Flag: Canada
Registered: December 4, 2021
Last post: March 9, 2024 at 8:05 PM
Posts: 104
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Do NA orgs pay more than EU orgs?

Surely fnc would pay as much if not more than EG, 100T, XSET, et cetera

posted 8 months ago

Nah. Get rid of asuna before bang, mechanically gifted, dedicated controllers are hard to find. Surely a player from last year's ascension can flex better than asuna can.

posted 8 months ago

Nats and Sayf were the only consistent players on TL. Wonder what will happen between sayf and runner in terms of primary duelist. I don't think destrian is a world-class controller, but they seem to have great players in every other role, between kicks maining initiator, cender on senti, and sayf/runner on duelist and/or flex.

posted 8 months ago

Too inexperienced for now. He would need a good coach to make him into a consistent igl, like mCe did for Valyn.

posted 8 months ago

This. I feel like he's always had the best mechanics of the all the committed senti players in NA. This roster is great, but I feel like there's going to be a grace period where they figure out roles. Probably gonna a repeat of last season and it'll be different top teams coming out of each split. Surprise to not see any players from different teams, but im assuming that's related to not wanting to pay buy out fees. Can't blame em.

posted 8 months ago

Basically just someone who played with lots of pros in NA in ranked & has been playing since beta. Nice guy, he just quit valorant apparently. Hope he does well.

posted 8 months ago

Funny story, I told my Indian roommate that my mom was born in England. He started introducing me to his friends as "This is Josh, He's british" and what have you. I'm just Canadian man.

So, where are you from?

Not, where is your family from, but where are you from?

posted 8 months ago

Probably felt they had better team chem

posted 8 months ago

Nismo has a Canadian passport I think. Toronto or Montreal iirc.

posted 8 months ago

Fax. Imo hes been great on sova & breach, but his skye is kinda shit. I thought asuna actually had a much better skye than him.

posted 8 months ago

Can explain the whole nepotism situation to me? Or give me a link or something?

posted 8 months ago

I feel like there was a bunch of great storylines for the LCQs. On top of that, big upsets in the groupstage. New faces, eg looking to rebuke their haters and do well at Champs, all the pressure on fnatic to make the trifecta for the year. Pretty crazy tournament.

posted 9 months ago

Who is married to their manager?

posted 9 months ago

Yo, that CIS team would be nuts. Regdar is honestly a really mid IGL & smokes player tbh. I don't think calling in English has really helped him though. Would be nice to see trexx main the raze and have sheydos & cloud share the flex initiator roles

posted 9 months ago

Or to organize the logistics that players want nothing to do with.

Spend your life committing yourself to a videogame, and you miss out on an education to have a career 'exploiting' people.

Your profs need to teach you about someone that isn't named Karl Marx.

posted 9 months ago

All the reasoning for needing jett is basically what makes her a decent pick as a duelist. She was perfectly balanced before this, but we'll see how she plays. Might be more changes, could be less. We'll see.

posted 9 months ago

I feel like Less had Less do on peak-form loud (hAAhAA).

He's a wayyy better player now imo, more consistent anyhow. Alfa and Less are also just drastically different players in terms of how they play sentinels.

posted 9 months ago

Jawg and C0M really stepped up during their Tokyo run though. Before that tournament, I thought of them as the team's biggest liabilities. Worst player on NRG will always be FNS, if his abilities as an IGL can be excused, then victor and/or crashies. NRGs team play is what has kept the team playing well post-yay.

posted 9 months ago

Has there been any LAN series with a K/D differential this crazy?

Man's had a 2 KD over 4 maps

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

They reduced their workforce to 10 and retained two teams that they were to focus on for 2023. The org essentially hedged their bets to stay afloat. I'd say it's safe to assume that their valo team would be dropped if they didn't win this, and I'd say the future for the org looks a lot better for retaining rosters in other games.

posted 10 months ago

Obviously kru needs to change their lineup, but daveeys looked like he improved a lot as he got T1 experience. Even put up good numbers on KJ and Kay O. I could see them retaining him and keznit. More than likely we'll see a change between LEV and KRU in the future, or either org will look outside of LATAM franchised teams towards some other young stars like Daveey.

posted 10 months ago

Didn't C9 make it to the finals of this event while fokus couldn't get out of groups?

posted 10 months ago

EG weren't even supposed to make America's playoffs. So less than a month ago, barely anyone considered them a threat with how hot c9 and loud were looking heading into playoffs. Now they 2-0 every team they face through groups, then beat DRX and LOUD 2-0 in playoffs before facing fnatic.

