Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 3, 2022
Last post: August 24, 2023 at 6:21 PM
Posts: 193
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G2 Sinatraa because now tell who Carlos ocelote should hire or not he choses his fucking layers

posted about a year ago

Why you guys arguing if performance doesn't matter to riot? Their decision were purely based in financial wise, fanbase etc.

posted about a year ago

It's a meme here in Brazil bro

posted about a year ago

MCA is crazy he is looking for a good team to beat loud in every 5 seconds

posted about a year ago

MCA n gosto de ser chato mas tu tá chatão com esses negócios de dream team e colocando xand e mw junto MT ruim esse time.
Mw - Cauan - rglm - nzr - frz Mt melhor

posted about a year ago

But the event that's gonna happen in Brazil isn't masters it's a brand new event to opening the new era of valorant

It gives a +1 slot for the region that win this event

posted about a year ago

I've a feeling that kroean is winning this tournament

posted about a year ago

I think loud is the team with less support...maybe Turkish ppl don't like br players I dunno.
Even against ooptic people did more noise to optic than for loud.

posted about a year ago

I think most of us don't hate sentinels the hate is towards zombs especially for calling Brazil shit region + when fallen tried to give him an advice he liked things fallend did even if some of us don't really hate him we don't like him anyway.

posted about a year ago

There is no hate or something like that there are some good comments put there are some copypasta and people saying "only yay is good in your team fns" these people only show when we win and it frustrates me a lot.
Optic and loud players have been friends and actually optic players always showed respect towards Brazil even fns.

posted about a year ago

Because i feel embarrassed and people will think every Brazilian are like that and start to hate us even if some ask sorry for them (mostly of the players won't even see the positives comments)

posted about a year ago

People going optic's players twitter to make jokes of them because of the lost today is just wrong toxic please stop they have shown us respect and u should do the same

posted about a year ago

Anti strats just like loud did with haven

posted about a year ago

How was the picks and bans? I'm in the University

posted about a year ago

I agree the thing tho I also agree with spacca:
Pancada has one the best aim of the world but he doesn't use his resources that good (I don't know how to say it in English)
Pancada não recursa tão bem.

posted about a year ago

Just the threat thing all of the sudden there a bunch of posts here in vlr to get a better picture of the situation.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

We know loud will lose to optic can Loud beat fpx/xset/drx again? 😭

posted about a year ago

Bro there is not such a thing as curse prx just isn't a better team than leviathan that all.

posted about a year ago

Don't need to worry my Korean fella drx is just a better team and it should be an IZI match for them and im not even trying to jinx

posted about a year ago

Get out of here u trying to jinx

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

DRX ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY TO LOSE ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

posted about a year ago

It is true sacy said It In a podcast but It was in masters 1 and he e didn't say they smashed them but they had not any difficulties to play against them and they won their scrims against them which he said it was quite surprising.

posted about a year ago

Yes it is
Latin American but still american

posted about a year ago

Hell no

posted about a year ago

It will be an easy game for leviathan since they have a real coach

posted about a year ago

But it just the game rewarding the seed 1.
In masters 1 loud had advantage against optic (rest days + bans + more matches to review of optic)

posted about a year ago

Let's not forget the pistols never saw a team that is that bad in pistol

posted about a year ago

Loud seems not focused 100% and still with difficulties to gain spaces
They don't do fakes
Their read on the other team is always wrong always going in the stacked bomb.
In the defense side they have a slow adapt saadhak got punish 10 times looking at the long in bind

posted about a year ago

I didn't see any na fans shitting on loud most of them said loud played really well meanwhile emea fans likes to call everyone run as fluke.

posted about a year ago

Letsss goooo
Cheering for na and latam and ofc for Brazil
Brazil will step up a lot when we start to play against na teams consistently I'm sure hope for an Americas era in these competitions.

posted about a year ago

Dgzin still throw some rounds tho the man don't know how to fall back

posted about a year ago

We won in their map pick we can lose in our map pick and haven is impossible to fúria win and then all Brazilians have to pay the price for the dumbest ones.

posted about a year ago

Is the sky blue? Wtf theyve been contenders since last years even if they didn't win they still perform especially in the groups.

posted about a year ago

No leviathan just a better team that's all

posted about a year ago

That sucks hope someone help u
I use hyperx haste and I was thinking about buying model D wireless but now I fear

posted about a year ago

U kill a lot but u also die a lot.
Try to get advantage a play safe
Don't expose your self to multiple angles
Try to change ur position always
Try to play with your teammates (asking to bait, tell them always what u planning to do, ask them to cover u)
Try to avoid situations that u are not in advantage (1v2, 1v3 situations)
Try to record your matches to see what u doing wrong or what u could do better
Try to igl even if ur calls don't work u can improve

How did u get immortal and now u are diamond?

posted about a year ago

Or just make an excuse and don't go to the school. Br schools are not rigid.

posted about a year ago

Probably edg and Kru he put them based in his personal opinions

posted about a year ago

But in lol you've to buy a spot to get in there is no event that if u win u get in.

posted about a year ago

mwzera isn't overrated and xand isn't lazy.

posted about a year ago

We'll be one region we have to beat EU to say Americas vct > EMEA

posted about a year ago

What ? I said simp!

posted about a year ago

Xsrt will surprise.
Optic will fall
100 thieves will do a Cinderella run and go really further but will fall like simp falls for a woman.

posted about a year ago

1 - Loud
2 - Boom
3 - Fúria
4- Zeta
5 - Xerxia
6 - Kru
7 - Lev

posted about a year ago

Bostinha em.
Então se o Kim fosse de esquerda ia tá valendo?

posted about a year ago

Most of Brazilians players and I bet from Asia too (maybe not counting Japan) doesn't even earn 10k month (dol) most probably earn like 3~4k dol (and it would be a lot for Brazil standards)

posted about a year ago

Let me ask u since boom is from your country...are they good? Never saw them and we could possibly been understimating them.

posted about a year ago
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