I think he wanted to play and sen forced him to stay on bench
And he is sad now, ofc anyone would be
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Registered: | February 3, 2023 |
Last post: | July 21, 2023 at 7:10 AM |
Posts: | 1730 |
I think he wanted to play and sen forced him to stay on bench
And he is sad now, ofc anyone would be
Check tactical rab video, last part
Context : he deleted sen banners on stream, and said there's no need for this now
Sadge bro
1 11 is also fucked
That's why I said I don't remember exactly
HE IS ASS, But zekken was performing then fucked the next game, so he is bagre dor of the week, I think that's how it works
Depph will be bagre dor of the whole season, with a million miles difference
Zekken bagre dor of the week
Zekken was 0 10 in first bloods on fracture idk id remember
Yeah, but expansion of fracture typo map without ropes and a site on other floor
I already don't have Val, so no need to uninstall
Can we see a map like nuke or vertigo in valo
Maps having 2 floors, one site on ground floor and second underground maybe
I wonder how will it work that sounds interesting to me atleast
Where's #31
And I didn't edit 'xypnex'
Edit : found the #31 but 3 is E
How come 9 is E
L bozos
Still 3 is E not the 9
U fucking MELON, he is not xypex
He is xypnex
Check casters pronouncing his name
What if loud have lost to kru who would you put the blame on ?
Just a Random shitfucks
Bro that's looking like overacting
Like what? Every fucking time camera is looking him, pretending himself as an angry ass
That's so childish, fucking kiddo
Ikr, L fucking script
Rito should spend the funds by dick riding TENCENT more on script writers
L script
Now demolition on map 3 incoming
Average script, mf scriptwriter do some home work
This ain't working no longer L L L
What if kru takes one map away from loud kekw
For giving us a new topic to troll every week
Respect for Rob Moore
W Ceo
He is feeling American today
Tenz fans?
Tenz fans come defend depph
, -Nicole LaPointe Jameson + Rob Moore
But it doesn't change the fact depph and his igling is ass
I think depph
Everyone overhyped him after xset run in champs
Another reason of he is ass is they can't figure out the roles in 6 months.
They put pancada on senti that's okay in solo controller maps if marved is on controller
But in lotus, fucking assholes put depph on omen? Like what bro thinks he is better than pancada on omen?
Marved was on viper that was perfect and he was delivering it.
But there was a rumour idk if it's true that ayrin used to call in one half (attack ) always and depph in other one
And that might be the reason that he can't set zekken on entry
Dude was 1/12 in fracture and 0-10/11 in first blood
No I don't want to swear, please no
What up sencity we fucked very badly but we gonna fucking work hard and fuck the remaining 3 fucking matches and we fucking making to playoffs, fuckkk yeahhhhhh
If we fuck hard enough then we going to fucking masters and fucking champs
Fuck aside, use code fuck to get a fucking discount