Tonight/tomorrow will be rough for EG, but I think they have a better shot compared to how every other team has performed in the tournament.

Also, let's not forget Paper Rex was a good team before something joined. Cgrs had to perform as well, if not, better than when benkai was on the team, and I think they can be proud of 3rd this tournament.

posted 11 months ago

Cuz China wants happy robots

posted 11 months ago

Duelist for making space = raze, duelist for taking early fights = jett. Jett has basically been gutted relative to how she used to be with 3 smokes and a better ult, while raze can usually have a lot more impact without necessarily needing some nutty aimer to play her. Watching KK play raze against liquid on split though, you can use her for OPing and stuff like that too, but its def not as meta as jett.

posted 11 months ago

They actually played better with cgrs than benkai??

posted 11 months ago

Embracing your mistakes in life is one of the most important things a person can do.

posted 11 months ago

You should lead this army of degenerates we call 'users'

posted 11 months ago

AFAIK he isn't replacing anyone? He's just their sub in case or visa issues. Idk why they wouldn't just use benkai as their sub though.

posted 11 months ago

Relative to reduxx and sym that's kind of a hot take. Tex has played really well for tgrd, second best duelist in NA Challengers to Koalanoob imo

posted about a year ago

And some teams being built for franchising leagues are complete booty cough dfm cough koi, cough kru

posted about a year ago

Cuz Brazil is in the Americas.

posted about a year ago

Org was too broke for Dat. In any event, I think the roles would still be messed up.

posted about a year ago

A big part of LOUD's high placements last year were without a doubt because of how consistent less was last year. He was putting numbers up as good as aspas while playing sentinels & viper

posted about a year ago

Honestly though, it's too early to tell. I feel like KOI will change roles around more. Starxo is a big question mark to me, but there is enough talent & flexibility between trexx, sheydos, and Wolfen for them to improve past the two maps we saw them play.

posted about a year ago

This Gen G roster won't beat DRX, sadly. I think if they replace secret for a better flex player then they could do it. Seems like they have good team Chem though, really aggressive set-plays, clearly well-drilled.

posted about a year ago

she should just hire her stalker. He'd probs do it for free.

posted about a year ago

Sayf > chronicle is a hot take.

Jampii > derke is str8 cap

posted about a year ago

That 100T roster was falling apart anyways. Happy they did the rebuild, their new roster has way more potential.

posted about a year ago

BabyJ was the other guy

Tbh weird pickups; I think Bang has some star potential in his role though, JcStani I'm undecided on. Why tf is Hiko still here.

posted about 2 years ago

they're = they are. Read they are username???

There = 'Over there'. -- Read there username???

posted about 2 years ago

in this guy's defense, there was the report about cNed looking to move away from Acend (doubt it, but possible). Nats I never see leaving Gambit, unless they flop next year.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, people don't realize how boring the CS grind can be on a pro team, particularly in every region outside of EU right now where it's lots of traveling. Whenever I watch retired CS pros who are pro in val, seems like they enjoy the game significantly more. Hopefully Brehze transitions well should he get a spot on the lineup.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, did people not try and say the same thing about Ethan coming to Valorant? It is a very different game, and while brehze has nuts aim, we'll have to see if he's on par with the abilities of whatever role he plays against T1 players of the same characters.

posted about 2 years ago

real talk though he hasn't been the same player he was at his peak for a long time. Will be interesting to see what kind of role he picks up .

posted about 2 years ago

Clearly falling prey to the causer of arguments.

posted about 2 years ago

What in the hell is up with these god damn flairs? Who do you think you are to type upside down? Where are the Australian teams?!? How hasn't Nivera been cast as the next, more handsome, taller, Belgian-Moroccan Frodo Baggins?

posted about 2 years ago

this look weird

posted about 2 years ago

are we on two different versions of the internet or something

posted about 2 years ago
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