Flag: India
Registered: March 1, 2023
Last post: November 16, 2024 at 1:10 PM
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where is it taking place

posted about a year ago

W crowd didnt expect those many people would show up is that fr or they are paid actors

posted about a year ago

yeah but the thing is once you are out of t1 its very hard to climb back to t1 we can see that from many pros look what happened to yay

posted about a year ago

since most of the players are leaving the team. is there a possibility for Eg to rebuild with Fns and S0m

posted about a year ago

Nothing can beat sen

posted about a year ago

Ge is that dumb kid in school who's just there cuz his dad is influential

posted about a year ago

Venka and doodly

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

fuck em these americans are dumb af, they can negotiate the deal such that they can stream a fixed amount of hrs since they won champs they'll get decent viewership, ad revenue,etc and that would build their channel as these washed af players wont last more than 1 more year

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

for any esports game

posted about a year ago

fr ? arent the team gonna stick together since they won a hefty amount of money, would have made 4 mil including the skins sales

posted about a year ago

what happened to EG why is everyone talking abt it can someone tell me pls, I was sleeping when all this happpened

posted about a year ago

do you guys think Loud would take him back like ardiis ( heard he's going back to Navi) if he chooses to go to some other org

posted about a year ago

There's a movie called Mahaveeran its in tamil/hindi but you'll get subtitles for it, watch it!! its too good

posted about a year ago

Could some one give me a playlist with jazz songs similar to Feeling Good -by Michael Buble

posted about a year ago

Is she Like Tyler Durden from f* C or other people could also see her

posted about a year ago

we thought Nrg was on budget issue then how would they afford Tex as he might be getting paid huge amount by G2.

posted about a year ago

Do u guys really think all those rumored changes he is making are true, or is he just farming some views. I'm actually down to watch C9 shahz or G2 shahz

posted about a year ago

Scream going to VLT

posted about a year ago

yeah but if he gets dropped then some indian org will pick him up, its not like he's gonna be jobless. the thing I hate to see is Ge lose if they gonna lose their matches anyways why don't they have 3 or 4 indians and a int igl, just for the sake of representation they cant be wasting all that time. or have 3-4 indians in bench like eg reserved their salary wont be that high and its easily possible

posted about a year ago

fuck it can u start some valo journalism page with some spicy info or something that would be fun to read, not involving anyone's personal life just some entertaining news or facts without tarnishing anyone's image

posted about a year ago

thats how we know that the show is scripted

posted about a year ago

Yo let him farm some views and make money, whatever works for him

posted about a year ago

but arent the players of guard supposed to be together

posted about a year ago

fuck that happened in india

posted about a year ago

yeah but this is journalism abt some game not national politics and james isn't degrading someone or effecting someone life

posted about a year ago

bro thinks he is a NIA agent, lmao all he does is farms views and impressions, I don't see anything wrong with what james is doing. we see all those stuff for entertainment its not like james is cooking some absurd hit, bros trying his level best. On the other hand these fuckers feel they are great journalist cuz they share some info which wont even be true after a one month period lmao.

posted about a year ago

yeah but why are other valo streamers not able to get as much views as him I think there is none near to even 1/10th of it

posted about a year ago

TARIK is great but i just wanna know how is he able to get those many views, what is he doing right, how can other streamers get as huge as him.

posted about a year ago

they announced the guard news after champs so that they wont get any negative pr during the champs, we know that rest of year is kinda free no riot events and initially people will forget it when the next years season will start

posted about a year ago

i know that their team performance sucks but the org management is pretty good, u can watch their yt videos. org is trying their best but we have botssi

posted about a year ago

with the new patch notes, u surely gotta bring back scream

posted about a year ago

Lmao thats how it works dude didnt u notice what happened to Mad lions. when it was dark ratio they had will,zexrow,ange,trick and drone and towards the end of mad lions the team was narrate,bjor,trick,ange, blackheart . which means they had only 2 players form the initial team of 5. what do u have to say abt this

posted about a year ago

bro wtf are u talking, its completely riot's fault. these mfs planned out whole year of tour for the ascension and didn't think what would happen if the org that won wouldn't take the promotion to franchising

posted about a year ago

emotionally is correct but the players of the guard were paid to play for the org so the org gets the slot not the players, its like saying if someone was part of making Iphone he should have the rights of iPhone, it doesn't work that way and I don't think there was something like the players will get the slot not the org.

posted about a year ago

Weren't they all practicing with other players ??

posted about a year ago

contracts don't matter for the orgs , didn't u just see what happened to Yay

posted about a year ago

Lmao feels bad for m80 and tgrd roster that won

posted about a year ago

so who is gonna get the spot ??

posted about a year ago

Can we see some roster changes by then ???

posted about a year ago

when can we see some real valorant matches happening in near future, please don't include Gc unless flor is playing and don't include mid ass regions just tell me the main matches.

posted about a year ago

1 as in the number of rounds nrg will win if they take mitch

posted about a year ago

i gotta submit my cv for campus placements, fuck it I always feel like something is missing in my resume

posted about a year ago

there is a very low risk of a org to go bankrupt as they would go for another series of funding with a higher valuation as its a riot franchised team and they might get better chances for a sponsors and from next year we gonna get skin revenues and they already get 1-1.5 mil a year

posted about a year ago

biggest L from rito what are we gonna do for rest of the year

posted about a year ago

come to Mumbai 🀑

posted about a year ago

can someone explain what happened

posted about a year ago
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