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Registered: July 6, 2022
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 1:05 AM
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Literally the entire fucking site was screaming for guild to drop russ and now that their failing their calling the move braindead, mfs actually have the memory of a goldfish and value kills over chemistry and util usage. have fun watching guild flop now

posted about a year ago

the dicey 100t dropped wasnt the same dicey we see now, though he was still a great player, considering there performace with ethan i dont really fault them, though 100t dicey rn would be insane

posted about a year ago

who downfragged this lmao, good job

posted about a year ago

The safe answer is emea but optic and prx both have a legitimate shot and boom could either flop or go nuts, i think drx will continue to take scalps but still not win anything, damwon, should they qualify, are dark horses for a deep run imo. I dont see brazil doing much but Kru is definately dangerous. Imo Prx take it home though

posted about a year ago

#standgaurd i still remember when they played a lan with psalm

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ive watched some edg, anyone saying there gonna win lcq is delusional, but its not an exaggeration to say their aim is almost inhuman, and as messy and disorganized as their playstyle is, its still extremely unique and i dont think they will go winless this lcq, unfortunately i believe kr and china scrim together so i think ons will take it tonight.

posted about a year ago

SR feels like a group of b tier players who could be elevated to a or even s tier if they were supported by a tier players but since there teamates are also b tier they struggle

posted about a year ago

Theres probably people of chinese decent who use the cn flag, + its not like china is completely cut off from the internet

posted about a year ago

does anyone care abt him tho?

posted about a year ago

???? he was the best controller itw when heretics were on top but astra hadnt even been released at that point lmao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Played that 1v1 like a silver wtf

posted about a year ago

I dont think EDG will win lcq but i think they can definately take scalps with how confusing their playstyle is and how skilled their players are

posted about a year ago

Bruh man boutta employ someone for winning a minigame lol

posted about a year ago

Common hudsen W, tho im curious if there are any other notable acad rosters in korea, also did flappy get boosted or boost others?

posted about a year ago

Viewership boutta be wild lmao, 100t vs sen has always been a clout farm but now with shroud its boutta be poppin

posted about a year ago

Hoping to see this rematch in the GF, Supa abt to drop 30 with a 2 - 1 for faze

posted about a year ago

I only see facts, shroud will be winning champions with a 3-0 vs xset in the GF

posted about a year ago

I think the idea is that because breeze is massive it would be harder to notice the tp + both sites have a backsite thats incredibly difficult to take without losing players, but it doesn't really work in practice

posted about a year ago

Lmao no, zellsis popped off in 2 games in a lcq, victor has helped bring optic to 3 top 3 finishes internationally and has been an amazing player on and off lan for a long ass time, until we see zellsis pop off against a faze or eg or 100t you cant even put them in the same conversation

posted about a year ago

its safe, i immediately clicked on it cause i have an ameribrain

posted about a year ago

common angel W, tho u cant really judge lcq off of arguably the 2 worst teams there

posted about a year ago

is it rude to ask what health condition hes reffering to? and making fun of ppls appearance is stupid af, hes still a top tier player in north america, even if he did make a bit of a fool of himself internationally

posted about a year ago

prx did pull something like that in the finals at copenhagen... and lost... after losing 13-3 with yoru on bind, tbh prx wouldve won copenhagen if they hadnt played yoru

posted about a year ago

I think he wouldve done fine if he didnt play yoru lol, and mada had 14 kills on the first half lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hes the igl lol, he didnt play that horribly, if anything their coach was trolling with the yoru pick

posted about a year ago

Agreed, hes been an overlooked gem since the beginning of the game

posted about a year ago

Ik everyones hyped about zellsis but mada and bdog both played incredibly well and were super high impact fraggers, there both great talents who deserve to be on a tier 1 org if sr dont make franchising

posted about a year ago

Guys, stop with the copy cat messages maybe? It is incredibly rude, incredibly immature, and not even funny. Please stop. This is E-Sports not Kindergarten. This should be taken seriously because esports are very serious and spamming copy cat messages is very disrespectful to the players who are trying very hard!

posted about a year ago

I only see factual statements

posted about a year ago

get so hype over small things and its so fun to watch, the hype is real

posted about a year ago

Boom, boom, boom, boom!
I want you in my room
Let's spend the night together
From now until forever
Boom, boom, boom, boom!
I wanna go boom boom
Let's spend the night together
Together in my room

posted about a year ago

I assume he would be closer to a thinking mans val since hes an igl with an enormous brain and barely streams

posted about a year ago

Wtf i tuned in to fns's stream as a joke expecting some monotone analysis but hes actually funny af and enjoyable to watch i hope he streams throughout the whole of lcq would recommend

posted about a year ago

Cap, i dont play cs and watch very little of its pro scene but from what ive seen their 10x more hype than any val casters, all the iconic cs clips everyone has seen are iconic because of how incredible the casting is

posted about a year ago

He was pretty good, though valyn was a super fun player too watch during that honeymoon run and id love to see more of it possibly on a better team

posted about a year ago

Rip DDK and sean, they were solid, though im glad their still in the scene

posted about a year ago

Guatemala is in latin america no? and he was refering to latam, still an 0/8 comeback lol

posted about a year ago

Usually i get really pissed off when people give casters hate for being "boring" or too "analytical" but these casters are outright bad, there struggling to put together interesting commentary, repeating themselves constantly and are making unfunny jokes, ive seen far better casting from this duo and i dont really understand why its so bad rn. Vansilli isnt horrific though still rough but the color casting is f tier rn

posted about a year ago

Region: NA
Main agent: Kayo/Raze/killjoy
Fav gun: Vandal

posted about a year ago

people always complain about wholesome posts but ill try

posted about a year ago

why do people care about that clown lol

posted about a year ago

look at the skyline from weehawken at night

posted about a year ago

If onic lose ill change to a sentinels flair and start watching anime, no way in hell onic lose this

posted about a year ago

Im praying this is a bait

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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