Flag: United States
Registered: July 5, 2021
Last post: September 13, 2022 at 1:40 PM
Posts: 145
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WHAT LMAOOOOO why would BabyJ be the IGL they already said E1cs is the igl plus ec1s is p much confirmed just waiting on 100T to make it public you should keep in touch with news

posted about 3 years ago

look who is talking FPX fan stfu you can shit talk when your team dosent lose as bad FPX is a shit team LMFAOOOOOOO imagine losing to FireFlux a TR team who is a joke

posted about 3 years ago

Man king was my favorite VS player so sad when they loaned him VS could of loaned Lakia instead of king imo

posted about 3 years ago

p sure Zest is gone as well just not offical

posted about 3 years ago

I am a VS fan and I dont mind DRX buying VS but I would like to see players play with the banner DRXVS or if DRX wants to let them play still with the VS letters that would be cool but that wont happen it will just feel wierd DRX Stax or DRX MaKo. VS Stax sounds better but that's my opinion.

posted about 3 years ago

Oh I know Its Stax from VS 100T Stax LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago

BabyJ is good but yea its just copioum honestly I just want someone who is very good and will help team

posted about 3 years ago

brax is done with Pro play he is a Content creator he dropped Pro valo a while back

posted about 3 years ago

nah you are sad

posted about 3 years ago

ITS ok guys its Tarik wait no itS nats lmfaoooo

posted about 3 years ago

yea this sen kid is probably a fan after his team FURIA lost to KRU LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago

says the guy who roots for the team who lost to G2, lost a map to F4Q LMFAO and lost to KRU stfu kid

posted about 3 years ago

LMFAO it not babyj

posted about 3 years ago

Bro Stax is VS IGL

posted about 3 years ago

ok kid get good he is not bad I mean why shit on someone who is higher rank that you KEKW

posted about 3 years ago

Yea both a really good brehze is better than ec1s but brehze is the same caliber as Ethan when it comes to mechanical aim will be a good addition

posted about 3 years ago

I would not call Stax no brain man is to good this jajajaj kid just is to brain dead to understand also every team shit talks its all part of the fun experiece of esports this jajajaja kid dosent understand

posted about 3 years ago

huh you make no sense VS are one of the best teams in Champs unlucky they lost but 11-1 to 13-11 in Ascent and 11-13 on breeze just shows C9 won based on the fact that leaf popped off yea xeppa had his moments and mitch but 90% was just leaf runing mid and getting 2 kills you are probably a SEN fan kekw

posted about 3 years ago

VS just did not play like they ussually do if VS are able to get haven 2-0 for sure

posted about 3 years ago

I am a VS fan as well I rewatched the VOD the IGLin in today's game was questinable not saying Stax is a bad igl just saying some decisions were questionable I VS were also whiffiIng I feel like there was also some miscomunication but amazing comeaback on Ascent 11-1 to 13-10 but VS would smoke any SEA team like FS wich they did Vission Strikers Is winning a International LAN next year for sure

posted about 3 years ago

what they both play Cypher but Nats also plays viper so yes they play the same role both play sentinel Nats way better than Dapr

posted about 3 years ago

you really think getting Corey and Rossy is going to make TSM back to the top NAH TSM = Throw So Much LOOOL

posted about 3 years ago

do you even follow NA Valorant TSM is bad at Valorant and a joke ORG TSM = Throw SO Much

posted about 3 years ago

fnaitc is the team thats done for LMFAO Failed to qual fro EMEA Challenger playoffs stage 3 and would of not qual for champs if it was not for gambit

posted about 3 years ago

if you are saying that country's should stick to players from the same nationality you are really DUMB also as A NIP fan NIP is shit in valorant

posted about 3 years ago

JP, KR, Sea are already making changes Nuturn benched Allow and Suggest

posted about 3 years ago

Tarik is not even Pro in valorant he is still signed as Content Creator for Evil Geniuses so if you think Tarik going pro you on something

posted about 3 years ago

Thwifo is a really good SEntinel player he will imporve T1's Defense really fast

posted about 3 years ago

I cant guarrantee that Thwifo is a top 10 Sentinel player we have not seen him play in months he is a very smart player but I personaly cant say top 10 till I see him play that being said Thwifo is a really good adition to T1 makes their Defense a lor stronger

posted about 3 years ago

they say its only 8 team not 10 and plus TSM would just be a disapointment they would lose 2-0 and then 2-0 in the lowers TSM is a joke now LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago

I also dont want 100T v Sen or 100T v VS

posted about 3 years ago

STop making exucses 100T won cuz they are better thats it.

posted about 3 years ago

actually they have a bigger chance now becasue VS got 1st seed in group A and sen is currently seed 2 so unless Sen 13-0 F4Q both maps they have a bigger chance of playing 100T, Envy, VS or G2 if they dont 13-0 F4Q

posted about 3 years ago

RIght read like a book LMFAO SEN is bad got 2-0 by EMEA 4th seed KEKW

posted about 3 years ago

I dont think thats the case 100T 2-1 Gambit or maybe 100T 2-0 Gambit

posted about 3 years ago

you must be dreaming did you not see 100T own HL also gambit owned CR cuz they are CR they trash the SEA region is so bad and plus I see you a G2 fan sorry for today but yall geting owned LMAO ps: my favorite EU team is G2 and they will lose

posted about 3 years ago

That would be RM my little sister wont stop talking about them LMFAO and so do my cousins I am the only male cousin in my mom's side of the famliy lol

posted about 3 years ago

No yea My yonger sister is a kpop fan and I have seen some of their videos its what is popular in korea dying your hair you should deffinetly not be calling them retarded if you have nothing nice to say just stfu thanks also you calling them retarded yet they are richer than you will ever if I have to dye my hair green or pink and have over 40 billion on my bank account I WILL gladly do it so just be quiet thanks

posted about 3 years ago

LMFAO TSM is going to Berlin it might be Sen 2-1 Envy I have 100T beating Sen on the upper unless Sen lose to ENVY now that Envy got Yay

posted about 3 years ago

Let’s be Honest if anyone thinks TSM is going to Berlin you Smoking Something it’s most likely to be 3 or these 4 teams 100T, SEN, XSET or ENvy

posted about 3 years ago
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