/o question

posted about 2 years ago

Not even close. I mean marved is so good but nats berlin is on another level

posted about 2 years ago

Both are cracked

posted about 2 years ago

When your team lose two maps in OT you know that isn't your day :/

But i'm fine. Loud is very promising, excited to see what they can do with more time playing together as a team.

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant pro scene has literally only 1 year and Brazil already reached a grand final. Our scene will improve every tournament and year, and one day we will win (btw this match isn't over yet)

Say "Brazil will never win any tournament" is stupid and dumb

posted about 2 years ago

They are boomers

posted about 2 years ago

best FNS highlight in fps was being scared by KNG

posted about 2 years ago

No, definitely a great day, but not the greatest. Two majors in cs:go is unsurpassed

posted about 2 years ago

We are giving free engagement to Sentinels rn. they were smart

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yea, exactly it kkkk

but it's probably bcs LOUD has origins in free fire which is the most cringe thing ever in all aspects

posted about 2 years ago

Ngl loud twitter is really cringe. I can't stand the way they comment about the matches every minute

I only care about the Valorant lineup and not the org itself

posted about 2 years ago

How tf loud is overrated, they literally defeated g2 (one of the favorites) easily lol

posted about 2 years ago

Eu já esperava que a LOUD tivesse dificuldades na Fracture anyway, mas não dá pra negar que um stomp desse assusta. Tipo, a optic nem sorte teve nos rounds, foi outplay geral mesmo. Mas cabeça erguida, Ascent vai dar nós, um mapa de confiança da LOUD

posted about 2 years ago

How fucked up you are to cheer against a brazilian team. Tell me it's just a bait

posted about 2 years ago

A FURIA teria a condição de fazer a compra com investimento ou sem, mas atualmente não vale a pena, deixa a cena se consolidar mais e tals. Vale lembrar que a FURIA tbm não costuma fazer loucuras e foca sempre no longo prazo sempre com a boa estrutura deles (melhor org nesse quesito by far)

posted about 2 years ago

O inglês é um idioma fácil, e o heat só vai precisar saber mais a linguagem ingame que é fácil até pra player casual pegar. Nego fala como se fosse um bglh surreal tipo russo

posted about 2 years ago

Acho que vocês subestimam dms a capacidade do heat falar inglês, se ele for lá pra fora é pq ele pode se comunicar em inglês e a equipe que o comprar vai estar ciente disso

posted about 2 years ago

Good name to paiN sign

posted about 2 years ago

Detalhe que a NiP não eliminou a ZETA que se mostrou um time forte só porque faltou mental pra fechar o game. Eles vão evoluir pra crl agora que o Fluyr tá lá.

posted about 2 years ago

Como o amigo já falou por aqui no tópico, enquanto esse bglh de colocar amizade acima de oportunidades de ter uma carreira melhor nâo acabar, a região não vai evoluir. LOUD foi/é um acaso (no bom sentido) raro que aconteceu aqui, time formado no profissionalismo e não por amizade. A região como um todo ainda precisa evoluir dms

posted about 2 years ago

Cara, esse bglh de ficar em equipe por amizade n dá certo. Decisão nada boa por parte dele. O cara iria jogar ao lado de players como heat e mwzera e provavelmente receber um salário mais alto. Loucura recusar.

posted about 2 years ago

HEN1 hoje em dia deveria estar papando títulos com a FURIA lá no cs:go, aquele time tava começando a mostrar resultados na Europa e ele foi embora...

posted about 2 years ago

This pool party chat is one of the best things ever invented ngl

posted about 2 years ago

I expected more from G2. Fnatic was nerfed and TL shouldn't even go to Iceland, but G2 has no excuses. Those overwhelming victories in VCT EMEA now feel like just a honeymoon period

posted about 2 years ago


Optic can be the 2nd too, i think FNS would find a way to counter prx

posted about 2 years ago

It's just a few days that feel like an eternity

posted about 2 years ago

Actually pprx is a very coordinated team and has insane aimers, it's not just rush. But also in the end is their playstyle, doesn't mean they're going to set any meta or anything.

posted about 2 years ago
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