Flag: Australia
Registered: August 19, 2023
Last post: September 6, 2024 at 4:05 PM
Posts: 403
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They did much better than I thought against loud, was pretty sure they would get mopped both maps but managed to keep it competitive. Considering that loud went complete incognito for the last few months they did very well and I do have faith that they may even scrape a win against them if it was to come to a rematch.

posted 6 months ago

And education obviously isn’t

posted 6 months ago

Him on loud would be guaranteed to make internationals

posted 6 months ago

Rotting away on this team. Why the fuck did this guy not go to loud when Sadhaak wanted him

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Sen definitely has the best looking lineup

posted 6 months ago

if xeta never left c9 his career would've been much better

posted 6 months ago

binds probably their best with sunset coming 2nd and breeze 3rd

posted 6 months ago

I don't think its easy to say, sentinels with d0phh still pushed loud to 3 maps and now that loud have lost their most impactful player they have a high possibility of winning

posted 6 months ago

what rank are you?

posted 6 months ago

I don't think yoru would be too viable, could do some interesting stuff on A but thats it. If they cook with double controller I might cream

posted 6 months ago

fark its so over. Actually like this game

posted 6 months ago

ok even my games aren't that bad

posted 6 months ago

Just waited nearly an hour for a ranked game wtf is happening

posted 6 months ago

that is a good point but omen is pretty meta on all maps and his flashes are really good for execs. He will be with the pack for most of the time so vic will need to learn good lurk timing. Guess the iceman could teach his ways

posted 6 months ago

Victor is amazing don't get me wrong but his sentinel needs some heavy improvements. Last year his lurk timings and impact on attack was just not enough

posted 6 months ago

I honestly highly doubt gold 2 will crack the top 5 in americas. Its over for them

posted 6 months ago

LilRickyy, more like LilFuckingIdiot, theres a reason ur statement has downvotes, its completely wrong. Florescent got diffed by sonofcar in quals.

posted 6 months ago

damn ur fucking braindead, flors has good mechs but everyone on this list clears

posted 6 months ago

I don't think having gekko as solo initiator is viable, sacy will def be playing the other initiator

posted 6 months ago

dogshit bait, either way chet loves double controller too much and even if demon 1 was playing smokes marved would def be playing viper not initiator 🫵🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

posted 6 months ago

unfortunately every other team is just gonna get bodied by oxg and m80

posted 6 months ago

aces again what the fuck

posted 7 months ago

unfortunately keiko's raze is complete dogshit

posted 7 months ago

fr though only one who comes close to him mechanically is alfa

posted 7 months ago

Honestly I think we could be seeing a no-flash initiator meta; double controller is definitely carrying over as viper is just too good, with the singular duelist and sentinel on most maps.

posted 7 months ago

I mean its rightly so, the one player the lost was the best duelist and arguably the best overall player in the world. Ofc they won't turn to shit with the best sentinel player and igl, but they may not be in that form anymore.

posted 7 months ago

As long as they can shut down less's impact on attack I think they should do pretty good.

posted 7 months ago

they gonna have to pull a miracle to get out of that group

posted 7 months ago

insane bait once again by the one and only

posted 7 months ago

Duelists are replaceable but aspas is not, the rest of the team are gonna have a large burden if qck can't pull his weight

posted 7 months ago

GGs Sen are not making it out

posted 7 months ago

what happened to neptune, I swear him and derrek were carrying the whole of rise on their backs

posted 7 months ago

Victor Wembanyama will one day be on this list

posted 7 months ago

Its not her lurking ability rather her stopping power, probably the best in the game allowing her to pretty much cover every chokepoint in the map. She's the whole reason the double controller meta is a thing and has become a staple in pretty much every map but ascent. Definitely needs a nerf to her molies and perhaps the depletion of her fuel.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

viper doesn't need a nerf???????????

posted 7 months ago
  1. LOUD 2022
  2. NV/OPTIC 2021-2022 / FNC 2023 (optic solos in chamber meta)
  3. EG 2023
  4. PAPER REX 2023
  5. LOUD 2023
  6. FPX 2022
  7. GAMBIT 2021
  8. PAPER REX 2024
  9. EDG
posted 7 months ago

He's definitely top 10 by the least, I highly doubt you could name 20 players that arguably have better mechs

posted 7 months ago

I don't love tenz but u are smoking something bro boostio and chronicle would not 1v1, we're talking raw aim and tenz is still amazingly gifted, much better than those two. Arguably he is still top 5 itw with raw mechanics

posted 7 months ago

again in pistol doge and flash is most common so no space for heal. And even in bonus, no teams buy heal if they want to force

posted 7 months ago

The team has a very high ceiling and the player quality is good as well. If they can sort out their mistakes and roles they are a contender

posted 7 months ago

only place where it gets some value and even then, its most likely a team will buy a dog and an extra flash so no heal going into pistol. Heal is definitely the most negligible ability in skyes kit

posted 7 months ago

What, played a millennia ago in iceland? Metas change and viper is irreplaceable now especially on bind, theres a reason no teams play breach on this map

posted 7 months ago

there will be no sage on this map, most likely fnatic comp with gekko instead of skye

posted 7 months ago

the first and last time they played that comp was against eg tf are you yapping about💀

posted 7 months ago

Maybe but I do think slotting in fade for skye wont be viable. They'll most likely change up their comp to double initiator and keep double controller

posted 7 months ago

the prx bind comp that got absolutely demolished

posted 7 months ago

It does benefit them but also fucks up their bind comp which was probably their strongest map

posted 7 months ago
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