Flag: Malaysia
Registered: February 7, 2023
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 9:59 PM
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Sen subbing in techpause guy to play for tenz 🤣

posted about a year ago

Bro arent you tired writing this everyday? You good bro?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Don't you? Imagine having someone supporting you with all their heart

posted about a year ago

I need that kind of support/person in my life rn 🙂

posted about a year ago

3rd/4th, you mean?

posted about a year ago

Agree that cgrs will be prx starter since jinggg going to military

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wrong, its logitech g102 and i bought it before i knew about valorant like

solid effort mah guy

posted about a year ago

one of them. but be more specific, come on

posted about a year ago

1750 0.125 dpi
medium? mid-large-ish
peak silver 2

posted about a year ago

Whats up with that? Riot can't carry a server with a lot of players?

posted about a year ago

bruh americas has 15k vlr users on pickems
pacific and emea only have 5k pickems

posted about a year ago

its just how each organizer wanted to do the format

posted about a year ago

oh yeah ayumiii from gc rrq.kaguya, loving her

posted about a year ago

phoenix molly (E)
got a buttload of money from magic shows

posted about a year ago

that's 'bout it

posted about a year ago

Wrong, i identify as a flame-breathing penguin
Quack quack

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

so 1. no intel, like sage. and dont know when enemy gonna double dive, like pretty much all sentinel's trip

  1. ult can be shoot, like killjoy's ult. plus not necessarily ricochet to hit, a direct hit is sufficient
  2. better sage wall, but complain that it's still mid (?) okay sure
  3. nade is ass and can still do everything in it, like fade's seize
  4. entire kit is to stop fast rushes, like a sentinel's role should be

so youre saying all sentinel is ass

posted about a year ago

Why some people say Deadlock is too OP while others say she is useless? Why the clashing opinion tho?

posted about a year ago

Not shown in the cinematic but theres one on twitter

posted about a year ago

I know, right?

posted about a year ago

Loves the finisher animation but why the melee is an axe and not a pickaxe? Seems like a wasted opportunity

Plus, imagine a pickaxe melee against sage wall 🤠

posted about a year ago

This is cute list, not mommy list. L take

posted about a year ago

Maybe the shape of the ult is like a d1ck, you know... long rod with big round head? But still, the current ult only catch 1 enemy, I kinda want the ult to catch multiple enemies hehe

posted about a year ago

Deadlock ult can catch multiple enemies in a line....

posted about a year ago

What if the ult itself doesnt have to immediately see anyone, whether ricochet or direct? What if you set the ult up and wait for the first enemy to go through it? Maybe that's what "first contact" means?

posted about a year ago

But not good for watching flank since youre walking when flanking, so deadlock is more defense sided

posted about a year ago

Given that phantom and vandal have reduced reserved mags, it seems a bit powerful to be the free ability

posted about a year ago

Sonic sensor is different in a sense that it detects audio, which can be easily countered by walking, rather than visual

So you know, just turn off the volume and youre good to go

posted about a year ago

Cooldown as in sage wall will break down on its own if not destroyed (i think in 40 sec)

So yeah, the barrier, after some time, if not destroyed will break down on its own

posted about a year ago

For me, it's a way to create an agent that primarily to restrict movement, much like Harbor with his all sightline covering (smokes) abilities

posted about a year ago

Her Sonic Sensor (Q) is placable, I believe
GravNet (C) is a grenade, so no
Barrier Mesh (E) has a cooldown, like sage wall

posted about a year ago

I see, will do better

posted about a year ago

People seem to forgot that Sentinel agents are not exclusively defensive agents. Unlike Killjoy and Cypher who can set up their utilities on site and watch a large area with Turret and Spycam, Deadlock's abilities are all movement restriction

GravNet (C): "Forced crouch when caught" prevents rushes, strafing, and peeking, although it makes them shoot more accurately by accident. Hold F to remove the net, mechanically similar to Cypher's Spycam or Sova's Owl Drone pings, means you have to hide or move away. Can catch multiple players. The net is mechanically similar to Fade's Seize, where you can teleport your way out when using Yoru, Omen, Chamber or Reyna's Dismiss, but not others like Jett's Tailwind or Raze's Blast Pack. Since it's a grenade, Kay/O's Frag/Ment lineups can be potentially used. I can see that this ability has two charges, ie can be purchased twice, like Sage's Slow Orb.

Sonic Sensor (Q): Mechanically similar to Killjoy's Alarmbot and Chamber's Trademark with two differences. One is that it concusses so shooting is not accurate and no ADS. Two is that it is indestructible, as in you cannot destroy it as it won't be revealed when you are near the edge of detection. Easily counterable if you walk, not shooting, and not using your abilities the whole round. Place it near plant location and enemy will be concussed while planting. The first ever ability to utilize sound as its mechanic. Most probably only one charge.

Barrier Mesh (E): Blocks players' movement, both you and enemies, like Sage's barrier orb but can shoot through it (mechanically opposite to Harbor's Cove where you can go through it but not bullets). The main node and 4 outer nodes are destructible to remove the barrier, where the main node has a higher HP. Destroying the main node removes all barrier while destroying the outer node will remove only the connected barrier. Barrier Mesh's location is key to not be destroyed immediately.

Annihilation (X): 1v1 guaranteed win. The abilities basically detains you to your doom. The nanowire pulse seems to be reflective to reach your target and not going through walls. The speed of the cocoon seems to be the running speed, not walking speed. Seems like a lot of HP. Yes, it's all "seems". Most likely 7 ult points needed, not 8, not 6

To compare with other Sentinel agents, Deadlock's abilities to restrict movement is great for stalling the enemies so your teammates can rotate. Since she restricts movement, pairing her abilities with damaging utils is powerful. She is more defensive against site executes and retakes. She would be great in maps with tight chokepoints like Bind.

(Credit to Valorant Updates on Twitter)

posted about a year ago

But they have at least 1, PRX won't have any if this roster stays without any recruitment

posted about a year ago

But he's from Indonesia, right? So, my last question still stands

posted about a year ago
  1. Jinggg is going into military service for 2 years
  2. Benkai is permanently benched(?)
  3. something is still around to probably replace Jinggg

Possible PRX 2024 roster: f0rsakeN, mindfreak, d4v41, something, cgrs

So, does that mean PRX gonna be a Singaporean team without any Singaporean players? That's... weird, I guess

posted about a year ago

If Jinggg really gonna go into military service while benkai is perma benched, then paper rex gonna be a singaporean org without singaporean players

posted about a year ago

1 sec left, eg deny plant
Then 0.5 sec left, fnc got the last kill

That's epic

posted about a year ago

3 is enough bro 🥱

posted about a year ago

2 is all they get 🤡

posted about a year ago

This aged well

posted about a year ago

Yeah for EG lol

posted about a year ago

It's incentive to do better

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Despite only 6 kills, cgrs got 15 assists as skye
I would say he supported prx well, but yeah, not good enough

posted about a year ago
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