Flag: Austria
Registered: August 5, 2021
Last post: May 4, 2022 at 6:04 AM
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cNed brimstone hit diff , hes known for his strategy " Molly go kill ! and ill bait u with op" top 2 brimstone EASILY

posted about 2 years ago

Ngl I prefer ur list

posted about 2 years ago

Mf ur all insecure that u have to downvote others and upvote ur own comment

posted about 2 years ago

Ok ur brain dead

posted about 2 years ago

The same “dogshit player” 1v3ed ur fanboy team with a classic

posted about 2 years ago

LOL man called dapr and zombs dogshit LUL loser

posted about 2 years ago

That makes no sense at all

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

0/8 bait . make it less obvious FFS

posted about 2 years ago

dude its soo anooying , these mfs act like they are in the voice comms of ALL teams and live with all teams and know everything , they forget the positive ( how he holds down sites) , and only speak bout negative

its as braindead as telling = drop L1NK and Nivera, see where liquid end up if they do that

posted about 2 years ago

I didn’t know it was possible for someone to have worse takes than me bro

posted about 2 years ago

Professional vlr analysts here !! They know more about he teams and how to manage the teams than the teams themselves

posted about 2 years ago

plot twist : SpaceCow was not wavymiet

posted about 2 years ago

they only beat 1 Korean team and also korean killers is Full Sense i think

posted about 2 years ago

100T Purest

posted about 2 years ago

he got blocked cuz he was hating on Sen and their players ---- Sources

posted about 2 years ago

Sources: All SEN members have blocked netero from all social platforms because he hates sentinels now and they were sad that their no 1 fam betrayed them so they blocked netero

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah they can easily win champions with Che-

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

SEN your time has come , sign mike and keep rawkus too hes also good according to players ,and smash nv

posted about 2 years ago

those mfs screwed mike over :/

posted about 2 years ago

idk LOL

posted about 2 years ago

Best Clutch Masters Of the year : Hari " SicK" Mama and Sambhar " Hiko" Methi

posted about 2 years ago

it will be on

posted about 2 years ago

LATAM + KR combine
Then later it will be a 2 team region

posted about 2 years ago

Then name this ratio instead

posted about 2 years ago

No cahh not even trolling

posted about 2 years ago

Imagine discriminating someone cuz of the team they support

posted about 2 years ago

didnt ask + ratio + chupappiwardell owns u

posted about 2 years ago

if believing in ur team is copium then u guys dont believe in ur team and just are there for attention or u guys

posted about 2 years ago

they looked good in the liquid game and kru game , they just choked and had some miscomms , all good they will bounce back

posted about 2 years ago

WTF , also add more tourneys for Tier 1 teams , it sucks seeing best teams in the world like sen , acend , gambit etc play only on vct tourneys

posted about 2 years ago

shahz op was too good bro , he can play chamber ? or make tenz rifle jett or smth and shahz ops ( AGAIN im not calling others bad but shahz op is Reallly good) , i needed to add the ( ) cuz then ppl will take it out of context

posted about 2 years ago

it looks like u changed to minecraft badlion client

overall its good

posted about 2 years ago

actually this guys pretty good , few of his vids came into my reccomended a while ago, i liked it

posted about 2 years ago

so im xyaa

posted about 2 years ago

man said VPN

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

no if purest leaves who will I ratio :(

posted about 2 years ago

edit : man used the " its a troll " jail free card and got away with it while he prob didnt intend it to be a troll ( it prob was and im stupid or ...) , when i LEGITAMITELY troll and say its just a troll i get dm threats

posted about 2 years ago

Ok im gonna Hijack this post ,

posted about 2 years ago

Damn they rivals in 2 games , ( havent faced each other in val yet but its anticipated for a long time now )

posted about 2 years ago

bump ~

posted about 2 years ago

Fnc arent as good as ppl say cuz the Only maps they won were icebox and fracture and lost other maps

posted about 2 years ago

Fnc arent as good as ppl say cuz the Only maps they won were icebox and fracture and lost other maps

posted about 2 years ago

go to horny jail

posted about 2 years ago

? y u attacking my flair ? i know losing is part of the game and im completely fine with it , its a way of becoming better , u really find every way to hate on sen fans huh , cool lol

posted about 2 years ago

Also btw u dont look cool when u do :)) after every sentence ( cuz u think ur cool by doing that , but u just look like a creep )

posted about 2 years ago
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