Flag: | United States |
Registered: | July 6, 2022 |
Last post: | September 3, 2024 at 2:47 PM |
Posts: | 3403 |
Its a turkish event when does the hometeam play?
Operator/Duelist - F0rsaken
Flex/secondary Duelist - Jinggg
Initiator - Kush
Smokes/initiator/sage - Crws
Viper/Chamber - Lmemore
Coach - Trembolona
idk who would igl
i acknowledged your answer in the first part of the post and than made a separate statement lol, i didnt respond to that because their was nothing to respond to and instead pointed out that the only excuse eu fans make whenever they are shit is that atleast there good at cs
fair nuff, nice comebacks, u won, doesnt make it any less cringe when someone makes fun of EU valorant so all the eu fans immediately start screeching about EU csgo, would be like if someone made fun of american soccer teams so i started yelling about basketball
It's a possibility, but an unlikely one at that
ma'am this is a valorant forum
we are discussing the existence of a map, idk what this "csgo" thing is but id like to know how it relates to this discussion
What would EU do if Valorant didn't exist? Rito aka EU supporter
When u suck at pearl so u resort to calling it a bad map
Split for hype and long drawn out overtimes
Pearl for overall map quality and competitive play
esports is more important than family, more important than job, more important than life. If your favorite silly internet people dont make the number 13 appear on their side of the screen before the other silly internet people than their is nothing for you to live for. It is a healthy obsession and should be encouraged
maybe cooling off now, but their was a period of time after the nerf where people were acting like it was gonna cripple jett + i really dont think it did that much
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Fnatic, Fpx, Team liquid - in the lower bracket
Prx - not in the lower bracket
Prx > Fnatic, Fpx, Team liquid
Your point is invalid
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overrated: boaster
underrated: Dephh
The enjoyment of baseball comes from being their in person with friends, its an amazing experiance, but watching it on tv is bedge af, also running/swimming is hype af
sick, ty for the recommendation
ok, is it short or ongoing? ive seen alot of mention of it and it seems well like
It seems like a super enjoyable genre but i struggle to get into it because #1 the dialogue is often times super cringe inducing #2 so many of the characters seem like pure fanservice and 100% of character development is put into 1 person.
Despite this i still enjoy some shows in the genre (btw could someone recommend a short/just started anime thats not a romance/childish shounen)
Jett nerf isnt nearly as catastrophic as people act
Cypher and killjoy are both super viable on ceartain maps
sincerely, a bronze 3 pleb
you cant preplan a good roast lmfao, its always natural, whenever people try that they start stuttering like a bitch
true, apac much more exciting to watch, as is non drx ea teams.
https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/x9r90a/most_popular_team_by_average_viewers_in_group/ less fans than leviatan and edg kekw
kekw typical eurobrain
honey wake up someone else is making a thread calling a good team a fluke
S - Volleyball, competitive swimming, muay thai
A - Soccer, American football, baseball if you watch it live
B - F1, Basketball, tennis, boxing
C - Baseball if you watch it on tv
Im literally an american who lives in america lmfao
how the fuck is mlk a symbol of america lmao, obviously i dont hate him lol but hes simply an extremely influential civil rights leader, not a representative of our entire country.
I guess your last point makes some sense, but why would you consider her the symbol of your country rather than your prime minister/president?
I dont feel any fucking pride for my founding fathers, they were slave owning pieces of shit and wrote an outdated vague constitution that has causes tons of strife in my country. I don't understand what their is to appreciate what she represents, she represents a country whos literally best known for travelling around the world shoving their nose in other peoples business and being imperialist colonizers. Genuinely, id like to hear an explanation for what their is to appreciate, she was a vapid waste of space and money if what you say is true. So no, i dont see why anyone is mourning her except those in the imperial core who grow up seeing her as a symbol of their dominance.
hes saying your literally ignoring everything im saying and just spouting out the same "Shes just a figurehead" "shes just a figurehead line" over and over again, btw so your admitting that shes a waste of money or that she was partially responsible for britains crimes?
damn bro pokimane completely wastes 100 million euros/pounds(?) every single year doing absolutely nothing, and she has an entire government forcing her donaters to donate in the form of taxes. She is also the figurehead of an imperialist state who have historically destabilized almost half the world
so all she did was sit on her ass and waste taxes, what a noble woman who deserves respect and empathy
Bro either admit that queen elizabeth wasnt completely fucking powerless being the literal fucking queen or admit her ONLY job was to waste taxpayer money and make sure the existence of her mentally ill siblings was never released to the public and fuck her cousin, which one is it.
she was the queen of a nation that was responsible for enormous amounts of colonialism and destabilization, just cause she wasnt the one torturing kenyan revolutionaries doesnt mean she was some innocent saint who was completely powerless and forced to sit on her guilded throne and watch her empire commit all these atrocities
(also married a cousin lmao full alabama shit)
ah yes and britain allowed that decolonization and didnt try to violently suppress it mhm yes yes
maybe now, but shes been queen for 70 fucking years, and she hasnt always just been a figurehead + literally simping for a person whos job is to literally oversee you as a vassal to an iseland on the other side of the plant kekw your native population
were reaching rickyindian baiting levels of delusional