Flag: United States
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: July 20, 2024 at 9:52 PM
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yeah this dude said m3c is overrated

posted about a year ago

i implore brazilians to explain their povs because i genuinely want to understand why you feel the way you do. it’s much better than saying “it’s the culture, you wouldn’t understand”

posted about a year ago

not cool bro

posted about a year ago

that’s not what the original message is claiming. if ardiis wants to make a joke (or if i’m being charitable, let’s assume he genuinely thinks they’re cheating), then that’s his prerogative. but trying to take that small shred of being a victim and blowing it up even more, to the point where you’re saying this would have ONLY happened to brazil, then you’re fucking delusional. if this was an EMEA thing, NA would be on top of that like no tomorrow and vice versa.

this has nothing to do about reacting to injustice, it’s about reacting to a miniscule issue with a tactical nuke

posted about a year ago

is that not on the igl to do better mid-round calls? or at the very least equally to blame between the coach and the igl for bad attacking strats?

posted about a year ago

imagine crediting someone for a dogshit take

the drama started because brazilians overreacted to a clipped out of context clip

posted about a year ago

so first, what they have to do is

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i said world lil bro, also that take is just incorrect, if 7.5 billion people disagree with something and nobody else besides a specific group of people agree with something, that something is probably wrong. if Brazilians had merit to their beliefs, outsiders would be defending them as well, but i have yet to see 1 non-Brazilian person defend this mentality.

i know that a loud minority can misrepresent a group, but not even the silent majority agrees with how Brazilian fans are handling situations like these

posted about a year ago

who’s the issue on TL then

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

replacing a roster is different than replacing the whole org

posted about a year ago

holi :3

posted about a year ago

the post says “only brazilians will understand”

please translate it for me

posted about a year ago
  1. Shakespeare
  2. Edgar Allen Poe
  3. Robert Frost
posted about a year ago

trembo please show me where and when keznit was racist. if it’s the monkey clip from his stream, i just can’t see where the racism is

posted about a year ago

I can’t wait for Brazilian fans to still hate all three of these guys 5 years from now over a single specific incident that either they did and likely don’t agree with in the future and/or the incident was taken out of context

posted about a year ago

so if the world has a problem with you, then the world is delusional? surely the blame doesn’t fall on Brazil, right?

oh wait i forgot, victim mentality

posted about a year ago

i respect that, but it’s also odd how little brazilians i see calling out people who give death threats.

usually i’ll see a brazilian complain about racism/xenophobia but when they’re met with genuine criticisms that fuel society’s outlook of them, they’ll then claim “it’s the culture” or “you wouldn’t understand”.

i think if more brazilians thought like you, peoples outlook of brazil wouldn’t be nearly as bad as it is today.

posted about a year ago

there is literally a version without her

posted about a year ago

i can understand the “us against the world” mentality but if you use that mentality to justify threats of physical violence then you’re just a loser

posted about a year ago

bro 💀

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

my apologies

posted about a year ago

how does nrg lose 0-2 to kru

posted about a year ago

yet you cant help but say my name unprompted

posted about a year ago

well now i can't leave, if i'm not here then who are you gonna have a hate boner against?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

im probably gonna go join the reddit, goodbye vlr

posted about a year ago

how is this a debate it's so obviously yoru

his whole kit is based around giving the enemy team false information

posted about a year ago

happy holidays

posted about a year ago

virginity rocks ratio bro

posted about a year ago

he got lucky that's all

posted about a year ago

he's just a dude with money what else is new

posted about 2 years ago

yeah but it's the culture

posted about 2 years ago

hot take: FNC (barely) > LOUD = NAVI = NRG

i think fnc is the most put together team atm, but LOUD was very close to beating them and NRG was very close to beating LOUD, so rating Fnatic incredibly higher than the other 3 teams is kinda stupid given the circumstances. they did 3-0 Navi, yes, but i think Navi can beat NRG and potentially LOUD as well.

tl;dr we haven't had enough matchups between the top 4 to accurately rank them, but fnatic has shown that they're slightly above the rest

posted about 2 years ago

so if nrg happened to win 1 more round would NRG > LOUD? or would they then be equal? im sick of people using purely wins and losses to determine rankings instead of looking at how close the games truly were

posted about 2 years ago

you made the mistake of posting a pro-Americas thread during the nighttime even though you spit a few facts

sorry about the downvotes brother

posted about 2 years ago

meyournightmare's 2nd alt

posted about 2 years ago

ur from north korea why do you care

posted about 2 years ago

i may but the only time i’ll be there (since i’m away at school) is for the first week and those matches are dogshit

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

common minte W

posted about 2 years ago

you meant to say LA for Los Angeles and misspelled it, all good

posted about 2 years ago

so you think he'll be a 7th man or maybe even a 6th if they kick out cigaretteS? i guess it's better than the hellhole he's in on sengoku gaming

posted about 2 years ago

depends on what you consider a good game

based off of first impressions/playthough, probably something like zelda or some mario game
if you think replayability matters more, probably minecraft or the blinding of isaac
if you think both are equally important, then it's a tie between gta 4 or gta 5. the stranglehold it has/had over the market is insane, even years after their respective releases and imo it's the undisputed best game

posted about 2 years ago

if benkai is out then who igl's?

also benkai clearly isn't the issue, the only reason they've gotten to this place was because of benkai's innovation

posted about 2 years ago

that's not until the end of the year if im not mistaken

posted about 2 years ago

is the player "something" the right move for PRX?
prx's issue isn't with their duelists imo, but something seems like a good duelist player. does he replace jinggg or f0rsaken or someone else, and if he replaces someone else, what will the role shifts be for jinggg and forsaken?
i'm just worried prx is either going to keep playing double duelist or chamber + duelist on every map when that isn't the meta imo.
now i know how it felt to be a sentinels fan in 2022, this shit hurts :( based off raw aim alone they clear half of the franchised teams, but if they keep forsaken, jinggg, and add something, i don't see them being an S tier team this year :/

posted about 2 years ago

saying lev is more guaranteed to qualify over NRG shows how little you know about the americas league

posted about 2 years ago
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