the meta is good for him
but he is not good in the game anymore
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 10, 2022 |
Last post: | March 17, 2024 at 3:04 PM |
Posts: | 413 |
the meta is good for him
but he is not good in the game anymore
dont bet on them
bet against
I made a lot of money in champs cause no one believed them
i dont like sacy attitudes
but i rly like pANcada
i like zekken
i want to see tenZ back in his form
so ill cheer fort them against fnatic
conseguiu zikar pra krl kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
i dont actualy know them
rly looking fwd to watch
but i think RRQ wont be an easy match up
tehbotol is beast
yes, and riot supports it
f you
we will continue to win cheating xxD
go watch cs dumbdumb
mano, n tem que dar moral pra esses gringo doente nao kkkkkkkk
eles n tem nenhuma paixão pelo jogo
parece que só conhecem o sentimento "EUA É MELHOR EM TUDO"
e quando não são, ficam chocados
TODO LUGAR DO MUNDO tem torcida apaixonada, cantos e etc
se lá não tem, pena pra eles
mano esses cara são só baiter
querem atenção nossa pq a gente engaja mt
quero q se fodam
how come british ppl call someone savage when their teeths looks like an actual animal teeth? xD
mibr is just bad dude
murizzz cant play
something about the knife
he isnt dogshit
but he really needs to improve as a coach
but most of MIBR problems (in those matches) relates to patience and comms
they played worse than expected, individual mistakes happened a lot
crws lurked the SHIT out of them and they seemed deaf to him (or never expecting when they definetly should)
was just so weird
yes they need
JZZ never played well in VCT BR
Murizzz isnt even close to good IGLs
heat, rgl and frz is a good core to build from
rly bad mibr player
trust me.
wasnt good against tier 2 teams in VCT BR
i forgive mibr.
talon is too good
(but mibr is bad..)
mas parece que apuraram que n foi a riot br e sim a riot gringa que tava por trás
MIBR will loose 9 games in the americas franchise with that team
i dont think that all of them are cheering against cloud9
Ppl here rly like yay
i dont even know why he still playing chamber
he would smash on jett
:0 oh no someone in the internet told me to shut up!!
its always the death threats!
omg ppl actually take twitter threaths seriously
omg bronzil is a bunch of barbarians!!
there is an actual safe hazard, they should leave the lock//in cause their lifes are in IMINENT danger
no one can explain some of those clips xd
but he is actually a good player, i dont get it why he cheated that time...
he is crazy rn fragging a lot
Less is the new second caller and he is performing rly good right now (saadhak already said in a livestream that he is training Less to be the IGL in the future)
pANcada is an excellent player, but he wasnt like this in march last yer. he developed under sacy and saad, and that can also happen with tuyZ
aspas is a MIRACLE player. even in games that he doesnt fragg he always makes a play that changes de history of the map
Look at the champions finals, he won rounds that no other player could and brought the win
but the major flaw in your theory: every player can be replaceable. but sometimes its harder
every singles word you said was wrong
they need to prove themselves
the other BR teams are REALLY lacking
mibr is straight up bad
i think that if he discovered anything that improves the chance of no scoping
it should be nerfed
bc OP shouldt be able to do that, its like the ULTIMATE perfect no counter weapon
but i guess he is just really lucky (and tries it more than the others)
as a controller i think tuyZ can definetly be better, in the role perspective
but i still think pANcada is a better clutch player (and 1v1 god)
tuyZ is going to be world no1 harbor
but will be a little bit above average astra, brim
omen, probably top tier lvl
heat = choke
dg = sucesso
frz jogou sozinho quase ontem
o cara é de excelente nível
heat deu uma engasgada, mas se deus quiser até as franquias vai botar a cabeça no lugar
rgl chocou total
muriz é ruim, mas é igl
e o jzz eu juro que nao sei o que fez pra ter chance de ir pra franquia
tem mts melhores no VCB
in my mind throw means they lost a game they had prior in their hands
and choke means that they lost because they were psycologic in a bad place
nao tem nenhum time bom no brasil além da LOUD
é triste a realidade
mas temos que dar graças a deus pelas 3 vagas
porque a mibr e furia
em pouco tempo vao se fortalecer muito lá fora
theyre playing just like ranked games
ignoring every fucking thing
cleaning 0 pixels
i hope this was a choke, but i doubt
dont think talon is that good
mibr is bad...
some ppl outside brazil believed this team, but i think that was really delusional
the stage will definetly get better
seems like they are waiting for the final phases of the event (idk why)
i love how NA fans think that guys that never really won nothing are actually the best at the game
each event should be in a different major city
rio, los angeles, tokyo, paris, berlim, city of mexico, etc
team with 3 world champions - 10th
team with yay and 4 ok players - second
c9 core is shit at international lvl
im from brasil and i love yay
i mean, against loud i always wish he couldnt play
but he is a beast, ppl like to see the GOATs